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I love the fact that both buffy and angel ep 6 are both comedy based


Technically on time! Way to go, Shan! :D


Re the new lighting, its fine. There does seem to be something maybe a bit 'misty' about the picture in general. Im not bothered by it, and I have zero technical insight though. So helpful.


I remember at the time being harsh on this episodes for 'only' being Tabula Rasa mixed with Band Candy. LIke it was a jump the shark moment, however its probably the second best episode of the season, and really well done.


The scene with Wes and Gunn is probably one of my favorites from the series. Wes has morphed into such a badass at this point, but you also have to give Gunn credit for being able to see that Wes has ulterior motives for hanging around. Also my bit of trivia for the episode: It was written mostly because Joss Whedon wanted to see Wesley be silly again. It's just like you said, badass Wes is awesome, but silly Wes is awesome, too.


I love this episode, it's probably in my top 10 episodes of Angel...so I'll save this reaction until after Buffy and Firefly because I know it'll be worth it. This is the turning point in season 4 where things really start to pick up after a sluggish start.


The Angel version of Tabula Rasa from Buffy. Not sure which I like better.


This is as Buffy as Angel gets... so no surprise it's hilarious.


Not surprisingly, this episode took longer than usual to film because the cast couldn't stop laughing. Amy Acker & Andy Hallett ruined dozens of takes giggling, and David Boreanaz & Alexis Denisof prolonged shooting for an hour and a half when they couldn't stop laughing. To get the scene, Boreanaz & Denisof resolved not to look at each other...though on the DVD commentary, Whedon points out background shots where Boreanaz is still failing to keep a straight face.


Also, don't worry, business really picks up starting in the next episode.


I love this eps, still not a fan of Connor.


Yep, this is a fan favorite episode. I think it's also the only fully Joss Whedon episode for the entire season, as in both writing and directing. He was busy with Firefly during Angel S4 and Buffy S7.

Ron Fehr

I saw you drinking your usual Pepsi. Are you starting to use the straws that were sent to you yet?


This is one of my favorites. The tense confrontation between Wesley and Gunn is one of my favorite scenes from the whole show.


This episode was a nice way to show how much the characters have grown since their days on BtVS -- Wesley and Cordy especially. Seeing them revert back to their old selves was fun. Fred being a stoner was pretty hilarious too.

Ron Fehr

A couple of comments. The scene in the hotel foyer, where everyone looks like their high. It reminds me of the episode 'Tabula Rasa' on season 6 of Buffy. Secondly, I think that their memories all went back to probably early season 3 of Buffy. It would explain Cordelia's attitude, and also Wesley thinking he was still in the Watchers Academy. Oh, I just remembered Cordelia's line "Hello salty goodness." Wasn't that from season 1 of Buffy? When Cordy first saw Angel.


Yes, you can especially see this when Angel-Liam returns to hotel after being scared of cars, he says each line with the slightest smirk on his face cause David Boreanaz couldn’t stop laughing behind the scenes 😬😂


I’d say reverting back to one particular time is irrelevant. They all reverted to who they were as a teenager. In Cordy’s case I’d say right at the start of Buffy season 1 as she clearly had no clue about vamps and demons or slayers. And yes, the line she said when she first saw Angel (after spell) was the exact same thing she said back in Buffy season 1 when she first saw Angel walking into the Bronze. 😁 I love that little detail in continuity Joss included here...


One of my favorite Angel eps ever. I wonder, ASR, if you understood the little joke with teen Angel taking so long in the bathroom.....🙄😏😜 sigh, the awkwardness of being a teenage boy.....lol

Ron Fehr

Thanks Ariel, for clearing that up for me. I made my comments during the middle of the episode, so I guess I didn't really think it through. And watching the rest of the episode just made me laugh harder.

Ron Fehr

Weird thing occurred to me. If Cordy got her entire memory back just by ingesting whatever Lorne fed her, why didn't he just do that instead of the 'spin the bottle" thing?

David Caine

The whole memory loss thing was worth it just for this one episode, extremely hilarious moments. About Connor, that might be why he was disliked back then, he hasn't grown or changed his perspective. He is fulfilling the ungrateful teenage angsty son role too damn well.


Actually, the first thing she says is "Is this a sophomore hazing thing?"... so probably, the beginning of tenth grade, just before Buffy came to Sunnydale.

Rachel Espiritu

"You're ruining an otherwise good episode" -a summary of Connor's entire existence


Well his nickname was The Destroyer! Who knew it he'd end up destroying good tv shows ;)


Which is weird, cause why would there be a sophomore hazing thing, wouldn't the hazing happen when they're freshmen?

Chaotic Cam

I'm actually behind your Angel reactions by five episodes (bad me) but I'm just skipping straight ahead to this one before I go back to start in chronological order from what I've missed so far, lmao (bad me again). This one is just so damn funny.


I love this episode, especially silly Wes, stoner Fred and Angel scared of the demon cars :D. Except. of course that it's ruined by Connor. It's not as good as Tabula Rasa, but still a good comedy episode. David is pretty good at the comedy here - it's one of the things I like about this show that we didn't see him do on Buffy.


Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt it Connor u luuuuuuuuuuuucky SOB!!!