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Ryan Wilson

The ending Willow and Tara scene(inculding​ Tara's monologue) is my favorite scene in the entire series.


Regarding them being more on Xander's side, remember that none of the main cast have ever really liked Anya that much. Their kindness towards her through a majority of the series has been a courtesy to Xander more than anything else. I don't think it is out of character for any of them. I don't really think anybody was in the right this episode. The other girls were jerks to Anya. Xander was a jerk for hurting Anya and trying to make it about himself. Spike was a jerk for claiming to have this profound love for Buffy, sleeping with Anya, and then airing dirty laundry out of spite. I would even say Anya is a jerk, not for being hurt, she has right to be hurt, but for attempting(however comical) to murder Xander over the course of the episode as a response to that hurt. Edit: Tara wasn't a jerk. Tara is amazing and wonderful.


Everything falls apart. But sometimes they can come back together. The Willow/Tara moment was beautiful. And Xander can suck it.


I'm a fan of the Spike-Anya dialogue myself. I had never thought about a Spanya ship before seeing this episode, but it actually makes more sense than any other pairing. And Marsters and Caufield do have chemistry.


Shan im a 100% with you Xander have no right on anything here, he breaks the relationship and the loyalty contract with Anya living her at the altar, and then dizz Buffy for Spike?, this is the episode when I like Xander the least, and I don´t like him much.


I can't believe we're almost at the end of season 6! So excited! Yeah, this episode is one of the reasons I dislike Xander. He is - and always has been - extremely judgmental and it's always pissed me off.


'Entropy' means decay, or order turning into chaos.

William Nicolas

No, I disagree. Xander was right. They technically were still working things out together : Anya wanted still to get married, he wanted to convince her to wait until they were 'ready'. Not saying I agree with him with that, but they weren't really separated, so what he did to her doesn't compare to what she did to him.


I don't think Spike did anything wrong. Buffy was definitely the one in the wrong here. Why is she getting angry at Spike after she literally told him to move on a few hours before? And Buffy shouldn't have stood around and let Xander insult both Anya and Spike like that given her own past with Spike.

Mike Woodcock

She adds a whole new comedy arc into these shows when characters act all impulsive and conflicted and she pauses it to lecture them on ethics.


Totally im a spanyanka shipper myself, they have so much in common and can really understand each other, I love their scenes together in this episode and in season 4 "Were the wild thing are" they just spark.


He left her at the altar, he told her he doesn't want to marry her, what he wants to convince her of is irrelevant. Xander was far from right. She didn't do anything to him.

Tom Tattershall

Entropy is a scientific word for the tendency toward disorder in the universe; in other words - things fall apart.


Entropy - a thermodynamic quantity representing the uavailabilty of a systems thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often inerpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system. In plain english it basically means all things tend towards chaos.


Totally had the same reaction you did, Shan. No way can I blame Anya or Spike in this episode. Both of them had been given the big brush off, and they just happened to be there for each other. Hated Xander's reaction, and wasn't exactly thrilled with Buffy's either. They had both hurt their respective X's terribly, and they both knew it and still went through with their plans (Xander leaving Anya at the altar & Buffy telling Spike she knew he loved her but she didn't love him so he needed to move on). How much more clear can you get than that.


I don't want to excuse Xander, but I love him. He was a good boyfriend to Anya until the marriage, and I get why it fell apart from him. He acts like an unbelievable jerk here, but I still love the guy. He is still the guy who gave Buffy the confidence to fight Sunday. I think the Scoobies do their best to comfort Anya. Willow and Anya have always hated each other, but Willow jumps up to hug her. Anya has always been rude to Buffy before, but Buffy now talks to her like a friend. But when two people break up, I think it is right not to pick sides. The Scoobies all remind Xander how much he has messed up and that it is Anya's choice to take him back or not, but they love him, and they don't want to talk bad about him behind his back. Entropy means decay. The universe is moving towards thermodynamic equilibrium. The suns will die and all activity will stop. We will all be dead long before that happens, of course, but one day the universe will stop working. That's the kind of happy thoughts watching Buffy puts in your head. Let's just rejoice that Tara's back.


