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this is the schedule

sorry its so late.

The Vampire Diaries  / The Originals:

No originals this week, or next week. TVD this week and next.


About to post the episodes

Arrow / The Flash / CONSTANTINE:

This week you guys get the finales of Arrow Season 3 and The Flash Season 1. These will be going on break for a bit after these two episodes are on Patreon, so I completely understand leaving and pledging again when season 4 of Arrow begins & season 2 of The Flash (SUPERGIRL AS WELL).

In the mean time, next week we will be beginning Constantine! (13 episode run) - I HOPE YOU'RE EXCITED!

Angel / Dollhouse:

Three Dollhouse episodes this week, no Angel this week - BUT I believe next week is all Angel so, there's that!

Gravity Falls: 

I hope you're enjoying these, it may or may not be 2 episodes this week - depending on the release order.

Game Of Thrones: 

will be posting to youtube soon, i am slow with editing sorry.

4x10 watched today.


Almost done.

Doom Patrol:

Will likely do the rest of the reactions in the next week or so, depending on time :P



Christopher simeon

Just to be sure are you going to finish reacting to all of AOS season 4 before posting or will you start posting episodes before you finish the season


Pink-haired Shan doing Doom Patrol theme dance...life is good!

Paul Gibson

Far Better to release it late and have it well thought out and planned rather than rushed


looking forward to your Constantine reactions and other stuff in the future to watched.

david borokovsky

hey shan, when can we expect buffy season7/series thought video? realy looking forward for that.

Walter Alcaraz

Hopefully you saw Arrow 3x23 before Flash 1x23, otherwise you'd get a little confused as to what happened. Also, Yay! Constantine!

Brandon Wiesner

I believe she mentioned at one point that she would save it for after the Whedonverse is done (ATS & Dollhouse).

Brandon Wiesner

She wants to catch up with the show first, so maybe after the current season (6) ends, she'll start posting. 😜


Shes watched everything else in order why would this be different.

Simon Mathew

Hey Shan, I think it would be a great idea to revisit Restless soon after Angel now with the benefit of hindsight and see all the hints you missed the first go around!