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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpyq3aa4wh4s2yp/Supernatural%20S06E10%20-%20Caged%20Heat%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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You're right about the 10th episodes being big. They are the last ones before the mid season break. They always seem to be packed full and as if they are longer than a normal episode. Would be nice if the show had more episodes like it throughout the year. This one is pretty good because of all the movement we're finally getting in the story. And it's nice to see Cas back working with the boys. Even if it's just for a short time. There's usually some good comedic moments we get when he's there too. You're not alone in hating grandpa. He's really being a dick. And I also agree with you that it wouldn't be right to bring someone out of Heaven. She's better there and returning to life might not be a happy thing for her. That part has always made me skeptical and thinking the writers didn't do that good of a job in building Samuel's justification for acting the way he does. Cas and Meg seem to have something going on. But she was responsible for Ellen and Jo's death so I'd be just as happy to see her dead as Crowley. And Yay on his death. He was a very interesting character though, and the actor did a great job. But one less evil thing for the boys to deal with. So what will happen now with all the plans Crowley had for Purgatory?

Brandon Wiesner

You crack me up! I love doing that with helium too.


The first Ruby was evil too. From the beginning she was manipulating Sam into a Weapon to open the Cage.


If you haven't already seen it, 'The Ghostfacers meet Castiel' - <a href="https://youtu.be/At4HgxwAfzQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/At4HgxwAfzQ</a> No spoilers in this amazing clip. :