Love your Seal clap at the end.


ASR: "Angel" *raises thumb* "Parker" *index finger* "Riley" *middle finger* "Spike" *bandaged finger* Not only is the finger she raises for Spike covered, symbolising the hidden nature of the relationship, but she manages to flip Riley the bird as well. Genius!

Bria Bey

I totally agree with you about Xander in this episode. So no hate coming from me. I didn't paticulalrly like Buffy's reaction either even though I understood it. I think Xander is just jealous of Spike which is why he has always had this built up animosity against Spike.

Kelly Marie

Well looks like the cats out of the bag now..

Chris (darkwater)

This. They are still his friend.. and Anya said it herself, they don't hate him so she can't exactly get a wish out of them. And as far as how they behaved with Anya, her entire focus was on wished against Xander and she constantly redirected them back to that. They never really had a chance to just stop and make an attempt to comfort her.

David Caine

All I want to say is that when this show started I never thought I'd say that Cordelia would be the one with most of her shit together by this point in the shows. The most mature, so to speak. At least Anya got her revenge on Xander by making him suffer, even if he found out by accident.

Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, this episode and Hells Bells were just about the worst ones for Xander's character. I'm with you on this one but then, that's no surprise. We very much think alike on just about every issue with the show so far.


I'm kind of mad at everyone, so definitely no hate. ;p I actually liked the scene between Anya and Spike, and it's in character for both of them to have sex as a conversation topper, so I'm okay with that. Buffy and Xander were both kind of out line, and the dialogue in the last scene was awkward, but I liked that, in the end, Anya opted not to let Spike make his wish, since she would now be obliged to answer it. (I suspect there must be a rule saying that she can't outright say, "I'm a vengeance demon," since she used trickery on Cordy, too. And since I just watched "The Wish" again, I realized that Cordy burning thing on her bed may have been an accidental summoning, since Anya's whole purpose that time seems to have been Cordy.) It's an interesting contrast between seasons 3 and 6, which I might think out and write about in more depth later, but somehow "Lovers Walk" and "The Wish" came off as almost more mature than "Hells Bells" and "Entropy," even though they're the same essential set-up.

Ryan Martinez

As a man, fuck Xander. He's a favorite character of mine but in these last 2 episodes, fuck him. He brought on everything. His relationship with Cordilia to his relationship with Anya. He's garbage.

Ian Victor

I sympathise with Xander just as much as I sympathise with Anya. He didn't want to hurt her. He did what he did because he doesn't want to hurt her. So his (misguided) heart was in the right place. The guy is heartbroken. But yes, he made a bad decision which ended up hurting them both. And I feel sorry for them both. Anya was obviously in the wrong for seeking revenge with the whole evil wish thing, and for cheating on Xander. In fact she's the only one who intentionally set out to hurt someone... But in her defence, she's a primitive ex-demon. Spike was in the wrong for sleeping with Anya. But in his defence, he's a vampire (with a seemingly high level of complicated human emotions for a vampire). And Buffy's been in the wrong for sleeping with Spike and messing with his messed up head. But in her defence...she's a human, with a normal amount of complicated human emotions. So, in short: all of the above are in the wrong...And I love and empathise with them all.


