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Jarrod Wild

Buffy, Slayer of the Vampyres. This isn't a great episode, but I do love Andrew's humor. And the ending of him giving up on his storytelling is poignant. Andrew finally facing the truth of what he did and Buffy scaring him to tears feels like step one of his attempt at redemption.


Andrew may be annoying but god his stupidity and nerdiness makes me laugh.


I must admit, this wasn't one of my favorites of the season. Did like Buffy scaring Andrew into crying so the seal would calm down a bit.


BTW, Shan. You still don't understand the cheese stuff? But it's so obvious... LOL

Signe (Seena) Stewart

This episode always gives me the giggles. It's just so weird and absurd. And I love that you noticed the cheese guy

s jaco

I love this episode so much, especially the slowmotion montage. so funny.

Bruce Trogdon

Andrew is my least favorite recurring character but this is a rich episode with lots of comedy and some good meta commentary. I love how all of those high school problems which used to seem like the Worst. Problem. Ever. aren't really that big of a deal compared to what Buffy is dealing with now. Even if Andrew dies in the same way that he killed Jonathan, it won't make them even, but now that he's admitted his guilt, Andrew can START working on redemption. This is the second straight episode with a line about DOING and not just WATCHING anymore plus this episode gives us a glimpse of how myths and legends are created - with a little truth and a lot of embellishment by the storyteller.

Claire Eyles

The beginning sequence is a total piss take of Masterpiece Theatre.


OMG! You look so sad at the start of the video, talking about Buffy ending. I can't stand it!!! I have an idea. A Buffy rewatch. That's right. The entire thing. Only this time, it will be fun to watch you catch all the clues and foreshadowing that happens in this show. I, for one, would find that journey just as interesting as the first time. I promise, you missed a lot and would be fun to see you discover it. Just throwing it out there.


I love this episode. Along with Dead Things, it is the most important episode for The Trio. It puts Andrew's tendency to frame everything within a narrative against Buffy's naked existentialism.


I felt the same as her when it ended... and i IMMEDIATELY started it again. Gotta say... I think I liked it even more the 2nd time.

Sheriff Uchiha

Why did you mention the vampires showing up on film? Andrew asked why do vampires show up on film if they have no reflextion.


Holy Crap!!! When Shan paused the cheese, something occurred to me!!! Is it a representation of the slayer line? They way each overlaps one another, down a LINE??? <><><><><><><><> Is that what the cheese is? Sorry really excited if I finally caught up. LOL


I’m pretty sure the snakey monster from the season 1 finale was killed when the hellmouth briefly opened in The Zeppo, don’t quote me on that though

Paul Thomas-Humphreys

By this point, Andrew was in my top 2 favourite characters when I first watched


Yes, I think so, too. The hardest battle the Scoobies ever fought. Angel almost died :p


Andrew tends to win a lot of people over in this season, but his humor isn't for everyone I suppose. I personally like his character a good bit.


i love this episode... i love the humour, how Andrew frames the world and everything that happens like a story from one of the comics or shows he loves... he cant face up to the things he did, and his coping mechanism is to make it a story... i thought it was very clever, with lots of humour... I like the back and forth, and I adore Andrew lol

Jason Veevaert

I cracked up watching at "We are as GODS!!!"


A blonde sits in a small, cramped room in their house, speaking to camera...There's a knock on the door...The monologue is interrupted, the head turns, the door opens...and it's NOT Shan's dad?! Seriously, if ever there was a perfect meta time to make one of his cameos, that was it!


I'd like to support the suggestions of a full re-watch. I would be happy to spend the extra $3 for the re-watch tier.


Shan I'm getting emotional, I've been a patron since you started full reactions of Buffy in season 4 I think it was? And I watched on youtube before that. You've come so far since then and we've shared so much excitement, fun and tears. The finale will destroy me I think.

Andrew Pulrang

Yeah, a double piss take. He's imitating the particular over-dramatic and highbrow style of Masterpiece Theatre, (American PBS show with mini-series usually from "classic" literature and mostly from the UK) ... plus, he's doing it badly!

Andrew Pulrang

And the amazing thing is that this was before virtually anyone even thought of a thing like YouTube!


I never noticed the Cheese Guy appeared until you pointed it out. And I've been a Buffy fan for almost 13 years.

Richard Lucas

It’s like the coming end of GoT in a way, the chatharticness. It’s getting so near the end here, and yet there is so much still to come!

Andrew Pulrang

I think maybe this is Joss' way of winding up the arc of "The Three," which I think was at least partly about a certain kind of "fandom" where the conventions and tropes of storytelling kind of end up replacing real life. All three of them were trying to live out some kind of comic book / fantasy film life, and this allowed them to paper over their very deep flaws ... Warren his true evil and abusiveness towards women, Jonathan his overall weakness, and Andrew his obsession with stories themselves. Now he's finally maybe come to realize that stuff is real. But the other pieces of this episode were kind of weak ... especially the stuff with Robin and Spike. I like Robin, but this business with Spike is dragging on and is kind of annoying. Great reaction though, as always!


