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I don't think anybody was ready for this, to be honest Edit: Referring to Willow/Kennedy, of course. Like you said, while I agree Willow deserves to be happy, I haven't moved on from Tara. It's been years since I had to mourn her but I still miss her like crazy. She was my favorite character, the one I related to the most growing up, for years. RIP my heart

Claire Eyles

"Get them drunk and see if they come onto you" Ah, how about f*ck off and no. Also there are not enough nopes in the world for Kennedy and Willow.


Was totally not on board for this episode. Did Joss really think, after killing off Tara less than a year earlier, that fans were going to be okay with Willow/Kennedy? If so, that was a massive miscalculation on his part. YUCK!! On the other hand, loved the Spike/Buffy mission!

Claire Eyles

I don't like Kennedy as a character at all, regardless of the Willow angle (just my personal opinion, don't expect people to agree or disagree either way), but after a number of rewatches, over many years, I do kinda feel that maybe I could've begrudgingly rolled my eyes and gone 'Yeah, okay, I'll tolerate Kennedy' if they'd bought her in as a friend for Willow and not as a potential love interest.


Ghost things are always a fugde. See a ghost upstairs? How come the floor is solid, the floor is an object.

Sheriff Uchiha

Too rushed. Would rather have seen Willow play the field first. I never really bought Willow has gay, she was with Tarra only then after she died straight to another relationship. I never saw her express attraction to woman in general. No flirting or checking girls out, never asked attempted to take the lead. First Terra took control then Kenady. Just never felt genuine. Apart from that time she was staring at Dawn's ass when she didn't know it was her. Vamp Willow was more believable. We no Alison can pull it off so why never write in actually dialogue about being gay. She is only ever gay when her girlfreinds are around. Also she never told Kenady she was gay so why was she so forward with hitting on her? When I tried being gay I only hit on guys I knew or assume where gay at gay bars or grinder.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I didn't care for Kennedy either... I think it was her super stong personally more than replacing Tara. I realized in this episode that its not replacing Tara but its Willow working on moving on from loosing Tara before the series came to an end. It would not have been ok for the show to end without seeing Willow get through ger darkest days... At least thats how I felt at the end of this episode. Willow let it go... She misses Tara and will always have a place in her heart for her, just like she will always have a place for Oz, but if they left the series with her not letting there be room in her heart it would have always been that WTH thought. Mayve she and Kennedy become something and last the rest of their live or maybe they don't have a relationship at all, but at least Willow is able to let someone in again... Someday.


I'm personally fine with Willow/Kennedy. Don't particularly like Kennedy's character, but Willow deserves to be happy. I know a lot of people have problems with Willow seemingly moving on too soon, but do they really think there is any set amount of time you are supposed to mourn before it is okay to move on? We got the scene of visiting Willow visiting Tara's grave, and we got the dialogue in this episode proving Willow is still very much in love with her. That to me does justice for Willow and Tara's relationship. Just my opinion.


I like the idea of Willow's guilt turning into Warren thing. The problem is... I HATE KENNEDY! She is my least favorite character in the entire show. On the other hand, Buffy going downstairs to talk to Spike and being all nervous about it was cute.


The Giles not touching anyone or anything since he returned was actually a legit point. Although almost no one, myself included, would have picked up on it as the episodes proceeded forward after he came back from England, the fact is that Giles never did touch anything or anyone. If you remember, when he first showed up at the door Buffy went to hug him but the new girls barged in preventing that. And in every episode Giles was asking one of the girls to pick up something or get something for another person. This was something Joss did intentionally to try and create a little tension. But as I said, most of us didn't pick up on those things as we were watching the first time so it didn't have a huge impact on many of us.

Chris Peacock

I'm not gonna touch the Willow/Kennedy stuff, but I'll defend the idea of Giles possibly being the first all day every day. Thank god he wasn't, but sitting on a chair/rock and whatnot is completely meaningless. Almost every movie/show ever made that has an incorporeal thing in it still had it touching the ground. It's just how it has to be for filming. It's not remotely the same as touching a person or picking up Vi's notebook. Let's pretend Giles WAS the first. He'd easily be able to "sit" in a car. No proof there. He would not be able to pick up Vi's notebook... which he didn't.


