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I love how silas is portrayed. He isn't your average villain.. unlike klaus who is angry and intimidating, silas is so laid back and acts like a massive smart ass mixed with humour. Absolutely love paul wesleys acting. And i just noticed elena has klaus and kols number in her phone..


Yeah I love TVD, but they most certainly "borrow" a lot of things from Buffy that can't be shrugged off as genre tropes 🤣


well tvd is older then buffy :P (tvd is a book from 1992)


Who can't spell doopleg...wait dopelgangeg...Damon help!


To be fair, Damon has been calling Stefan all summer, he just assumed Stefan didn't want to talk to him. And remember Stefan was planning on leaving town after dropping off Silas in the quarry. He was heading to Portland! :) It was super unlike Stefan not to return anyone's calls, but I imagine Damon and Elena didn't really want to think too hard about Stefan's state of mind. I am also loving Damon/Jeremy bonding! Damon should definitely have told Elena the truth, but I think he's lying because he so badly wants to handle everything and prove to her she can trust him. Good intentions, wrong actions. Classic Damon lol. Poor Stefan and Bonnie :(.


Damon and Elena do think Stefan just left town. That was the deal Damon and Stefan had made at the end of season 3 -- whichever one Elena chose, the other was going to leave and let them be happy. The deal got sidelined when Elena became a vampire, and Damon nearly left town because of it in 4x03 until they realized Elena still needed help adjusting. Then everything happened with the cure and the sire bond and Elena's humanity switch, but the deal was never actually called off, just postponed until things settled down.

Bria Bey

I enjoyed your Delena happiness squeals very much in this reaction because I remember feeling the exact same way.

Keith Engel

I always love TV shows and the " freshman dorm rooms" looking like they are as big as a living room in a house or larger....Lord knows my dorm wasn't like that.