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Don't be nervous! Most of us may have found you because of Buffy, but we'll stick around for the other shows. I love your reactions to Supernatural and Charmed (original and reboot)in particular. I know others have mentioned this and if it's not too expensive I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Buffy comics.


Ugh, it's going to force me to download. Hate when I have to wait to watch. Oh well.


I look at it this way: Buffy was the catalyst but you are so fun to watch stuff with, I think most will continue on and discover new shows with you. I am about to dive into FireFly with you, for the first time. Technically, you will have seen it before me, but I am watching it with you. Don't worry too much. Buffy isn't the reason we stick around. A lot of reactors react to Buffy, but not all of them have your followers. Buffy isn't the reason for that.

s jaco

I just love the ending in the basement. It was so amazing to see all these characters again and the scene is pretty powerful. I love that you went it's "that guy from Lucifer", cause when I watched LuciferI went OMG That's Principle Wood. But I also love Spike in the basement "Duck." So funny. And Sarah Michelle Gellar looks so beautiful in this episode.


I also loved spikes hair. Very different on him.


Without spoiling it. The big bad for the final season you've met earlier in the series.


That IS a spoiler, though! Delete it, please.


Shan, I had the same reaction you did when I first watched this episode. It was just kinda "average", up until the end. Then it really hooked me. Loved the call backs to all the previous seasons' villains. Joss really put some thought into the Master's little speech at the end. "Back to the beginning. Not the Bang. Not the Word. But the true beginning."


The Giles/ Willow scenes where filmed in Antony Stewart Head's real house, in Bath, England.


This is a solid premiere. Amazing? No. Bad? No. Solid. But that ending though???? Chills.


Lost count how many times Ive rewatched that last scene over the years.


Awwww, nervous nostalgic Shan is extra-adorable! Great reaction! That ending, OMG

Amanda Logsdon

Although i was sad it was ending im glad the writers knew it was the last season they were able to give that nostalgia feel that wouldnt have been possible otherwise.


It's not about right, it's not about wrong...it's about FLOPPYDISKDUDE!!!


Season 7 is going to be hard to watch, I have to ignore all your spot on guess/jokes/etc. :)


If only they could have brought back Robia LaMorte for that last scene, that would've been a thing.


Please delete or edit this comment. It has ... implications.


Buffy totally has Mom hair this season, it still looks great of course. But it is Mom Hair.

Bruce Trogdon

More of a 'setting the stage' episode than most season premiers but they do it well. It has one of my favorite quotes from the entire series - "Hamnoo?" (spellings may vary) and another great quote which didn't make it into the episode. In a version of the shooting script, Dawn telling the class about herself concluded with: ... and my sister is a vampire slayer, her best friend is a witch who went bonkers and tried to destroy the world, um, I actually used to be a little ball of energy until about two years ago when some monks changed the past and made me Buffy's sister and for some reason, a big klepto. My best friends are Leticia Jones, who moved to San Diego because this town is evil, and a floppy eared demon named Clem.


That ending though... The Best scene in the whole series :)


Yeah, totally agree with you. Love this show, can't believe your near the end, so sad.


Well if you think about it the Big Bad’s are smart not to use Angel. Because seeing Angel would snap Spike right out of his craziness and strait into calling Angel a ponce and bloody wanker or a magnificent poof. But using Dru is very effective and Angel gets enough screen time, but Dru doesn’t get nearly enough.

Dontrell Durant

DON'T YOU EVER CALL HIM FLOPPY DISC! He has a name! Its, ummmm..... Uhhhhhh...... The hell is his name?

Thomas Hansen

Gotta say, being in the chat for the youtube premiere thing sounds like a great way to get spoiled...


plus when people livestream reactions, a lot of people get salty because the reactor will miss things whilst reading and replying to chat.


Yeah, I was waiting for her reaction to that kick ass ending.

Rachel Espiritu

I think season 7 has the strongest start of all Buffy's seasons, the first half of the season is fantastic.

Beauty Effulgent

The reason the music in this episode is so epic is because our boy Christophe Beck is back!! His presence was def missed last season. Gaaahh Shan I'm right there with you on the bittersweet mood. But I hope you enjoy this final season just as much as I did :)


I share Shan's disappointment we didn't get Angel(us) as the S2 big bad. However, every time I watch this scene, the shift in music and Juliet Landau's beautiful intonation are always one of the highlights.


When you were talking about how much the intro made you feel like the final season, I kept saying, Wait 'til she gets to the outro... that was an awesome scene. On a really random note, I never noticed before, but I love the lighting in this, from the natural sunlight in the outdoor California scenes to the more diffuse light in the England scenes, to the almost fake colors in the high school. Then the chiaroscuro in the scenes with Spike was just striking. I know. Weird thing to notice. But go, lighting guys.