When First Evil appears it's always doing something. Standing, walking, talking, stroking Spike's cheek, wearing clothes, sitting. The stool might realize that it isn't being sat upon but I doubt anyone watching would be able to tell. They certainly didn't realize that Eve wasn't real while she was living there. I see others posted similar stuff while I was typing so I'll add that 'Is Giles the first' is misdirection anyway. On future viewings it'll give you something to do figuring out what it's directing you away from which is, IMO, the more important plot point.


Willow’s guilt coupled with Amy’s hex to create Warren was definitely one of my favorite concepts in a Buffy episode. Hats off to Allison for her performance at the end. That girl can cry better than most actors I’ve seen. Heartbreaking every time and this episode, man it gets to me.


I actually like Kennedy. Tara is untouchable in my heart as my second favorite character of all time but I dont resent the new relationship. The only problem I have is that Tara's death never had closure to me. The season 6 finale episodes kinda brushed it aside and so we never got to properly grieve, like we did for Jenny.

Jarrod Wild

Drew Greenberg wrote this episode and responsible for the initial development of Kennedy as a character. Maybe he could have done a better job, but I was fine with it. Drew is now a regular writer for Agents of Shield.


Seen the series many many times and I still really dislike Kennedy, that’ll never change.

Thomas Hansen

I like Kennedy and have never been a fan of how certain segments of the fandom police Willow's queerness.

Dan H

Adam Busch deserves a lot of kudos for his portrayal of Willow.


I like Kennedy. She's a breath of fresh air. She's much like Faith when we first meet her, just without the trauma.

Andrew Pulrang

I think there's at least a fair argument FOR Kennedy, even though she's far from my favorite character. I think it's arguably interesting that she's a bit of an opposite to Tara ... more self-confident and forward, and maybe that's a good thing for Willow. I think maybe if they'd waited until the last or second to last episode and just gave us a nod towards them having a possible relationship going forward, we would have felt better about it. Then it would be a nice indication that Willow was potentially going to be able to move on, but we wouldn't have had to see it and feel that conflict with our affection for Tara. Overall not a great episode. Shan is quite right that the business with thinking Giles might be The First was ridiculous. And Amy's role really threw me. I thought initially that SHE was The First, because she knew about the Potentials. But how does just plain old vindictive Amy know about them? Also, I couldn't help noticing that none of the Potentials actually appeared. It was so obviously a money saving strategy, because they didn't have to pay any of the actors for this episode, except for Kennedy. So yeah, kind of a dud. Oh well.


Love the reaction but I wanted to say for March 10 it's Buffy Slays Day blood drive. Fox is teaming up with the Red Cross and at select places if you give blood you can get a first edition comic. Buffy wants your blood! Please check if your local Red Cross is supporting it and if you can give blood, please do.

Timotey Kuhn

Awwwww... so nice of Dad to let you know when he's going shopping... :D


The romance with Kennedy always struck me as rushed after several years with Tara, especially since it seems to have been based on not much more than Kennedy deciding Willow was cute. (Which, of course, who can blame her?) I don't have an issue withe Kennedy herself. But, as with Riley, I don't know why they felt the need to replace a romance immediately.


I took it that Amy had been spying, or maybe like Andrew, had been talking to the First. Either way, the Giles plot... yup. Dumb. And they knew how long it was going to be and planned for it, because in every episode, they had him have other people hand things over. So, a lot of work for a very silly payoff.

Ron Fehr

I know that I said this about Willow and Tara, but it still holds true for Willow and Kennedy. Why can't their relationship be just as really good friends? Why does sex have to be involved? I fail to see why people would desire that kind of relationship with someone of the same gender. That said, I am all for people making their own decisions. If they choose that, so be it. I guess what I'm saying is that it's not for me.


If he was just an non corporeal image it could look like it was sitting or riding in a car because there isn’t any interaction.

Alexis Cardarella

I was crying, and then you said, switch it to willow!” And I’m laughing. 🤣


I don't like this episode. :( I hardly ever say that about anything Joss.


Great reaction. Cue on the tears and then you lift me up with your comments. I'm not a great fan of this eps.

Clara V.

