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Wesley is such a brilliant character. This isn't the first time we have seen Wes try to handle everything himself and do what he feels is right (Faith.) He's the guy who believes that a hard call has to be made, and he is the one who always has to make it. For better or (usually) worse. Another argument I've seen often for why he didn't tell anybody, is that he probably didn't feel comfortable talking to the others about it for various reasons. His relationship with Gunn and Fred was already strained due to jealousy and tension, and telling Angel might be playing into the prophecy in some way.


From a parent perspective his reaction to Wesley in the hospital was valid.

Jarrod Wild

Seems like every time I see that moment when Angel (*not* Angelus) snaps, it scares the shit out of me. He was seriously going to kill Wes. Everything leading up to that point, namely Angel hoping Wes was still alive, was all because he wanted the chance to kill him himself.

Brendan O'Connor

Great episode, great reaction, a real heartbreaker. Angel loved Wes, trusted him with his life, they were family, but now that's broken and will never be the same as it was. I hate Justine, and she's surprised that Holtz used her, but when he said he'd train her he said he'd make her an instrument of vengeance. He never cared about her or anyone else on his team, just what they could do for him.

Bruce Trogdon

Girl (in the white room) is one of Kay Panabaker's earliest IMDB credits. The Justine character was originally envisioned for Kate. After her father was killed by vampires in season 1 she was angry with Angel because he's a vampire too. That antagonistic relationship was going to lead to her meeting Holtz in season 3 and joining his vendetta against Angel. But midway through season 2 she got another job and left so they had Kate and Angel sort of make up before she left the police force (and the show).

Keith Allison

This and "Sleep Tight" are among the Angel episodes I have the hardest time rewatching. I agree with people who rank Season 3 as one of Angel's best, but it's also probably the season that gives me the biggest knot in my stomach the whole way through, knowing what's about to happen here.


Yeah she went on to be a main character on Law and Order for like 5 seasons which was obviously the best choice for her career, although I wouldn't have minded Kate hanging around for a bit. It's interesting to me that so many people hated Elizabeth Rohm on Angel, and then she became like one of the most hated characters of all time on Law and Order. People really don't like her as an actress.

Einar Sigurðsson

The show is not the same after this. I love this as much as this point in the story hurts me


I don’t blame angel at all for dabbling in dark magic. I’d flip the world upside down to find my child and the ending was just so brutal, I understand that angel feels betrayed by one of his best friends but it’s still never easy to watch.


Man that ending is so unexpected, yet so vicious. It's one of the stand out moments from the series imo. The moment leading up to it has such a different tone and energy (the soft music, the gentle tone of Angel's voice, everyone's relief over Wes being okay), then BAM, Angel goes full on murderous and tries to kill Wes right there in the hospital. David's acting takes the scene to another level too. I love this season for many reasons but the whole 'Father will kill the son' arc is such powerful storytelling.

David Caine

One of the most iconic and heartbreaking moments of all of the Buffyverse.


These episodes should probably be called "Super Bad Awful Stuff, Part 1" and "Super Bad Awful Stuff, Part 2"... etc...

Timotey Kuhn

This is the unwavering dedication that I'm talking about. You are so appreciated for how hard you work at this for us. *hugs you*

Timotey Kuhn

Don't worry. That last thing anyone here expected is for you to break out into song on the very next episode after all of that happened.

Timotey Kuhn

(after the end) Oh my god....you poor thing, Shan. Your poor self is just being put through the bloody wringer here. :'( *hugs again*

Becky Howell

I couldn’t mention this a few episodes ago because of spoilers when I saw people commenting how Angel was acting humorous and so unlike what we have seen in the past. I’ve always saw it as Intentional, we need to see how silly and carefree having Connor has made him to highlight this moment. As soon as Connor was gone he became what we saw right there at the end. We need to see that huge drop in emotion from angel to add even more pain to an already painful shocking situation. (I hope that made sense I was having a hard time putting my thoughts into words).


This is still incredibly painful after all these years. We never in a million years thought that Angel and Wesley's relationship could get to a place like this.


Definitely, definitely. Buffy starts making mistakes too when she can't confide in Willow ("It's your fault I wish I was dead"), can't confide in Dawn ("Your finally-not-dead sister wishes she *was* dead and is coping via demeaning naughty sex"), won't talk it out with Spike because the problem *is* that he's the person she wants to talk things out with, and doesn't see Tara as much. I wish Wes could have told Lorne :( But Wes did do a better job the 2nd time around with Faith, when he went against his gut and trusted Angel.


No empathy for Justine? Just remember she lost her twin sister to vampires. She was susceptible to being misguided. And remember what Giles said about forgiveness. No person deserves forgiveness, but everybody needs it. (I'm paraphrasing of course)


Forgiveness can be hard but it is possible.