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Nice and early<3


That last scene is one of my favorite in the series.

Shannon louise

Yay more Buffy :) can’t wait to watch. Just on a side note, I found another really good Buffy reactor called Just Arvin, if anyones interested.

Ryan Wilson

The church scene is one of the most iconic scenes in the show. Especially the part between 40:22-41:00


In the states you don't really need much of a formal education to be a counselor in this capacity. A 2 year degree in psychology is all you would need for most schools. Also Wood makes a point of saying it is part-time, the pay is crappy, and that Buffy isn't really supposed to be doing anything but listening to kids problems. It's essentially paid parent volunteer work.

s jaco

Can't wait to see this, I love the Church scene, but I also like the look Xander and Spike share in the Bronze after they are asked if anyone hasn't sleep together.

Claire Eyles

S7 does have some amazing moments, and the Church scene is one of them. And admittedly it is also the moment where I had way more respect for Spike compared to Angel. Angel had his soul thrust upon him by a curse, Spike actively went out and sought to regain his soul. Unsouled Angel, no matter what evil he committed, didn't see the need to get his soul back when he lost it again; whereas Spike, even without a soul, was so horrified at the way he had hurt Buffy when he tried to rape her, that he chose to go through all manner of trials and torture to get his soul back - as he says, "To be the kind of man who would never..." (it's obvious what he's talking about when he says that).

Claire Eyles

Don't forget with Willow as well that in the first episode of the season Giles tells her that the magic is inside her now, it's part of her, it's not a hobby or something she can just quit like an addiction. So her concerns about losing control and going dark again are valid.


I like that he follows up "To be the kind of man who would never..." with "To be a kind of man..." because it's now not just about not being a monster who would rape someone. It's now about being a human, embracing humanity, striving to be someone who can do better and good. To be a kind of man. To be a Man.


Crazy Basement Spike curly ´s are gone : ( But well that blue shirt looks really good on him. Also Anya looks gorgeous this episode, very 1920.


ASR: "Warren...Glory...?Adam?" ASR evil twin confirmed. Panic!


I think demon Spike wanted his chip removed. Spike with a soul went a bit crazy, part of that was deciding that he did want a soul... for Buffy. Season 7 starts out very confusing. Its nice to see Willow taking a minute to chill, but I'd rather see her back in Sunnydale.


But S2 "School Hard" Spike makes a cameo in the Bronze. So much nostalgia in these first 2 episodes.


I love the Church scene. There is no longer any doubt what Spike wanted from the demon trials. It is no longer a spoiler to say that Joss Whedon confirmed Spike always wanted to get his soul.

Brendan O'Connor

In the last episode the sixth season Shan said "I'm cross with you!" to Spike, and all I could think of was that moment.


That church scene at the end always gives me Blade Runner vibes... Always fun to rewatch this episodes and try to make any sense out of the crazy ramblings... And another great reaction, Shan!


The Church scene is sooo amazing, is my favourite scene of all the Buffyverse, I think is the closest Joss Whedon gets to pure art (my opinion of course), the lighting, the scenes, the dialogue; all this englobe not only Spike pain but also the very universal human suffering. The pain of being hurt, the guilt of being the one who hurt, forgiveness, shame, the need to be loved besides everything and the calm of the hope, maybe embracing the pain of what you have lived. And the last shot of Spike embracing a cross can perfectly be a Renaissance painting, the contrast of light and shadow, the balance of the image (the lining body o spike in one part and the rising smoke in the other), the religious image and appreciation of the male body. Wow, I just love it, and James Marstress is so amazing, in all Spike journey he had made a stellar representation, this is what happens when an amazing actor meets with an amazing creator.


I love this episode for all of the bits of Spike we get in here. I dont care about the giant worm lol. In the scene in the bronze, he clearly panics because Anya see's what he has done, and he isnt ready to share that. He isnt ready for any frogiveness. So he goes on the offensive, pulls the "big bad" mask on, hits anya, hits buffy, says nasty things. I feel like in that moment he wants to hide his soul and he wants to be punished. But then of course, he breaks again when he accidentally hurts that dude, and Buffy is able to get him to talk. That whole church scene breaks my heart. its so iconic and powerful, so hauntingly sad and beautiful...


Why am I not surprised that basically every comment is about the church scene? Oh wait, I know why. Because it’s iconic and simply amazing. The moment buffy realises and says “your soul”, wow. It is and always will be an absolute masterpiece.


Yes now is safe to say it was a lot of foreshadowing, like in Tabula Rasa Randy Giles, without even knowing about the ship, or his unrequired love story with Buffy start fantasizing about having a soul, being a nobleman, a hero, im sure in this point Spike had thought about it. And in Dead Things, when Buffy is beating him and saying "you are nothing to me, you don´t have a soul" (ouch) you can see a "click" look in Spike, like he get something.


I forgot about this one, the monster is my fear. poor dog.

Jarrod Wild

I like how Spike *tries* to return to his old ways in the same way Angel did after he got his soul back. He tried to go back to Darla and be accepted and it didn't work.