Shan, I love your rage at Xander in the scene outside the magic box - he pisses me off so much here! And he pisses you off enough that you have to keep pausing to have a rant at him. :) Go Shan!! He’s so out of order in his attitude to Anya. Grrrr! Shan, people are not gonna hate on you for getting angry at Xander. Practically everyone feels the same way as you about his horrendous behaviour and attitude, and that Anya owes him nothing. Xander is such a wanker here. He thinks he has the right to police Anya’s sex life after dumping her at the altar, and also shame her(!!) about who she sleeps with - even saying he feels sick! ( That’s actually very slut shaming, he’s implying that he thinks she’s dirty/been tainted for sleeping with Spike). GRRR I hate him so much here!! I actually kinda hate him more for this bullshit than for leaving Anya at the altar. That was horribly heartbreaking thing to do to her, and VERY un-self aware to not figure out earlier what his fears were, but I do have some understanding that he’s been messed up by his family’s abusive upbringing, and at 20/21 years old he had not yet figured out the impact that had on him, so hadn’t worked on those fears ( all buried and unacknowledged). I dunno I get torn, poor Anya she’s so hurt. Xander’s behaviour was terrible. And I get very angry at Xander. The impact of drunken abusive parent’s on a person’s ability to commit, and function healthily emotionally is very damaging though. I’m not excusing him at all, but ‘getting’ - the fear that you will become like your parents when you’ve grown up with dysfunctional relationships being normalised. And you’ve not seen any healthy relationship examples. What pisses me off is that Xander is so unaware of his emotional damage, that he rushes into the big commitment of marriage way too young, without thinking about these things. It might sound like I’m excusing Xander like the Scoobies, but I’m more just acknowledging the damage of abuse. [ Growing up with alcoholic parents usually involves neglect and emotional abuse, there’s been quite a few little indicators of this scattered around over the years, plus some that indicate that Xander father was an aggressive/angry person that he was afraid of and put him down verbally. I wish this had been explored more in the show, and not just hinted at , cos it’s pretty major and I would have liked it to be dealt with properly, instead of it suddenly coming to a head in him failing to commit and abandoning the woman he loves. :( ] Saying all that, I get completely on Anya’s side in this episode, and also get annoyed at the Scoobies not giving her the support she needs. I love when the scene at the magic box is all about Anya having someone completely be there for her, with no defending of Xander. Turning into comfort sex perhaps isn’t the best way to heal the hurt for them both, just because it feels empty straight after - which I think is what they imply here, when they are getting dressed. But the comfort seeking makes total sense, if not wise. Btw Shan, you stick buy your opinions, you have every right to hate Xander’s behaviour here, and don’t worry about people hating you. Don’t try and reign in any strong feelings about things! xx Very few people argue in favour of his behaviour/that he was right - because it was so shitty. That might seem to contradict earlier parts of this post - put it this way : I hate what Xander did. I also hate his abusive parents for damage they have done to him, and subsequently the knock on effect of it hurting people around Xander. And annoyed with him for not figuring out he needed therapy/should not have proposed in the first place. I hate Xander’s entitled, misogynistic, judgemental slut shaming. Ugh, so many feels at these few episodes, even now after all these years.

Lisa Kristin

Anya was wrong for trying to curse Xander. But she didn't in the end and that's the important part. Anya did not cheat on Xander, they were completely over. Although I can understand that it hurt Xander, he had no right to go off on her like that. If he feels disgusted that she slept with a vampire, he can keep it to himself.


Well, ok, I was a bit wrong here. I wrote this while watching the reaction and before reading the comments. I'm surprised at the amount of support for Xander, even though it's still in the minority. :'(


Fucking xander.


I love the Anya/Spike scene. Spike is the one who can/will validate her hurt, he’s always been “love’s bitch” so he knows what it feels like. The others are too aligned with Xander to give her much. This is a low moment for Xander, and he pisses me off every time…still! Buffy should have revealed her relationship with Spike to defend Anya…but her fear of judgment by Xander [her heart] is still too strong. I’m good with Spike letting it out, it had to happen for the sake of everyone.


Is great how Spike face change when Anya starts to open up her real feelings, is like he gets instantly into consoling mode. Spike has done this all the time, consoling Willow insecurity in "The Initiative" helping Dawn in "Forever" and Buffy so many times, the funny thing is that you can see how his face and attitude change immediately in this situations, he just can´t help himself when he sees a woman in pain. I think this is a remain of the William essence that is left in the vampire, one of the many things that make this character so complex and interesting.


