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Banking on more Spuffy feels from Shan (this is before I watch, obviously). :)

s jaco

I read you just finished buffy... wow. It's been an amazing ride with you. I cannot wait to see these last two episode with you.

Eric Zebrowski

Shan You should mount up the Scythe somewhere. :)


Avengers Endgame, Shane loses his Doctor and now this? I am almost out of emotions.


Now that it is time, your friend should give you that scythe from that convention


Oh my god! It's the ChoShan One! Don't try to open boxes with that scythe, though. Beheadings on livecam are kinda gross... :p PS: I did notice it was the same sweater! What does that say about me?


ignore this, maybe next time I will watch the video first.




When "Bangel" happens and then you are reminded that you are a "Spuffy".....priceless, now in the next one we wait on the wrestling


dagnabit, once again all I had to do was wait......I will say nothing about you making fun of your new toy when your friend first showed you. What a long strange trip it's been


Also, could we observe a moment of silcence for Kitty Fantastico?


I like the weapon. I remember when Angel came on, I shouted out. I don't know if I'm ready to watched your next on as it is the end, but need to.

Jon Dub

I have only just noticed that the symbol above the door of the crypt where Buffy fights Caleb is an Orb connected to two wings, exactly what the Beast used to turn out the sun in LA!!


oh my god Shan you looked like a slayer with the scythe!!!!


OMG! You're at the end Shan!! My sympathies for Buffy being over for you.

Bruce Trogdon

I don't know if they're “call-backs”, “pay offs” or “bookends” but there are a couple of scenes in “End Of Days” which play off of scenes in “Get It Done”. The more important of them is the scene in the cave where the Shadowmen try to force more power on Buffy. Buffy refused more power from the Shadowmen while Caleb readily accepted power from his benefactor. Since he's a willing participant they play that scene as a wine cellar romance rather than a sexual assault in a cave.


Aw, that Spuffy kitchen scene always gets to me, makes me teary every time. "It was the best night of my life." "Were you there with me?" "I was." And then we get Bangel kissing at the end after all that Spuffy intimacy! ( I need a shock horror! emoji , lol). We need a bit of Spuffel, gimme. (Spuffel = Spike/Buffy/Angel) Wow, that is the awesomest present from your friend, how wonderful is she! When you said in the last vid that it was cheaper than usual I thought - 'oh? about $200-300 then?'. Cos I've only ever seen it for $600 (US) or more. Your friend got it for $40-50 !!!! I'm gobsmacked!! So then I thought it must be the new plastic ( but done well & realistically) ones that are out - but no! - it has heft and weight, so it seems like the metal & wood pricey one. That is a damn fine scythe. ( I'm going all Mal, lol. My cussing is usually more Spike-like, being a Londoner.) One last thing before onto the finale. Don't let Dawn around anywhere with a crossbow - especially if there are cute kitties about. ( I'm glad they decided to explain where Miss Kitty Fantastico had gone to, but damn....)


Yes that is a fun little Easter egg. I wonder if they included that symbol since the scythe was apparently forged during prehistory or the dawn of civilization, like during Ancient Egypt times. And the scythe hieroglyph that they found online, hieroglyphs and Phoenician alphabet being closely related to ancient Egypt, and that orb and wing structure was taken from the Ra-Tet, which in Angel they explained was the totems representing the ancient Egyptian god Ra as he (I can’t remember......ascended? Walked?) took some journey lol. I think the writers ultimately were just having fun but it just makes me want even more world building in the buffyverse. Between this episode and the one where Jasmine explains her origins, we know that first there were old ones,pure demons that walked the earth, and then the shadow men created the slayer with demon essence to combat the other demons, then these guardian women watched the would be watchers and made this weapon for the slayer, and apparently it was last used to kill a pure demon, then according to Jasmine, the demons went underground and Man arose......its all very fascinating to me, I admit. NEED MORE LORE! Lol 1 more episode to go! What a journey........

Patrick Lyke

So jealous of the axe!!! Definitely worth the purchase no matter the cost!! :)

Ron Fehr

Shannan, the honorary vampire slayer. Yay!

Ron Fehr

Scythe matters- a play on words. 'Size matters'. Kind of a Male macho thing. In certain instances it often has to do with men's penises.

Ron Fehr

Regarding Anya's comment about the movie 'Jaws' ( the original blockbuster).- Yes, the movie ended with Roy Scheider's character shooting at an oxygen tank in the shark's mouth. Although the shark blew up in the movie, that's not what would really happen. An episode of 'Mythbusters' disproved that. The worst that would happen would be puncturing the tank, causing oxygen to quickly escape and probably pushing the shark back. But no explosion. The tanks are too strong for that.

Ron Fehr

Wow, Shan! Watcher watchers? That what I've always called them.

Timotey Kuhn

Really? You're wearing the same shirt from the first episode you uploaded??? *Runs to look* So it iiiiis! :D Also.....maybe it was just a microphone thing, but you voice sounds lower/deeper in your earliest episodes.

Timotey Kuhn

OM freaking G! Big "One more episode to go" hugs on Shan! <3


Loved Shan's "What happened to Ms Kitty Fantastico?!" face.

Loves Bitca

The "Ms Kitty Fantastico" line was funny at the time, because I watched this when it first aired and was active on the message boards. There were often posts about "Whatever happened to Ms Kitty Fantastico" because they got her and then she was never seen or mentioned again. Well fans got their answer, though they weren't happy about it. Of course that also added to the Dawn hate.


Seriously, I cant believe you FAILED TO SEE 'Guest Starring David Boreanaz' in the opening credits! haha which happens to be a good thing 'cause you totally were surprised to see Angel appear near the end of this episode. Same thing happened when Faith appeared again on Angel s4 ep 13 'Salvage' and Eliza Dushku's named appeared in the credits. hehe About the BAngel kissing moment, yeah I got mixed emotions about that 'cause it's like they already broke up and then got back together??? Last time they talked... wasn't it back in season 1 ep. 19 of Angel though? Not sure if that the last time but I don't remember them getting back together though. And I understand why you felt weird about it 'cause I think most of us were totally shipping Spuffy after 'Touched' and I still can't get over the Spuffy scenes. *sigh* So I felt like that kiss with Angel was like a random one between two former lovers. Not to say Buffy and Spike are really together but they just started getting really close and it's like Angel's reappearance just ruined the moment or the chance that Spuffy will establish their friendship any further. I mean, that scene where Spiked asked Buffy "where you there with me?" it's like he was wondering if Buffy felt something for him, something real like what he felt for her. He's still in love with her obviously and he's still hoping there's a chance that they'll have something real (not like the one in season 6 though). Anyway, this was a neat episode. That scene where Xander was driving and Dawn regained consciousness then suddenly tasered him, the car didn't look like it was going fast enough 'cause Dawn easily was able to maneuver it lol I thought maybe that was a goof or something.