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Kelly Marie

When i saw fred and gun kiss, i was like NOOOOOOOOO MY POOR WESLEY :(


"The day my ships sank... "


Gunn is so blah I agree


You know she's watching it for the first time right?


Haven't watched yet but Gunn is lame. Fresley & Cangel all the way. Alright I'll watch the reaction now :)


Awesome reaction! This episode was initially made because the actress of Fred had a background in ballet, her entire scene was cut from the episode and is a bonus feature which you should check out after you finish the season.


I think that Wes slowly becomes the most interesting character on the show going forward from this point. Not right away, but over time.


I’m so glad you’re on the same page as me when it comes to Gunn and Fred. I was really nervous you’d ship them.


Am I the only one here who loves Fred/Gunn? I’ve always loved them together. They aren’t your typical couple.

raymond julien

Seriously...Summer Glau's first!...an actual Ballerina! That we have come adore and love...you can't be a terminator without Ballet lessons!!

raymond julien

The trouble with ships...they can sink!

John Sturchio

I don't think they've given Gunn enough to do on the show, based on the "War Zone" episode it seems they could have developed him into a more interesting character than they have.


I didn't know this until like a month ago, but this episode has a deleted scene just like with Birthday. You can find it on YouTube. I thought it was kinda funny tbh.


Right. Summer even does ballet, always love seeing her. There's a few Angels that reuse a Buffy story. Giving it an Angel spin. And all the ships sank in the last couple minutes. That was fun. :)




Where do you know Summer Glau from?


I think from The Sarah Connor Chronicles is most likely!


i love gunn and fred together. i tend to like opposites attract type relationships. two people who are exactly the same dating on a show like this would be quite boring tbh.

Chaotic Cam

Lmfao, I didn't even realize this existed, thank you for bringing it to my attention.


I do love ballet, and I love Gunn discovering it. And I love playing dress-up, so... On the other hand, it brings up the other reason I don't like Cangel--they're practically tearing each other's clothes off and having every other character shilling the ship... and they still have less chemistry than Cordy/Wes in Buffy season 3.

Brandon Wiesner

The Buffy episode you're thinking of is I Only Have Eyes For You and yes, it definitely felt like they paid homage to it. Also, I know people have been asking you about Firefly and I don't know if you are decided on that or not but since you like Summer Glau so much, just figured I'd mention, she's on that show, as one of the main characters. Just sayin'. ;-)

Adrian G

While I would be surprised if she didn’t know. Now she knows she is on the show rather than discovering it by watching, which is a spoiler!

Claire Eyles

This episode frustrates me. It's well written, I love the parallels between the story of Giselle, and what is actually happening on screen (as the ballet of Giselle plays out on stage), I love the humorous moments between Angel and Cordy. There's so much to enjoy with this episode, except the ballet performance itself is just...Gaahhh! They should've maybe filmed it in a different way, or something, because as good a dancer as Summer Glau is (and I know she's classically trained) she still doesn't dance like a Principal Ballerina - come to think of it none of the lead roles being danced look like they're being danced by Principals of the company and this is supposed to be this overly wonderful ballet troupe that has had 60 odd years to get even more overly wonderful with their technique et al. Like, okay, maybe if they'd just filmed them from the waists up, so you couldn't see their feet, that might have worked better.


I’m not entirely sure but I think Joss Whedon mentioned in a DVD commentary or interview that this episode was meant to be a sort of response to Buffy’s “Once more with feeling”. Since he knew that Amy Acker had dancing experience he thought it would be good to do an episode about ballet. Also, Cordy’s comment about not being scared about dancing vampires? It’s funny cause we just saw those on Buffy OMWF lol

Scarlett Monrow

I agree. The ballet scenes made the episode appear cheap, like they saved on special effects and got really bad visuals.

Scarlett Monrow

I never got Gunn and Fred, there is no chemistry and it feels forced when they are together. Wesley would have been so much better for Fred.

Jarrod Wild

Summer Glau was a ballerina before she decided to act. I believe this was her first ever TV appearance. What's great is that learning fight choreography is like learning to dance, so she's sort of a natural at fight training for shows like Sarah Connor Chronicles and Arrow.


