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I've never clicked a link so fast in my life.

Tammy L. Faulkner

About to watch... Hope you dont make me cry with you... I've shed my tears for this episode a couple times before.


Kind of like reacting to Swan Song, except no Castiel returning to put everyone back together.


I don't want to be mean but your sad/shocked face sent me into laughter. :(


Sure are a lot of cliffhangers in 3x16. Is Wesley dead? Or does he live long enough for Angel to kill him? The moral of today's episode is "don't steal other people's babies."...


This was the episode that made me go... "yeah, this isn't Buffy..."

Brendan O'Connor

Every time you mentioned liking Wes this season made me think of this episode, one of the deepest betrayals in the series, and a life threatening situation, the third time and definitely most dire. Justine is the worst, plain and simple. Great reaction as always, though I'm sorry if it took a toll on your soul :'(


Yeah Buffy never went this far, sure we got Connor back later in the Price but even Buffy or Joyce dying doesn't compare to this scene with Connor & Wesley.


It is *rough* watching "That Old Gang of Mine" where Wes is positioned as the level-headed leader warning Gunn he'll be out of the group if something like that happens again when you realize how much things are about to be flipped around.

Heather Hollenbeck

Is it weird that this episode made me love Wes even more?? Not because I even remotely agree with what he did - what he did was just horrible - but because it shows the complexity of his character. How much he struggles with this, and how much growth his character has been through since s3 of Buffy.


I will always defend Wesley to the death in this episode. The actions he took were to save Connor and Angel. “Angel and the people I work with are my family”. They are his world. The moment he read the prophesy, he was doomed. If anything ever happened to Connor, it would be Wesley’s fault whether he took action or not. If he told anyone else about the prophesy, it’s their fault too. He knew that, and he didn’t want to put anyone else in the horrible position he was in. (Though I am very certain he would have told Cordy if she were around). And his plan was to take Connor away, not give him to Holtz. So he was essentially giving up his entire life for Angel and Connor. The only action I blame him on is caring about Justine. If he’d ignored her gotten in the car, they would have been fine.

Rachel Espiritu

Six weeks, Shan. SIX WEEKS. That's how long we waited after this episode for the next one, the worst fucking cliffhanger in recorded history.

Nichole Hutchison

I so wish Angel had used his vampire strength and snapped Holtz’s neck when he was threatening to do it to Connor, I mean he was right infront of him!


As frustrating as Wes' actions are here, they are totally in line with his character. One of Wes' biggest weaknesses as a character and a leader is his tendency to think he knows best/better than those around him when it comes to making big decisions. It's one of the reasons why he failed with Faith in Buffy Season 3. There was really no reason NOT to tell the rest of the team about the prophecy. IMO the only reason he didn't is because he thought no one would know how to handle it better than he would. He was wrong.


Maybe you should give up on the eyeliner.

Brandon Wiesner

I bet you didn't know how prophetic your words were while singing over the credits. Yeah, Joss hates happy.


I tried really hard to come up with my usual flippant, smart-arse comment...but I couldn't. ASR's look of horror...that was too real.

Alexis Cardarella

Amy Acker is actually from Texas, so I don't know why she couldn't consistently do an accent she's familiar with.

Timotey Kuhn

Oh Shan.... Not since the horror that you went through with "Becoming, Part 2" on "Buffy" have I wanted to be able to give you a big comforting hug.

Brandon Wiesner

Sometimes when you move somewhere, you can lose your accent. I moved to LA from NJ about 18 years ago. People used to say I had a hybrid NY/NJ accent. I have all but lost it.


You're brave to have watched after what Justine did to Wes. Proud of you.

Eric Haefele

I apologize in advance for giving you the biggest insult that I know how to give. You remind me of the American President. When you say that you don't accept this whenever the story turns in a direction you don't like. The American President denies reality whenever it doesn't fit his chosen narrative.