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Arguably the most confusing ending to an Angel episode


I wasn’t going to comment initially but it seems Shan has seen the next episode so no worries about spoilers: RIP Lilah. I rarely rooted for you to win, but I always rooted for you to get more screen time. First time I saw this episode I was pissed they killed Lilah off [I'm still a little pissed]. I love consistent villainess people: she was always selfish and wanted power if that meant working for Wolfram & Hart, if it was doing something on her own against their wishes, or even if it meant helping a "good" guy it didn’t matter as long as it benefited her. In that way she reminded me of season 2 Spike in Buffy. Those kind of transparently selfish characters bring a lot of life and edge to a show. Stephanie Romanov did a great job with whatever material she was given. I thought the way she portrayed Lilah’s selfishness, her insecurities, her fears, her mischievousness, her desire for power were all very relatable: very human all too human. She's probably my favorite HUMAN "villain" in the Buffyverse. Also low key I really enjoyed Wesley/Lilah.


"I don't get it" Basically Cordelia is evil. Dun dun DUNNNN.

Nicolas Cardillo

U were right about doing a Katerina Petrova move, just the wrong person. BTW did u recol what the rock monster give his boss as a gift on this episode?

Sheriff Uchiha

Did you catch what Cordelia stabbed Liala with?


No I didnt. I realised it in 4x13 though... but if I hadn't watched that tonight... this would be kinda spoilery... pointing out things I havent yet put together, if I had I probably would have said soemthing.


Interesting reaction, thanks. Sort of ends on a cliffhanger. :)


I'm surprised anybody would blame Fred for getting hit, it was clearly an accident that was caused by Wes and Gunn having a pissing contest, which was likely to happen regardless of Wes and Fred kissing. That said, these episodes don't exactly paint Fred in a good light. Her acting butthurt about Wes and Lilah is like...really? You're gonna be upset that your side-man was in another relationship? Girl please. Also, watching through this again after so many years has allowed me to see beyond my total bias and love for Wesley. He's awesome but he's also a total jerk this season. He's an awesome jerk.

Andreas Froby

I guess this was any first time watchers reaction to this epsiode. Looking forward for your furture reaction to Angel.


Don't worry. I still don't it. This be the season of the convoluted plot and the interlocking love triangles.


"That was very, um . . . that was . . . a lot?" Angelus is a lot.


Shan is all dazed and confused😄


God David’s acting is amazing when he plays Angelus. I absolutely love it.


20:35 "The Orb of Thesulah is the only way I can find to restore Angel's soul, but that only works if it's moved onto an afterlife or something, not floating in a jar somewhere." That's why she didn't call Willow. Willow restored Angel with the Orb of Thesulah.


I forgotten that there was so many questions in this eps.

Jason Veevaert

have you noticed that cordelia has been more holier than thou lately


Cordy saw the past, Angel can't remember the event but the event still happened so she could look back in time and see it.


you should know by now...its the whedonverse...all questions will eventually get answered.


For the record, Calvary is the place where Jesus was allegedly crucified. It roughly translates to "skull place". There's a skull in this episode so I guess that's why it's called Calvary lol.


As for Star Wars, remember that Cordelia called her ghostly roommate "Phantom Dennis". I think she's a bit of a geek in her own way.


I remember watching this as it aired and I still have the same reaction to the end..."Wait, what?" Good times.


"I don't get it." My response to most of the season! I'll elaborate when the season is over (or just write long and ranty essays on my blog), but blech. This reminds me why this is the bottom of my list for the twelve combined seasons of Buffy and Angel.

Lisa Irv

I love the tiny little changes in his voice and word choices that let you know it's Angelus posing as Angel. As for Cordelia...I still feel the need to say wtf every time I watch the end of this ep.


The thing about Star Wars references is that the Star Wars movies are some of the most watched and talked about movies of all time. You're not a nerd for knowing one of the most quoted lines from "A New Hope" or for making a pun on the title of "The Phantom Menace." I am sure people who don't like Star Wars got tired of hearing about "The Phantom Menace" back then, but you could not escape it.


Just to clarify, this comment was going based off of what you'd seen here plus in the next episode that you'd already watched when I made this comment. This comment neither intentionally nor unintentionally gives anything away. I'm just realising reading back on this comment just how spoilery it sounds...

Richard Lucas

Interesting. For me, this is my second favorite season. A show that actually got better each season for me.


In regards to the “rape you to death” line, I’d forgotten the show had that explicitly turned the subtext into text...

Chris (darkwater)

Angelus is a lot of fun to watch. so much fun.


Shan's expression at the end: Priceless. I kinda thought the "rape" line was to remind us that vampires really are that evil, and to contrast what Angelus said with Spike's almost rape of Buffy. I think Joss was contrasting soul-less Spike's regret with soul-less Angelus' absolute joy at the thought of doing such a sick thing. I.e. Spike is the better man. :)

Janeka Rector

This arc and forward is definitely one of my fave seasons. It's so interesting how everyone's flavor is different.


good old angelus lol "now there's a woman who takes every opportunity - don't be jealous kitten. she's just the warm up. I'll save the best stuff for you..." :D


Well... Spike isn't a man. So really, Spike isn't the better man... he's the worse vampire. :p


I was literally screaming at the ending with my first watch 😂 Your confusion lmao


Ok, I’m a week behind cos I wasn’t in the mood for season 4 Angel last week. Even though this one has quite the cliffy. Like you Shan, I was really effin dissapointed the first time I watched this. At the fake out point when we think Angel is back already. I was SO pissed - why bring Angelus back to the show to just have him locked inside a cage the whole time!!! Such a pointless waste. Oh, phew , that was a fake out . Great! I liked Lilah. She was a great antagonist. WTF is going on with Cordy eh!?


What in the world Marlie... didn’t expect to find you here!