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Crap Writing Co.

Kinda neat having access to these ASAP, I must admit...

Claire Eyles

The demon Gnarl is played by the same actor who played the lead Gentleman in Hush. Camden Toy.

Eric Zebrowski

If anything it shows how far willow really has come with Her powers that She can imagine things and make things happen.


Just an average episode for me. It slowly moved Willow's plot forward (afraid of her ability to control her powers and afraid of whether or not her friends would forgive her). Not much progress on Spike - he's still crazy. And not much plot moving on anything else. The MOTW was creepy, which helped the episode a bit. He kinda reminded me of Gollum. LOL

Clara V.

Giles was technically reinstated as Watcher in season 5 when the Council did their review thing and Buffy was too much of a badass for them to handle. So he is one of them again even though we haven't really seen that in action since then which makes it pretty easy to forget.


An okay episode. The pieces still are being put in place for the start, or that's what I thought at the time. I like the scene(s?) with Spike talking to all of them at the same time. And I'm wondering, does looking away help with the skin-eating thing? Because I find the sounds equally gross...


Is nice that William is still looking for a rime for Glowing, I mean it was his last concern before his heart get broken by Cecily and stop working because of Dru.


Such a gross demon - at least he doesn't do anything icky to eyeballs... oh, nevermind… :)

Bruce Trogdon

Good episode. Nice and creepy and I think the different versions we see of the gang in the same place at the same time are done well, especially when they're talking to Spike. Two points don't make a pattern but one seems to be developing. Unless you think the dead pencil guy in “Lessons” just happened to be sitting next to Dawn and that a demon who flays people alive just happened to arrive in Sunnydale on the same day that Willow returned.


Episode begins... ASR: (confidently) "Nothing surprises me anymore." Gnarl chows down on fresh strips of Willow... ASR: "Bleeeuuuch!" A fine addition to the ASR Barf Tier. Guess schnitzel's off the menu for a while though. Sorry Shan.


I really like this episode, even if is not very eventful is well made and fun, I like the time place mystery, the enthusiasm of Dawn, the scene with Spike is great as always and Anya is so funny with Willow, I will totally ship them.

Emma goldsbrough

love your reaction to this eps. I really like Spike and Anya in this eps.


That Buffy and Willow moment at the end is one of my favorite friendship moments between them.

Cory Stanish

The spell Willow & Anya did in this episode is the same spell that Tara sabotaged that one time, when she thought it would reveal her as a demon.


I love when we get grossed out Shan...its the best!😁


I'm enjoying coocoo-Spike this time around.


S7 is where I finally start liking Dawn as a character (she deeply annoyed me the last two seasons), and comically paralyzed Dawn is lowkey one of my favorite moments in the series.


This episode scared the crap out of me as a kid.

John Boehmer

IMO this is probably the weakest episode of the season. I think that speaks to just how strong season 7 is when the weakest episode is a far cry from bad.

raymond julien

Poseable Dawn is the best. Was there an action doll?


Wow, that was yuck. :D Hadn't seen that since first broadcast.

Andrew Pulrang

The skin-eating demon thing and the can't be seen thing were kind of clumsy premises, but there were lots of nice moments. I love Anya's expression when she says to Willow, "You're doing great!" Anya is simply incapable of telling a convincing lie, even an encouraging one.

Bruce Trogdon

That's a great moment and a great scene which also highlights the difference between the magic Willow started with and what she started learning over the summer. When she wanted to heal herself during the fight with Giles, it was instantaneous with just the wave of her hand. That was using dark magic which she had been practicing for 2 and a half years. Now she's using different magic (or using magic differently). Instead of bold and brash, it's quiet and meditative. It's also slower but that may be because it's new to Willow.

Ron Fehr

I had the same reaction the first time I saw Gnarl peeling Wllow's skin off. By the way, your reaction upon seeing the skinless body was priceless. One more thing. In the season 5 episode 'Check Point', didn't Buffy ask the watchers' council to re-instate Giles?

Craig Evans

(Every comment you make will have this question. I can be an intolerant swine also.) You have zero reason against my argument.. The small Arab Jew himself had nothing to say against the gays. The person who indoctrinated you against gay men also covered up the horrific rape against young boys by his fellow clergy men.

Craig Evans

Sorry Shan. Sorry Mods. I hope my anger can be channeled for a force of good.

Ron Fehr

"Giles is blaming Giles. We're blaming us. Is anyone blaming Willow?" If you think about it, the disappearing act is Willow's fault. Actually, she even admitted it.


I always felt it would have been better if Willow disappearing was done by the new threat to stop her interfering. That was my theory at the time, and since there never was an explanation for the amulet in the first episode I thought it was connected.