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Hey, this is still quite early! Thanks for the nice surprise :) So that you know it, since you published this week's schedule I can't stop playing a song in my head about "The Hero of Patreon, the girl they call Shan" :D


Humming the theme song! Getting closer :)


I think this was a great episode for a couple of reasons, but not my favorite. The song of course and Wash's "We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm a hero." But , and this was pointed out to me this year, the fact that Book is talking to River about belief and faith and then Mal's speech to Jayne about the townspeople needing something to believe in, it wasn't about him as much as something that they needed. Those 2 story lines having symmetry. And while having a "different" moral code (also I liked Mal's quick look at Jayne after finding out he pushed his partner out of a moving vehicle over the money and reevaluating him) , Jayne's code that people do things for themselves and feeling the guilt that someone died for him, and trying to reconcile why someone would do that (for him to boot), showed a complex emotional and philosophical dilemma in about 30 seconds of airtime, I thought was brilliant. I do agree Simon is rather blah but I think he is written that way on purpose.


Kaylee : "Hamsters is nice!"


Totally. The obsession with whether somebody has had sex at a particular age (or any age) is completely ridiculous. When I was a teenager, I kind of felt that pressure, but I look back on all that with incredulity. It's so stupid.


It's the favorite episode of anyone who likes Jayne. Also popular among fans who have a mud fetish. :)


I would agree the episode gets a lot of hype, and I can imagine how it could be a letdown for the amount of hype it gets. It's solid, but not amazing. People love this episode because people love Jayne. He grew into one of, if not THE most popular character on the show. If you haven't already, I would caution you to try to temper your expectations for the series. Firefly is a good show. I think it's a great show. A lot of people agree. But a large amount of the hype it gets is because it got cancelled early, thus depriving us all of what could have been Whedon's best work.


Really liked the reaction. I think the episode as a whole isn't doesn't live up to the hype probably. For me the first half of the episode was really great fun while the second half didn't quite match up with it. Though really like the end of the ep with the slowed down version of Jayne's song. I like Simon but can see how can be blah especially with all the very big characters around him.

Andrew Pulrang

I like what they were going for with Simon when he said that being "appropriate" was even more important out in space away from civilization. But they didn't do a very good job of being clear about what his supposed civilized values actually include. The only problem shown in the episode was that he hurried a little too much to assure Mal that he hadn't had sex with Kaylee ... and Mal doesn't care I'm sure. So it's more of a misunderstanding than anything else. Maybe the problem is we haven't seen enough of the lifestyle and values of the civilized culture Simon comes from, so we don't know what being "appropriate" actually means.


I actually had a similar reaction to you lol. I'd heard a lot of hype about this episode, and maybe it was a combination of that or the fact that I don't really like Jeyne (though I do like him more at this point, I'm still not really a fan of him), but I never loved it as much as a lot of fans seem to. It's a fun episode though.

Dennis Bryant

All of the characters in the crew were written very specifically. If you watch the show and can't relate to at least one character, or know someone who they remind you of, then you are an odd and lonely soul. I Think this is one of the best episodes in the show, but that is because I have watched and rewatched the series, and love all of the characters. At first watch, it was a good episode, but on rewatch, there is a lot of development happening in this episode for several characters.


Also at around 19:17 you can see the Han Solo frozen in carbonite has moved from Kaley's room to the top shelf of the Mudders' bar.


Now you've seen the "cow episodes" (Shindig and Safe) and the "alcohol episodes" (Our Mrs. Reynolds and Jaynestown). These are MY terms only. As far as I know other people don't refer to these eps that way.

Emma goldsbrough

Love River all eps but special when she got scary of the hair, lol.

Scarlett Monrow

About higher expectations: I'm almost certain that the fan favorite episode is the next one: Out of Gas. Fans probably told you the wrong episode number.

Scarlett Monrow

Oh, and this episode is written by Ben Edlund - who wrote and produced many SPN episodes like: Bad day at black rock, Abandon all Hope, The End.


So get her hyped up about the next show with expectations? I like most the episodes, but when someone tells you this one is the greatest it's going to over set expectations and make these things disappointing, such as Jaynestown, which is a really good episode, turned into a bit of a let down.

Ron Fehr

Excuse me! One of my favorites. For comedic episodes anyway. Although I love Out of Gas too.

Ron Fehr

Hey Shan. Heard you humming along with the theme song. Good job.

Ron Fehr

Why was Kaylee upset with Simon? Just because he has morals?

Ron Fehr

I believe Simon is meant to be somewhat of a role model for the others. He at least makes an effort not to retaliate. Yes he's not perfect, sometimes saying the wrong things. For those who consider that 'boring', I'm sorry that you feel that way. But I don't begrudge you your opinion. Just remember that I am only staying mine.

Dennis Bryant

I think it was how he came across..... "I would never.... not with KAYLEE!". Like he found her abhorrent or something, not sure how that would be possible, but it was how he came across......