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Amanda Logsdon

I have no knowledge of the D.C. comics so i didnt know anything about the league of assassins but i knew they werent going to kill oliver so i wasnt nervous, just curious how they were going to explain the 'oh look he is alive' plot. Btw whenever i rewatch the 3rd season i always skip the flashbacks, your right after the deathstroke arch they seemed lame and annoying


I hate how they say Ra's Al Ghul in the arrow verse. its pronounced as ray-shal-ghul.


Didn't think Oliver was going to die. I figured he was going to lose the fight though because it's literally the Demon. If Oliver tried to stab Ra's while he was doing his poem he still would have failed. I really liked this episode even though it was torture waiting for the show to come back after the break. Now after the wait for Game of Thrones season 8 I'm use to waiting so I don't get bothered now.

Adam is Magic

Me and Dad we're doing catch up on throughout last year since we watched it late at night and we we're both getting tired to the show when got to the end my Dad wanted to watch the next episode because the cliffhanger. Once we did during the episode he started falling asleep during the episode because he was tired even though, he was the one to recommend watching the episode. We did finish watching the next episode though all joking aside and both this one and the next one were great episodes.


I definitely thought he was going to lose the fight or get out of it somehow, but was super surprised at the cliffhanger ending.

Jarrod Wild

Different characters pronounce it different ways. If I recall I don't think any one character has pronounced it both ways.


Honestly, at this point in the show with the lackluster flashbacks, stupidity of Laurel not telling her dad, etc...combined with the comparison to the Flash, I was sort of hoping Oliver was dead, and that this show was going to end so they could focus more on the Flash. And being killed by Ra's makes sense, and gives Oliver a believable ending.

Brendan O'Connor

Also the sword Ra's stabbed him with was the only one in play at that moment, the other one was knocked away when Oliver came closest to hitting him


Thea's whole tantrum and wanting to leave Oliver because he lied to her. Now she's doing the exact same shit really annoys me. On top of the whole training for 6 months and now she's a badass bit.

Brandon Wiesner

I didn't watch it when it aired. I'm watching it with you for the first time. Yeah, it seems this season is not as good as the last one by far. The dialogue is more clunky. The flashbacks are more jarring and don't really add much to the story. In this one, it's already obvious what's going to happen. Of course Ra's wasn't going to lose. Oliver might be dead but we know that he won't stay dead, so they are probably going to use the Lazarus Pit. Plus, all the side drama with Laurel, her mom, Thea, etc. The romance with Felicity and Superman feels very forced. I hope this season does get better though.

Emma goldsbrough

What I can remember when I was watched it when it aired. I was thinking Oliver going to killed him, or his friends will show up. Then when that fail when he got stab, then throw off, I was think no he not dead we got the rest of the show, could he fallen into the water and onto the shore, and his friends come and find him I've never read the comics, so didn't know much about the bad or the good guys that show up. But I noticed that smile that you did when you heard about the ATOM, do you know more about the ATOM? Not going to say anything just in case.

Walter Alcaraz

Notice the easter egg on Felicity's screen? There was an online newspaper article that had the headline "Mysterious Yellow Blur Attacks S.T.A.R. Labs", referencing the events that just happened on The Flash S01E09 "The Man in the Yellow Suit." You'll notice more easter eggs like this in future episodes of Arrow and The Flash, where they reference things that happened in the other show. Furthermore, the characters of one show will reference characters of the other show.


Let's see...is this an adaptation of a COMIC BOOK?????? Could this happen in a COMIC BOOK????? Remember COMIC BOOK when watching these shows, There is nothing more far fetched than the Flash????