Katherine Thoreson

Shan! Yes, I can’t wait to watch this season with you! 😄 And you mentioned the music this episode, and I gotta say that I love the music this whole season. It’s very engaging.


The talisman plot was lame but aside from that, there were so many significant moments in the episode. Buffy training Dawn, the re-opening of Sunnydale High, that epic ending montage with all of the series' villains (how cool that they were able to get all of the original actors/actresses back for it!) You can definitely tell that they're gearing up for the end with this premiere though ....and it's bitter sweet.


Why the resentful dead guys were trying to keep Buffy away from the room where Spike was?


Yes I noted too, I loved the scene when Buffy finds Spike cuts, she is completely covered in light while he is in absolute darkness, almost blending with the background.

Patrick Lyke

Your reaction at the ending was everything I've been waiting for, knowing we were ramping up to this :)


I always enjoy you're credit singing, but I would also love to see you react to the new credits.


Honestly my favorite ending to a Buffyverse episode ever. The best!


i remember thinking this season was pretty mediocre but i havent seen it in a few years so it will be nice to revisit it and see if my opinion changes


My favourite thing about this episode is that Spike is coo-coo for cocoa puffs.


Some England scenes were actually filmed at Anthony SH residence (in England)


I like more this season the more I watch it, I´m from Chile (South America) and the shows whore delayed 6 months to match the south hemisphere school season, but I couldn´t wait that much so I spended days downloading the episodes in those early 2000 downloading pages (I think Kazaa). Then I watch them around midnight in my family computer in the house living room, while everybody was sleeping, understanding half of what people were saying XD So this season bring me a lot of different memories. Now I understand more the nostalgic weight it carries (I started Buffy at Season Six) and it always gives me the best happy cries of every show. I think this is an excellent season and an excellent ending for an excellent show.


She totally has mom hair. But she's also acting like a mom! I was rewatching the episode, and I wasn't getting sister vibes like I got in season 5 and 6. I got mom vibes. I think it goes with Buffy's whole attitude right now - she is so comfortable in her slayer mode, this is the strongest we've seen it since maybe season 5 premiere, but her comfort in being a slayer then weirded her out. She owns it now, and with owning it, she's acting more Guardian esque, which maybe is where the mom vibes is coming from

Richard Lucas

I liked everything about this season except one thing so I’m curious to see if my opinion changes when weget there. Haven’t watched it since it originally aired.

Chris (darkwater)

Oh yeah that last scene always sends chills.

Elise Lanciault-Breton

Hi, just an idea but I would love it so much fun it were possible (I don’t know if it is), to have a live reaction for the season 7 finale. It would make my day if it waS possible Omg ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍

Elise Lanciault-Breton

I love that episode, it is Dawn’s first training, first day of High school (in the US they have elementary school, the middle school and then High school if you were wondering... Their school system is different but she is basically 15/16 starting High school), and also the ending scene is so epic so yeah it’s not the best episode ever but with all the details I mentioned above, I love that episode. And now I am going to watch back your reaction of season 1 episode 1 because I got chills when you reacted to the last scene and it makes me wanna see the beginning. Omg Buffy has been my favourite tv show since I was 14 and I am in my thirtees now and I am so happy you reacted to that show and following your reactions has been a delight, I am glad you are extending the pleasure with only one ep a week hehe. Go season 7. I cannot wait until you finish it all to start a discussion on the comment section without spoilers but until then, I will stay silent and watch 😍😍😍❤️


I like this season more the more times i watch it. With spike being my fav character, i feel so sad when I actually listen to the “crazy” he is saying... ‘i’m not a quick study... i dropped my board in the water and the chalks all ran, i’ll be caned... makes sense” (paraphrasing) or “i had speech, all planned out, memorised it... she’ll never understand...” 😭😭😭 The scene at the end of this episode was awesome, i had almost forgotten about it! Loved seeing all our big bads back!!

Einar Sigurðsson

Welcome to the beginning of the end. I love season 7 and I hope you will too!


We got a chunk load of possible backstory right there with the chalkboard thing!

Ron Fehr

Hope I'm not ruining anything by posting this, but think on it. What do Warren, Glory, Floppy-disc Dude, the mayor, Drusilla and the Master have in common?


None of them have a weird hairstyle. Nailed it.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I sure hope ppl don't spoil anything for you this season! It's a doozie!

Ron Fehr

If I remember correctly, in the DVD commentary for this episode, mention is made of the girl being chased at the beginning. The person who portrayed her was actually a stunt double for Sarah Michelle Gellar.




I don't remember, did we ever find out who made that amulet?