Xander is...Xander... However, with the Scoobies and Anya...None of the scoobies actually like Anya. They were/are Xander's friends, not Anya's. They were nice to Anya, and sort of became friends with her, ONLY because she was dating Xander. So, if that relationship is over, it shouldn't be a surprise that the Scoobies were more concerned about Xander, more interested in consoling Xander, etc... Personally, I like Anya much much more than I like Xander. I didn't like him in season 1, he sort of gets better for awhile while he dates Anya, but still annoys me. So, watching the show, I want Anya to get help...but I don't expect Xander's friends to choose her over him. Humans are very biased creatures (if you have studied psychology/philosophy, you are aware of how biased we are). If we like someone, we can find reasons to excuse almost anything. While if we don't like someone, practically everything they do is seen as further evidence of their horrible nature. The Scoobies like Xander, they know what he did was wrong, but they still like him. They don't really like Anya, they sympathize with her pain, but they aren't going to join her side and start hating Xander. If they did, it would be completely out of character for them.

Beauty Effulgent

Thoughts: 1. Xander's a Jerk. 2. Anya deserves better 3. Tillow!!!!!!!!!!!!


the bandaged finger is the heart finger, where the wedding ring is supposed to be, just saying.


I love this episode so much... I ship Spanya.

Clara V.

To be fair, in her conversations with the Scoobies Anya made every deliberate effort to steer to converstion toward Xander to trick them into making a wish, so it's understandable that they're talking mostly about him. I imagine in a natural conversation they'd be more sympathetic, but every time they try to talk about something other than Xander she stops them in their tracks. It's true that they have much more of a connection to Xander and thus didn't give Anya the support she deserved, but I feel like it's a little unfair to blame them for their behavior in that scene. I'm sure they would have tried to comfort Anya if she'd given them half a chance, but that's not what she was after at that time. Also I love everything that happened between Spike and Anya this episode, comfort sex included, it makes perfect sense and this is for sure Xander at his absolute worst. He's always been a bit of a dick with some redeeming qualities but he goes full dick in that scene. I can understand his feelings this season on some level, but that moment is inexcusable.

Vicky N

Xander hits a new low in this episode. I really like Spike and Anya scene. Willow doesn’t deserve Tara’s forgiveness because she never apologized for what she did to her.

Jeszebel Black

yeah.. xander doesnt have the right here. he pisses me off too. that thing with spike was just comfort. nothing more :).

Clara V.

To quote the great Rupert Giles: "To forgive is an act of compassion, Buffy. It's not done because people deserve it. It's done because they need it."


Neither Anya or Spike did anything wrong by sleeping together. Both found in each other someone who understood both their romantic problems and their ‘dealing with humans issue’. Spike is a chipped demon and Anya is a thousand year old ex demon (who still has a soul right? Or had a soul throughout right?). ( This makes Xander a hypocrite, he hates Spike because he is a demon but he overlooks the 1000 years of slaughter? Anya has never expressed any remorse for what she has done as a vengeance demon. The fact that she is punishing men who have wronged women (She went after Cordelia because Xander cheated) explains but doesn't justify her actions as a vengeance demon (“Yes because muggers deserve to be eaten.)) Buffy and Xander’s responses to Anya and Spike were completely unfair. Both were clear on the fact that they were seeking solace from each other, it had nothing to do with Xander and Buffy. On Tillow: There is one part of Tara’s speech I *really* do not like: “Trust has to built up again, on both sides”. For any American commenters, that reminds me strongly of Donald Trumps ‘bad things happening, on all sides’ comments when there were clashes with Neo-Nazis. Willow broke Tara’s trust with the memory spell, and all she said about it is that she didn’t see/notice that as a violation and thought that it was, maybe, the wrong way to go about fixing problems. Tara did not break Willow’s trust. And Willow was never shown to apologize or even recognize this crime. Since it happened, it was just never mentioned again. Frankly, the reason this bothers me so much isn’t just the crime itself, its the fact that the narrative never acknowledged the crime. It’s just been brushed aside in favor of an addiction storyline that victimizes Willow. If only the show had dealt with it head on and not glossed over it, I could have begun to like Willow again, she is often a likable character. But I hate narratives that ignore the flaws of their heroes. Even if the characters don’t acknowledge it, the story should.

