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Hello it's annual poll time.

If you haven't noticed there is a LOT of pilots that have been selected since the tier was created. Below I have crafted a list of 20 of the pilots that have been both widely liked by you guys (20+ hearts on Patreon) and ones I've genuinely enjoyed.

I would like to say I've enjoyed a lot of the pilots/episodes but the poll list here only allows 20 picks.

A few things about this poll to keep in mind.

* Pick as many as you like depending on what you've enjoyed watching with me and seeing me react to. (This could help impact the choice I am making when finishing a show).
* Just because one has a higher percentage of votes does not mean it will be the next show to be picked up for reactions, it might be - it might not be. 
* Some of these are definitely going to become reactions in the future regardless of votes - I'm not going to say which but you should have a pretty good idea anyway. 
* This is not me asking for new shows, it's simply asking what episodes you guys have personally enjoyed.
* The poll will close in a weeks time.
* The pilots are still coming, this is just about the existing pilots so far. 

It would mean a lot to me if everyone could let me know what they liked.




More good choices! One thing to consider is how many reactors are already reacting to a show. Looking forward to whatever you chose though


my votes are cast for True Blood, Farscape, Teen Wolf, and Secret Circle :) x

s jaco

Voted Grey's and the Magicians.


Still can't believe Shan reacted to a show called iZombie.


I'm mildly sad because I think people probably aren't going to vote for Grey's Anatomy and tbh out of all the shows on the list it's probably the most react-worthy alongside Alias and Lost.


the one i absolutely had to add was farscape, slow starter like Buffy, but the pay-off is great


while i agree its a good reaction show its not really her type of show.

Nicole Christie

voted ALIAS, Greys Anatomy and True Blood


Wow, people here really aren't into cartoons. 🙁


People in general usually aren't. It's a shame since a lot of great, well-written and thought-provoking animated shows have come out over the years but people refuse to watch them because they think of them as "childish"


I noticed Bitten wasn’t on either list but I also really enjoyed that pilot.


I did enjoy it, but I had to cut it from the list 20+ hearts was the criteria inc the ones that are being continued more.


Most of these shows are beneath you. Sorry you seem to enjoy the well thought out character arc and relationship building show.


1Doctor Who 2 Attack on Titan 3 Farscape 4 Good Place 5 Coupling .......... characters, stories, universe building shows, but like Buffy and Angel they create/allow growth of the viewer.....also you will know within 2 1/2 episodes if these shows are for you (Doctor Who is like Buffy people will tell you the first season is rough, but most tend to like that season as well. As always I trust your judgement so pick a show you enjoy.


She isn't asking for new shows just peoples thoughts on the existing pilots.


You have a lot of great pilots pick.


I was hoping t see Dirks Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

Brandon Wiesner

So many votes for iZombie...man, people are cruel! LOL

Chaotic Cam

The Gifted would receive 100 clicks if I could, lol. I mean, X-Men, c'mon lol.

Tom Tattershall

Surprised Revenge wasn't on either poll and then checked. It only got 19 hearts!?


Alias is one of the greatest pilots ever -- it's like a film (it aired without commercials), and it's exciting, twisty, emotional, groundbreaking, and it has a kickass female protagonist with influences of Buffy, and it has a stellar cast. Lost is my runner-up, but it's more epic and mystery-driven. It's an excellent pilot, but you spend most of it wondering what the hell is going on.


So happy to see Alias getting so many votes! Glad everyone enjoyed it :-)


Farscape is sooooo good <3


No Chuck :(


Somehow I missed your Reaction to Twin Peaks! I need to correct that.


Oh no, I’m so sad to see no OUAT :(. I was very hopeful because Shan said she bought the series and would be reacting to it at some point. I’m holding out hope that maybe she has it planned for a later time. Good luck to everyone on their picks!


Oh nvm me I’m an idiot and just saw the first half of the poll. Happily voted for OUAT and the good place!

Jon Dub

I really think you would like True Blood as a series if you continued watching.


I really enjoyed the pilot episode of Eureka


I love "Sliders" but fair warning it is very similar in tone to "Doctor Who" it is a Scifi show. It was my fix for when Doctor Who was off the air.......just a heads up it doesn't have the votes but just so you know going forward.