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The Vampire Diaries & The Originals:


2 Originals episodes, sorry these have been inconsistent. They WILL be out this week.


2 Vampire Diaries episodes, next week will begin season 2 of The Originals.

Charmed & Doom Patrol:

Been having troubles keeping up to date with these, but hopefully will catch up this week.



7x20 this week, hopefully if I can - I'll try get one more out for you guys since these have been so sporadic


We start season 8 this week. I just realized while writing this that I only listed one episode... 8x02 will be up this week as well I just cant be bothered re-editing the schedule again :P

The Flash & Arrow:


2 Arrow episodes this week.


2 Flash episodes. I have finished season 1 of The Flash & Season 3 of Arrow now.

Buffy & Angel & Firefly & Dollhouse:


As you know, the episodes of Buffy and Angel got blocked last week. I am working tirelessly to get them back up. I hope I can get them up and viewable again. 7x19 is in the appeal process where I am risking a strike to the channel but it is viewable again so we shall see.

I'll get them out as soon as I can release them. 

This week was suppose to be Serenity Movie, but it's universal and so I am not sure how to proceed with the blocks on that one.


No Buffyverse this week. Will begin Season 5 of Angel & Season 1 of Dollhouse next week!

Gravity Falls: 

Starts next week.

Game Of Thrones: 

I have not seen 8x04 yet. I will react to it when my hair is dry. and upload it asap. 



Chaotic Cam

Wait, sorry, I'm just confused. Did you say you were taking two weeks off for Angel, not one? Cause I thought the week you were taking off was last weeks, as we didn't have anything then. But whoo! Dollhouse, excited for that! :D


Looks like I’ll be doing lots of piloting this week, probably on Thursday (European time) to fill in the void 😊


It was the Firefly Serenity movie last week. It is more Whedonverse than just Buffyverse now as it included Firefly and will include Dollhouse. This is because they are all in the Friday rotation together.


She needed to finish watching Arrowverse first which she has now done. So she will watch some more AoS soon.


No SPN Gag Reel??

Ron Fehr

I hope you were told what you needed to do to get those videos unblocked. It seems unfair to notify you and not tell you how to fix the problem. (Aside from just disputing the blockage, that is)

Allan Cornett

Off topic Shan but are you going to react to the new season of Lucifer?


No she isn't, it is something she watches on her own time.

Johnny Coleman

I can't get access to the dollhouse pilots. It says I have to join the $30 tier to watch that. Is that right? I watched them when they first came out and wanted to rewatch them since you are going to start next week and there isn't any new whedon material.


I know Patreon has seen some of Dollhouse from the pilot picks. Are you just going to started from the next one or just share the first one again. And I know you have a lot of shows all line up for the next ones and your not wanted to look forward until your reaction to them. I was just wondering if you be reaction to a show called Tru calling another Joss Whedon show after Dollhouse and Angel. Sorry I know you don't really like questions like these and I'm sorry and if you can understand this, then congrats. Thanks for all your hard work.


Can we please have some wrap up videos on Buffy? For example, thoughts on season 7, top 10 favourite of all time, etc. ? Please?!? 😍


Tru Calling isn't a Whedon Show. Only Dushku is there, and yes she's brillant as always.