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Dumbledore died in 1997, and this takes place in 2011. So sadly, nope, he's not alive at that point.


I don't like cowboy episodes either. And I just realized that while I don't hate or really dislike this episode, it's the first time travel one they've done on this show that I don't think is awesome. I usually don't like time travel stuff, and this episode fits that for me. And I agree with you about Eve. This season has seemed a bit all over and unfocused sometimes. There was a lot of time spent on Samuel at first, then that seemed to seep away until they did away with him. And Eve was like underlying things, but we don't really get a sense of her much, other than a few episodes dealing with her creations. And then there's Cas and the war he's fighting with Raphael. They all may be connected, but it's oddly done. Growing pains, maybe, for the new crew running things for the show. It's a good thing Dean dropped the colt after the gun fight, because otherwise the whole past 5 years would disappear!


They were rude to Rachel, for no reason. She did appear ready and willing to help them because Castiel was busy. What was their problem?


Almost everyother angel has tried to kill them so would make sense they dont trust other ones.


The next two episodes are really good, esp. 6x20.


I get that, but Rachel did say that she was here on Castiel's behalf to help them. They didn't seem like they were being wary or anything- just rude.

Toasted Toad

I agree with you about Eve - they haven't really done much to build her up and I think also the actress was miscast. I'm very fond of this episode - it has a lot of humour (as well as lot of Dean beauty shots!) Plus a nice neat piece of time travel. The journal didn't say that Samuel Colt killed the Phoenix - it was a misdirect. The actual wording was that the gun killed the Phoenix. Rachel is right about the way the boys are treating Cas this season, though. They just call on him when they need him to help. I think they've only offered their own help once, but Cas just said no and they didn't try to persuade him or do any follow up. Cas did seek safety at Bobby's this episode so I guess that's something, and Bobby let Cas heal himself with his soul. But would he have done so if it wasn't necessary to bring the boys back? Actually, he probably would have done but it would be nice if they had said so. The season still has surprises in store. Lots to come in the final episodes.


90% of the angels they've met have been far from ideal...would have been much more odd if their characters instantly were ok with a random angel hurling them through time. also the rudeness was not one sided, starting from the point of trespassing uninvited.


I see where you are coming from, but I disagree. First, she didn't trespass, she came in as a response to the prayer to Castiel. Second, they weren't hostile to her because of any lack of trust of her as someone who would hurt them (their conversation lacked any signs of wariness) but because of a lack of confidence. (Dean asked for the 'big kahuna' meaning Cas -even though they are both angels/ and referred to Rachel as Miss Moneypenny which is a callback to M's secretary in James Bond (someone with less power and in a subservient position)) They assumed, for whatever reason, that she wouldn't be as capable as Castiel, and took out their annoyance that Castiel didn't answer directly on her.


Ahh I see.. But no, he’d still be dead, because then he’d die in 2009..


It's one of my top 3 episodes of season 6, along with The French Mistake & Weekend at Bobby's.


I'm not sure why they don't make an effort to learn more about Castiel's problems with Raphael, its not like he would be good news to the Winchesters either. She is still an archangel, the last two they saw of those were bad news.

Toasted Toad

They were hostile because they'd prayed to Cas and someone else arrived in his place claiming she acted on his behalf. They hadn't called the boss of a company, they'd called their friend who they liked and trusted.


I like that Bobby says "Can't just strand those idiots in Deadwood" when Jim Beaver was in the show Deadwood. Always makes me smile. Also like the back to the future part 2 reference at the end with the package.

Rita Hunter

Totally agree with you, TT. Plus, as it turns out, they were right not to trust Rachel. She had an underlying grudge with Cas, so who knows what she might've done to his friends to force him to show up and try to fight her so she would feel more justified in killing him.


So fun fact. I'm pretty sure the Jared Cowboy wall photo in 6x15 'French Mistake' came from this episode. It looks like the same coat and hat from the scene where Sam rides out to visit Samuel Colt.


how? when this episode was filmed way later then the french mistake... unless it was a costume check for it type deal.