My appreciation for this episode, and for Andrew as a character, certainly increased on rewatches. Now I like this one a lot, but when first aired it was quite the eyeroll festival


Well done Shan on spotting the Cheese man! I think it took me until my 2nd watch. :)


"We are as gods!!" Well, this episode is a bizarre little trip inside Andrew's mind. It’s definitely rather weird first time watching it. I like the concept, of Andrew using storytelling as a form of denial and escapism from reality. It’s like his fanfiction slightly off-canon version of the Buffyverse reality. :) It’s quite amusing and entertaining. Especially the kitchen montage, and Spike pretending to be his old big bad bristly self for the camera. :D I find it quite amusing that Andrew probably asked Spike for exactly what he wanted him to do in the scene. The ‘We are as gods’ fantasy is hilarious. I really like how Buffy brings Andrew out of his fairytale land of denial, and that Andrew has acknowledged what he did by the end. BUT, I find it WAY too much to have a whole Andrew centric episode at this point near the end of the whole show. There’s only 5 episodes left, and it feels like way too much time spent on this minor character, who I wasn’t too keen on at this point, (he’s grown on me with re-watches - to a degree, sometimes I find him just as irritating as the first time), when there is so little of the show left. If we had another whole season left to go, I wouldn’t mind it. However, we have definitely not had enough focus and story arcs on Willow and Xander so far this season. The season is a bit overcrowded with all the Potentials, and though I find this episode amusing, it wasn’t the best use of time I think to put so much focus on Andrew on top of that. Saying that - I really love the Xander and Anya scenes in this episode, and that although this is Andrew centric, they get quite a bit of story in this episode.


"Why can't you just masturbate like the rest of us?" I heart Anya!!! <3 <3 You didn't seem too keen on that Shan? But I love it :D


I'm with you on the whole concept of an Andrew-centric episode. I don't know of anyone who kept thinking, "You know what Buffy needs? MORE ANDREW."


Yup! Why can't I me nice and succinct like you?! Like , no one is gonna bother to read my long comment to even notice that I get to this half way down. Lol !


Exactly--off-canon fanfic. Which, as a fic writer (and a fan of Summary Executions... blast from the past), I totally appreciate. But it's, like you said, too much.

David Caine

I liked the nice comedic episode. Character growth for a character I didn't think would get any growth. I liked the fantasy sequences for a laugh, it's one of the things I loved about Buffy, not taking itself too seriously all the time. Tom Lenk deserves more props as an actor, he played that quirky character too well, and could get serious when necessary. I began to like Andrew after this. And the Cheese man, I watched Buffy from the beginning and this is the first time I had this pointed out, thanks Shan!

Brandon Wiesner

There's always the option of just donating more, just if that's what you want to do. It doesn't necessarily have to be about what you get for it.

Brandon Wiesner

I think Andrew was pronouncing it like that, because of how the book is called "Vampyr." Even though it's still pronounced "Vampire," he think's he's being clever or smart (dare I say nerdy).


Andrew is definitely gay. I can't believe I never noticed it when I was younger.


You may not be a fan of Andrew but Tom Lenk, the actor who plays him, is awesome. You should check out his Instagram. It’s one of the best things on the internet. <a href="https://www.instagram.com/tommylenk/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.instagram.com/tommylenk/</a>


Fun fact for Shan, Van just watched Real Me, and I know Shan watches Van (so rhymey!). Tom Lenk who plays Andrew also played one of Harmony's minions in that ep. Did you catch it Shan?


I watch both. That's cute timing with Tom Lenk being somewhat prominent in both their Buffy eps.

Chris (darkwater)

That cold open is one of my favourites of the whole series. Especially once Anya gets into it :)


I...really don't like Andrew so this was never one of my favorites. Parts of it are funny, but I just really never liked him, so I had a hard time getting into it.


It was the best, funny in places. I wish Giles was there.

Ron Fehr

I think the beginning of the episode is meant to be a spoof of an old show called Masterpiece Theater. Also I think that the beginning was played in Andrew's mind, the way he pictured his narration.

Ron Fehr

The cheese, just like in the episode 'Restless', was just meant to signify that it was a dream. It was something that played no part in the events of the dream, something out of place, making us wonder if things were real.


Wow so many people meh to ugh on Andrew! I love him so much. His awkward little wave at the beginning "Come gentle viewers..." cracks me up. But one thing I noticed is that the "charm" was a like one of those Himalayan salt lamps that are so popular now that are supposed to do something to ions, but are at least very pretty lighting! I felt like that was a fairly recent product!