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Brendan O'Connor

“I don’t like Sam’s girlfriend.” Thank You Shan! It’s been a while since I watched this season, but I never got around to thinking that’s the girl Sam Winchester would settle down with.

Brendan O'Connor

BTW This was the episode I knew I loved Benny. He helped Dean for selfish reasons at first, but after all they went through he genuinely considers him a brother. And I like to believe Dean considered him the same way after he saved Cas. And I loved how creepy the montage of Dean and Benny in Purgatory as Benny whistles “In The Hall if The Mountain King”


I don't like Amelia either, I mean the audience is already mad that Sam dropped hunting, you could at least make his love interest likable, like Lisa. I mean even Sam's other "girlfriends" like Madison or Sarah Blake were more likable in just one episode!

Samantha Bailey

They both agreed to let the vegan vampire go but Sam had a monster friend that Dean killed behind his back and said she was a monster and she would kill again. I feel Sam has the right to have an issue with Benny. It is very hypocritical of Dean where he thinks all his choices are right and all of Sam's are wrong. I love the boys but I wont stick with one over the other.

Brenda Lewis

I get what you're saying, but Amelia didn't need to be likable. To me it was better she wasn't. That relationship was never going to last. Sam was running and she was just the first thing he ran into. He was conflicted at first because he had been with her for alittle while and I don't think he was intentionally using her. He seemed like he was trying to hold on to something, anything. I think it would have been much harder for him to leave someone like Sarah or Madison. But as soon as Dean came back he really dropped her pretty quick for his brother. And who are the Winchesters if there is no family drama. I read your comments all the time, I love talking to another passionate fan!


I really like Benny too. Dean seemed to have bonded with him over hunting. Fighting together like that will do that to people. Dean came to trust Benny, and vice versa. I side with Dean on the whole monster vs monster killing issue. Dean did Amy, and he was wrong in not telling Sam. But he was right to kill Amy. But it was also right for Sam to let her go back when he was a kid and she'd saved his life. She hadn't killed anyone. But then she did start killing. She broke that trust. To save her son, granted. But there will likely be another very important reason for her to kill again in the future. So what should they have done? Sam letting her go after she admitted to killing several people was right? Because he had saved her once when she was a kid? Dean is giving Benny a chance. He said himself that if Benny slips up and kills, then he's done for. The same chance Amy had. Dean couldn't go against the agreement they made. He's just not like that. He trusts Benny, and Benny has earned that trust over the previous year. I do think Dean was wrong in not telling Sam about Benny. But I suspect it was because he knew how Sam would react. And Dean knew that Sam would bring up Amy, and he wouldn't be able to get Sam to understand. And people are always saying Dean is a hypocrite. He may be sometimes, but out of the three of them - Dean, Sam and Cas, who has done been right the most? Who has gone behind the others back the least? Dean. Dean didn't work with Ruby for a year behind Sam's back. Dean didn't work with Crowley for a year behind Cas's back. I just think people love to pile things onto Dean because he is tough and can be as tough on others as he is on himself. But he's been hurt the most by Cas and Sam than he has ever hurt them. And he is the only one who has apologized for things that aren't his fault. He accepts blame because he feels that he's always to blame for everything.

Toasted Toad

There is a difference. Sam's friend had killed. Benny and Kate have not.


I agree, I didn't like Sam's girlfriend in this season.