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Chaotic Cam

Lol, Iove your figures of Dany and the Night King riding dragons

Brandon Wiesner

It was a good episode but...I'm ready for some battle action already!

Allan Cornett

This season is one long movie. The first two episodes set up the battle to come and let us see many of the characters we love in what might be their final moments. I don’t think everyone makes it out alive so I have enjoyed the time I get to spend with them before the final battles. About half way through the episode I knew that they wouldn’t face the night king till next week and I was very OK with that.

Chaotic Cam

My three people: White walker extra 1, White walker extra 2, and last but not least, White walker extra 3. I'll give you a generous five dollars if I'm wrong. ;)


My 3 are Theon Greyjoy, Edd & Beric Dondarrion.


My three are Daenerys, Jorah and Beric Dondarrion. I hope the Starks had the sense to burn their dead rather than bury them in the crypts where all the non-combatants are gathering.


My 3 are - Pod, Grey Worm, and Jorah. A few more, but I think those are the 3 most likely. Pod looked very cool in this episode, so he's toast. Grey Worm is too happy with Missandae, so he's dead. I think Jorah dying will have an interesting effect on Dany, so he's toast.

Hannibal Lecter

My 3 are grey worm, Gilly and theon. 1- Grey Worm is a cool character but I think they've done enough with his storyline. 2: Gilly because I think the knight king will resurrect the dead in the crypts and death will follow. 3: Theon will die protecting bran from the walkers


Jorah, Theon and Pod.


I fear my favorite will die. Jaime. Thormund will probably fall saving Brienne. Bronn will die too, not killing either brother and die because of it.


My three are Greyworm, Pod and possibly Theon. After this episode, I actually hope it's not Theon because I oddly now ship him and Sansa.


Samwell Jorah Tormund Giantsbane (he damned sure earned the right to be named in full)


I can't see Sam dying at all. He's one of the few I think will survive the whole thing.


My Three: Grey Worm, Jorah, Brienne


1. Theon 2. Grey Worm 3. Brienne of Tarth


Podrick Beric Dondarrion Grey Worm


I hope I’m wrong but based on scenes from tonight’s episode, I think Brienne, Grey Worm and Theon are dying next week. Brienne being knighted is a perfect end to her arc. Theons redemption arc will come full circle if he dies protecting the Starks. And Grey Worm has said his whole reason for being is to be a good soldier. Dying in combat is exactly how he expects to go.

Paul Gibson

Brienne, Jorah and the hound


1. Davos 2. Edd 3. the little girl protecting the crypt


"Well, calling *you* fucked wouldn't be strictly accurate..." was an awesome retort by Sam. :D


Alternatively, Missandei could die instead of Grey Worm. I could see him at the end sailing off to her homeland to keep his promise.

Patrick Lyke

Brienne, Grey Worm, and Theon are the ones I'm thinking won't make it :(


I've only seen parts of the series but it just seems foreboding to me, and as this is just a hypothesis, but in case I am right and someone doesn't want to read it before next week will put it in the reply :


But from the scenes they have have shown and what Dany says, the fact that all the women and children are hiding out in the Crypt where all the dead Starks are buried... How far away does the night king have to be to wake the dead? or do they have to kill them to make them part of his army?


Tangential to topic, but did anyone ever propose Skins as a pilot? Or did ASR already see that show? The actor who plays Gilly was really great on that!


If the hound dies it will be while killing his brother down the road I think.


1. Beric 2. Edd 3. Gilly And whose idea was it to put all the non-combatants down in the crypt? All those people are going to die when the Night King shows up. Everyone in the crypt: “Yay! We’re all safe down here.” The Night King: waves his hand and all the dead reanimate. Zombie Ned: BRAAAAAAAAAAINSSSSSS!!!

Patrick - Excelsior

1. Jorah 2. Greyworm 3. Theon I think there will be more than this but for the sake of the game these are my picks. I would be surprised if the dead are even able to be raised in the crypt. They are entombed in stone, they would have to be very strong dead to burst through stone. And most have long ago turned dust. Maybe killer dust?

Timotey Kuhn

*air cellos out to theme song*

Timotey Kuhn

BTW... Love your nerding out to the theme song. :D