Alexandra Wege

This is the first time that I realized that 'beneath you' isn't just about the coming threat and the monster of the week but is also a reference to what Buffy (and Cecily) said to Spike in Fool for Love in season 5.


I think everyone comments on the church scene because everything else is kind of... forgotten afterward. Because OMG. But that scene is just lovely work, from the actors, the director, the writers, the lighting people (who took over lighting this season????). And, while the show has always used Christian iconography for magic (in the same way it uses pagan iconography for it), this is the first time it's really used with the full weight of the theological symbolism, as Spike is seeking forgiveness and redemption by bearing his cross. It's a very good narrative use of a theological principal that tends, in clumsier hands, to get saccharine very quickly.


That moment always makes me think of XANDER: Spike is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well-muscled. BUFFY: I am not having sex with Spike! But I'm starting to think that you might be.


Joss Whedon has confirmed that you're wrong -- Spike wanted his soul.


They finally made Spike go and do something so horrible last season that all of us would hate him as a villain, not adore him as an anti-hero, and never forgive him. And then he goes and redeems himself from something impossibly irredeemable. Best TV character ever . . .

Michael Roach

I've watched that church scene maybe four or five times in my life and I cry every damn time. Such a great performance by James but you know what? I think Sarah is amazing in that scene too. You can just see the realization come across her face.... and the tear going down her cheek. She's wonderful.


"But you were gonna go out on a date with Xander. You were gonna be his first non-demon person." Seems like a geologic era ago now, but Cordelia and Xander . . .

Jarrod Wild

Agreed, as do the cinematographer, director, and composer. Spike's monologue goes on for 5 minutes, and the combination of his performance, the lighting and shadows (standout for me being his entire face black and just his hair and shoulder in the light), the in-focus Buffy and out-of-focus Spike, and the subtle yet powerful musical score all together make for a pretty darn perfect scene.

Jarrod Wild

I totally forgot that Joss rewrote the church scene. Doug Petrie is the credited writer for the episode, but it was Joss who redid what Petrie wrote for that scene. You can find the original script and Joss' rewrite online to compare.

Dontrell Durant

Ow! My poor ears Shan. Poor Spike. All he wants is love. Do you think Buffy left him on the cross?


So Season 7 starts with 2 straight mediocre episodes that end with a brilliant scene involving crazy-Spike. I have problems with the Spike character, but I love that he is almost a different person in every season.


Two episodes so far, two jaw-dropping final scenes...so far.

Ron Fehr

What is Buffy's problem with people asking for forgiveness. On an episode of Angel, she didn't want Faith to say "I'm sorry". And now she didn't want Spike to either. If people are genuinely sorry, they have the right to ask for forgiveness. Then it's up to the offender party to decide one way or the other.


Speaking "Dru" language, that great XD

Andrew Pulrang

Yes, that works just enough to make it plausible, but just barely. I think it would have been a nice extra touch if the show had found a way to show Buffy actually doing well at a topic in college ... maybe psychology, despite Maggie Walsh. She'd still drop out because of circumstances, but maybe be able to be a little more justification for this job, and another little dimension to Buffy ... another path she might have taken but for her Slayer role. Just a thought.


Wasn't it the first thing he said when he came over in "Seeing Red"? (Apologizing for the Anya incident)

Ron Fehr

My point is that that Buffy doesn't want people apologizing to her, at least if she can tell that's what they want to do. If they apologize anyway, there's nothing she can do. Although she still has the choice of whether or not to accept the apology.


I just thought that was why she said it in this particular instance. But yes, her stance against forgiving goes at least as far back as season 2.


I read an analysis of the church scene that left me breathless, really good. You may like it too. it has huge Spoilers though. <a href="https://gabrielleabelle.livejournal.com/48234.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gabrielleabelle.livejournal.com/48234.html</a>


I can't speak for Buffy but I hate being told "I'm sorry" I always like no you're sorry for the repercussions, you meant what you did. It's all just so hollow to me and again I hate when people apologize to me.

Ron Fehr

Obviously we were brought up differently. I agree that people apologize for fear of repercussions. But we also need to accept that that they may be truly sorry for their actions. Any, their apology doesn't mean that you have to accept it.

Vicky N

Why wouldn’t Anya be a vengeance demon. You seem to forget that she was one for at least a thousand years until she lost her powers. And when she was human she never expressed remorse for what she did when she was a demon.

Jarrod Wild

In Spike's case here, I think he's substituting Buffy for Christ. Or seeing Buffy as a Christ-like figure. She did after all sacrifice herself to save the world and rose from the dead. :)


Interesting thoughts here, gang. Buffy was also uncomfortable with Jenny Calendar when Jenny was apologetic. It's definitely a pattern.

Ron Fehr

I realize that Buffy has forgiven people in the past, although they may or may not have asked for it. I think she forgives when the person's actions show a genuine wish for forgiveness. But she doesn't like people saying the actual words "I'm sorry".

Timotey Kuhn

At 9:35 in... that is a REALLY big rat... ;) :P


Spike let his demon side take over a bit there. Like how Angel tried to be Angelus again when he got his soul in the late 1800's. Considering how sane he was there for a bit I guess there was a way to suppress the soul a little.