Probably because it was the final season and they knew a lot of people were upset that they killed Tara so they figured having their only openly and canonically queer main be without a romance arc for the last season, effectively ending much of the visible queerness on the show on a very problematic note, would not go over well. So "we need queer content in our last season" -> "Willow needs a new love interest" -> "Kennedy/Token A". At least that's how I imagine it. I don't actively mind Kennedy and none of this is her fault but I always felt a bit iffy about this unceremonious replacement of Tara and how rushed and unmotivated by the characters it felt... I mean, I get it though and I'm the last girl to complain about too much queerness in my shows even if it isn't perfect, but... I don't know......

Chris (darkwater)

Thing to keep in mind that in the show it might be maybe.. 6-9 months since Tara died. We're watching this on a compressed timeline when it would have been about that long on original airing. Also, Willow is allowed to move on if she wants.

Richard Lucas

Ok, lots to unpack in this episode. 1) I think the Giles thing was legit because as others have said, you can give the illusion of walking or sitting on something, but not actually pick up a book. 2) I’ve said before that Kennedy is my least favorite character in the Buffyverse but I do feel for those who don’t have a problem with her or like her, as I liked Riley. I think it’s a combination of a rushed and poorly written romance, my love of Tara, and perhaps some choices the Kennedy actress made. Once again, I find her horrible at the beginning of the episode, and acceptable at the end. (acting and writing wise). Willow and Warren are both spectacular. Warren is actually a chilling case study in how one becomes evil. 3). I was going to go into a third topic that just occurred to me on this, my first rewatch ever of season 7, but I won’t because it’s rather unsavory.


There's no reason for it. A gay person cannot explain why they are gay any better than a straight person can explain why they are straight. If you are talking about an ultimate cause, then science does not know. But it is important to recognise that gay relationships are no more sexual than straight relationship. In fact, gay relationships are often more holistic than straight relationship, at least in my experience. Many husbands and wives are not good friends at all. They're just two adults with different interests bringing up children and paying down a mortgage together. Ken and Will have only kissed so far. It is just a small sign of intimacy.


Like many others have said - there were LOTS of hints to Giles potentially being the first - the purposeful way they didn't show Giles surviving or dying in that final scene with the axe, and from the moment he showed up he never picked anything up, never touched or hugged anybody... it was a legit thing. There is much, much more going on, which you might not notice until later in the season, or during a rewatch (so I won't say anything incase its spoilery) BUT it all makes a LOT of sense why people weren't paying attention or noticing, I think. Also... I hate Kennedy. lol.


On my first time watching the season, I actually thought it was the First from the moment he showed up at Buffy's house, and I spent all episodes up to this point scrutinizing everything Giles did in hopes to prove myself wrong. It didn't happen


Willow-Kennedy seemed like something they just threw together to move Willow's story along.


I would give Kennedy a chance. I love Tara but Kennedy is pretty cool. I may be in the minority on that opinion though.


I'm not a fan of this episode --I mean it doesn't really make sense that kissing her _again_ would break the spell since she already had such an adverse reaction the first time-- but Alyson Hannigan can just pull tears right out of my eyes immediately! How does she do that?


I don't know if someone has mentioned this before (or if I have) but the guy who plays Warren dated Amber Benson for awhile during their time on Buffy. Weird huh?

Ron Fehr

This episode took longer to shoot than most episodes. The necessary scenes were shot, once with Alyson Hannigan and once with Adam Busch. In editing it was decided which one's performance worked for said scenes.

Ron Fehr

And then he shot her (her character of course). Lol

Ron Fehr

I just cannot see how a heterosexual actor would be willing to play a gay role. It's obviously because of my beliefs. I took drama classes throughout high school, but I couldn't see myself portraying a person whose beliefs are different from mine.

Ron Fehr

According to commentaries on the DVD of the past few episodes, care was taken to make sure that Giles didn't physically touch anything. I suppose the intent was for us to wonder, like the Scoobies, if he might be The First. You bring up an excellent point Shan. In all the time he had been at Buffy's, how could nobody see him touch anything.


Just wondering if that means turning down a role as a murderer, blackmailer, thief, cheater, pacifist/fighter, vegan/meat eater, animal lover/hater, etc.?

Ron Fehr

For me, yes. I never pursued ating beyond high school.

Fly on the Wall

It's just like with ghosts. They always say they can't touch things, but they can usually walks on the floor and sit on things.