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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xhd0op469239d9/Supernatural%20S06E08%20-%20All%20Dogs%20Go%20To%20Heaven%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Is anyone else having problems loading the last 2 SPN episodes? Or is the server just slow today?


LOL. Not sure what you thought on this episode. It was different. It was a bit slow and that's not always good. I did like finding out more about this Soulless Sam. That's pretty interesting. Similar, yet so different from the Same we know and love. Really sad when he said he didn't even care about Dean. That had to hurt to hear. Dean gets his brother back and leaves Ben and Lisa for this? So now he's gotta figure out what to do. But working for Crowley is just too much. Too much for him, but also too much for me. I'm definitely not on board with this! The not sleeping thing is weird. I agree with you there. Might just be something a writer put in to spice up the differences of soul/no soul.


I REALLY wish I had watched this show, but now there are sooo many season, it seems way too overwhelming. I did watch the first 3 episodes, and it was good. Just a daunting feat looking at how many episodes there are.


Kiwi you won't regret watching the boys, and believe once you get into it, it goes really fast.

Toasted Toad

Actually, not sleeping makes total sense. Sleep is not to re-charge the body but the mind. It's a time for the brain to sort information and not get overloaded. Without a soul, Sam might not need this process.