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...And we're back! 


The Originals & The Vampire Diaries:


  • There's still one episode of TVD that should be out any minute - it got blocked, so it's a nopip with a link to a version for free.
  • Two Originals episodes this week, will likely have them out at some point - sorry they've been late recently.


  • Two Originals episodes this week, I watched them last week - enjoy the new landscape!

Doom Patrol & Charmed:


  • Charmed 1x16 was quite good, it's edited and will be uploaded any minute, 1x17 comes out later today and will likely be edited and uploaded by Wednesday? Maybe.
  • Doom Patrol 1x06 was an interesting experience and will be uploaded to YouTube as soon as it's edited, likewise with 1x07 (however I have only seen 1x06 as of right now).


  • Charmed 1x16 was quite good. Will be posted in about 3 hours, 1x17 will be out as soon as it's reacted to. 
  • Doom Patrol 1x06 was an interesting experience and will be posted in about 3 hours, 1x07 will be reacted to later today along with Charmed.



  • These are behind, they will catch up - I apologize and talk about the issue in 7x15 I think? I hope everyone will weigh in.


  • There will be no issues with Supernatural this week. If there is, please yell at me.

Arrow & The Flash:


  • No Flash this week as it's the order that I watched it in.
  • Two Arrow episodes this week.
  • The last episode of The Flash that I reacted to was: 1x21 - Grodd Lives & the last episode of Arrow that I reacted to was: 3x20 - The Fallen.


  • This week you guys get 3 Arrowverse! YAY! (A one time thing, for now...)
  • Two Arrow episodes... again but also, a VIXEN EPISODE? Enjoy.
  • The last episode of The Flash that I reacted to was: 1x21 - Grodd Lives & the last episode of Arrow that I reacted to was: 3x20 - The Fallen. 

Buffy & Angel & Firefly:


  • All three episodes are fantastic.
  • I do like to give out at least ONE free full reaction to each show I do - Buffy had "The Body", Supernatural has had "Changing Channels" & "The French Mistake", The Vampire Diaries has had "The Departed" - I will be making Angel 4x15 - Orpheus, a free full reaction. I hope you enjoy :) but please, don't expect this all the time. This is just to say thank you for the support on the show  and to show that I do appreciate you all during this journey.


  • There will be no Buffy this week, but two Angel episodes and the Firefly finale.
  • There is a question I'd like answered to those of you who read these, I can do the movie "Serenity" next week but there will be no Buffy or Angel, just the movie - or I can wait until these seasons are over and do it before Angel season 5. I leave this in your hands.

Patreon Pilots:

  • I have almost finished them! 
  • 3 Pilots left to do, Quantum Leap, The Good Place & The Runaways. 
  • I will be posting the others as soon as I can.

Smallville Rewatch:

  • Will we get one this week? 

Doctor Who:

  • It was a April fools joke, I apologize if it upset anybody :( not our intention. 

Game Of Thrones: 

  • The videos are still coming, they just take a bit of time editing.
  • Are you guys enjoying these?

It's $40 a month to have 1tb of space on OneHub (I will not use another site), anyways, I reached my maximum... the next update is $100 a month for unlimited so I've done that, wish there was an in between though :P seems like a lot of extra space.



Christopher simeon

You don’t have to say were you are but are you enjoying AOS season 4


My vote is for serenity when Btvs & Ats are finished with their current seasons 💖

Brandon Wiesner

I vote for Serenity later on but here's why. The movie was released some years after the show ended and watching it right after the show is a little jarring. I won't go into why specifically because of spoilers but yeah, better to watch it after the current BV seasons.


Haven't had a chance to watch anymore yet, but I'll be watching more i think this week. but yes, GHOST RIDER WOO


Serenity now! (thats a Seinfeld joke) Actually Im easy either way.


Buffy & Angel are full of unresolved plot points; what's the deal with Angel's grandbaby? Can Buffy defeat evil itself? Does having an extra slayer help? What about cheese guy??? Serenity was made years after Firefly, to me, it feels like revisiting an old friend one last time. A small break helps set the tone.


Yeah, Serenity after Buffy, and acutually id wait til after Angel season 5. Also, after Angel Season 5, would love to see you react to Joss Whedon's Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog


Definitely AFTER Buffy & Angel, please.


After Buffy and Angel season 4 please.

Tom Tattershall

I prefer that Shan watch Serenity sooner rather than later. I'm not really happy to delay Buffy episodes, but just finish off Firefly. Why wait? I think Shan will be happy to know she has finished the complete series and to delay the end of Buffy a little which she is not especially looking forward to.


Another vote to wait for the end of the current seasons before watching Serenity -- I just think it'll flow better to finish them before you watch a whole movie.


Finish Buffy and Angel season 4 then Serenity. I plan on binging your reactions of Firefly and Serenity. Excited to see them.


I'll vote for delaying Serenity. I've read other people's comments. There's an upside to delaying Serenity. There's no upside to delaying Angel and Buffy. (I love all of Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and Serenity, so I am not speaking from a bias for or against any of them.)


I'd do Serenity after you have finished Buffy.

Bria Bey

I would finish Buffy and the other shows before watching the movie.


I say wait until after! You'll have something to look forward to after Buffy ends!

Timotey Kuhn

One... Loving all the GOT stuff across the board. Bad Lip reading, Rhapsody, Telltale GOT... all of it. :D Two. After much ponderance... I would add to the total vote idea in which after you finish the last episode of Firefly itself, finish the rest of Buffy and Angel season 4.... THEN do the Serenity movie.


Honestly I'd ask you how far along before you finish Buffy and Angel, meaning you react to a lot. If it's going to be a bit for you where you might lose the connection and continuity to the Firefly series, I'd say do it first. If it's not going to be that long for you where you feel sure that you won't lose anything in your enjoyment (I.E. attachments to the characters) then you could wait. I would think of it that way and not the other.


I'd say delay Serenity, to reflect a little of what we the fans went through (2 years of uncertain wait between the Firefly cancellation and the movie release) :p


Also, not fond of 3 consecutive weeks without Buffy, even if I now that there'll be lots of consecutive weeks without Buffy in the near future...


I think it makes more sense if you watch the movie after you finished Buffy & Angel current seasons.


Yeah, I'll add another vote for waiting until the seasons are over before doing Serenity.


yeh as much as i want you to react to the movie, i would rather you finish buffy and this season of angel first


Too bad that for so long no flash came. Unfortunately, this is the only series that interests me currently.