Rachel Espiritu

Aww, I love how much Shan loves Willow+Tara! All the happy adorableness!


i really hate how self righteous and 'above it all' buffy was with spike in that scene at his crypt... and i hate xander going off like this. he is the one in the wrong, he left her, he has no say in what she does, how she does it or who she does it with. its normal to be hurt, but to go off like that was so wrong. how can she keep making out like she doesnt have feelings for spike and she doesnt care about spike, when she is jealous and pissed off about him and anya now? and how she was jealous he brought a date to the wedding... i know she said she feels something for him before, but i just dont understand why she cant admit to herself there is something there. he cant hurt people, he helps the scoobies... he is no worse than angel was! gah! this whole things pisses me off.


what does Spike smell like though? leather and graveyard dirt and something spicy--there's got to be a Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab scent for him. Actually a whole Buffy line would be amazing!

Andrew Pulrang

Xander has been a problematic character since day one. But that's part of what made him interesting. He's a combination of weakness and nobility. Sometimes his nobility wins out, sometimes his weakness. And it's all a very long growing process for him. Sometimes it's hard to watch, but hopefully it will all be worth it at some point. As for all the pain in this season, I think it's all intentional. They're all grownups now, and their "ships" aren't simple and idyllic anymore. It hasn't always made for a good show, but I think the attempt at giving them all adult responsibilities and consequences was the right way to go with this series. Just not always carried through that well.


I really hope your eyes are still on the screen when you sing through the opening credits. 😊😊😊

Marcus Marcoos Winn

I love Xander as a character, but I wish the show held him more accountable. He makes terrible choices and was so diminishing to Anya throughout the course of their relationship, but he all too often gets the "lovable goof" pass.


I'm glad that Willow and Tara are getting along. But that's where it should end. Best friends. No more. Don't be offended. Just offering my opinion. If other people disagree with me, that's their right.


You saìd it, Shan!! I agree with your comments about Xander. He was majorly in the wrong in this episode. But I don't like Tillow. Sorry to disagree with you. Sexual relationships should strictly be male/female.


Xander is pretty shitty throughout the series. He manages to do something to piss me off each season.


Is there a way to block a commenter? I don't enjoy seeing LGBT bashing on this site. Thank you.

Richard Lucas

The difference is that Angel has a soul. Spike is still semi-evil (The Doctor). Having said that, I still like Buffy and Spike more than Buffy and Angel. But then, I’ve liked Buffy with everyone the show has paired her with (except Parker. And I even liked him when he was introduced. I bought his line. I guess I would have had my heart broken a lot if I had been a girl.)

Richard Lucas

I just love Tara and Willow together. But I respect your right not to like them together. Edit: oh, I thought you just didn’t like their personalities together, or preferred Willow with Oz, as some fans still do. (Oz was the perfect guy on this show.)

Richard Lucas

A controversial statement to make. I think Joss really wanted to make Xander the gay Scoobie, but the network was like ‘no way’ so he went with his second choice Willow, although it had always been a toss up for him which it would be.

Richard Lucas

Try not to let it upset you. I’ve always deeply associated Buffy with my gayness as I think a certain shot of Xander in the episode Go Fish pushed me right into gay puberty.


Did anyone noticed that Anya stopped Spike from making a wish? What does that say about Anya?


Yes I noticed that. Seems that even though she's a vengeance demon again, she won't be as eager in granting wishes anymore.

Jean Olenick

There is. It's called Highwayman and it's listed under their bewitchin' brews. Here's their descrip: Stand and deliver! Vetiver with gardenia, blood red rose, night-blooming jasmine, a dash of cinnamon and a faint hint of leather