Angel never told Buffy she was the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Just sayin'

Jason Veevaert

Yeah, Angel with Cordi , and Buffy with Spike ;)

Andrew Pulrang

I like Gunn and Fred, but I don't like the stupid love triangle it sets up. As for "Cangel," I always preferred them as friends. Not a huge problem, but these weren't my favorite plot and character developments.

Andrew Pulrang

I don't know the story behind this episode, but i wonder if it grew out of a particular love of ballet by Joss or some of the other Buffyverse writers ... and maybe a wish to feature Summer Glau. In any case, I enjoy it whenever Angel reveals one of his long-term cultural interests or fandoms, reminding everyone that he IS so extremely old.


Yup, it was her first ever tv ( or film) appearance. I just checked Wikipedia before posting my rather late comment on this reaction, and was checking here to see if anyone else had mentioned it. She is indeed a very graceful mover.


It was not a 'wish to feature Summer Glau' for this episode. It was her first tv performance , and apparently, it is where she first caught Joss's eye for future casting. So other way around. Are you saying you need to be old to enjoy ballet. !?! Though I myself mostly prefer modern ballet to classical , from since I was about 18 - I mean, it's the nature of classical ballet that children start training really young. So there's constantly new generations of young ballet fans. ( I dunno, is that not what you meant? Confused).

Bellatronics (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 12:46:43 ““Can’t fight kyrumption cinnamon buns.” I just love this line. (And is was way before the internet meme and current meaning of cinnamon bun, by like more than a decade. Was the person who started that meme/meaning a Lorne/Ats fan??) “And stop calling me pastries.” LOL I love that Lorne calls people pastries! xx (Is is mostly or only Angel? damn, I need to listen more closely.) “Back in the day I’d always get box seats. Or just eat the people who had ‘em.” Lol . There a few fanfics of the Fanged Four going to the ballet. Most of them involving Spike being fidgety and hyper, and annoying Angelus who is majorly into the ballet and crying. :D Aw, all your ships sunk! I was trying to remember what happened at the end of this episode, to put a downer on Cangel, and thought maybe it was just awkwardness and misunderstanding - I forgot that this is when Groo turned up! Cordy seems mostly oblivious to Angel’s feelings - perhaps the curse is still so foremost in her mind that she doesn’t think Angel can ever pursue a relationship, so she’s in denial about her feelings as well as Angel’s. Poor Wesley. I like Gunn, and I think he and Fred are quite sweet in this episode. I didn’t see it coming originally though, was caught up in shipping Fredley, and thought things would go that way. I think Wes & Fred are a better match. Aw, I always feel for unrequited love. :’( I too love Summer Glau.
2018-11-07 10:38:52 ““Can’t fight kyrumption cinnamon buns.” I just love this line. (And is was way before the internet meme and current meaning of cinnamon bun, by like more than a decade. Was the person who started that meme/meaning a Lorne/Ats fan??) “And stop calling me pastries.” LOL I love that Lorne calls people pastries! xx (Is is mostly or only Angel? damn, I need to listen more closely.) “Back in the day I’d always get box seats. Or just eat the people who had ‘em.” Lol . There a few fanfics of the Fanged Four going to the ballet. Most of them involving Spike being fidgety and hyper, and annoying Angelus who is majorly into the ballet and crying. :D Aw, all your ships sunk! I was trying to remember what happened at the end of this episode, to put a downer on Cangel, and thought maybe it was just awkwardness and misunderstanding - I forgot that this is when Groo turned up! Cordy seems mostly oblivious to Angel’s feelings - perhaps the curse is still so foremost in her mind that she doesn’t think Angel can ever pursue a relationship, so she’s in denial about her feelings as well as Angel’s. Poor Wesley. I like Gunn, and I think he and Fred are quite sweet in this episode. I didn’t see it coming originally though, was caught up in shipping Fredley, and thought things would go that way. I think Wes & Fred are a better match. Aw, I always feel for unrequited love. :’( I too love Summer Glau.

““Can’t fight kyrumption cinnamon buns.” I just love this line. (And is was way before the internet meme and current meaning of cinnamon bun, by like more than a decade. Was the person who started that meme/meaning a Lorne/Ats fan??) “And stop calling me pastries.” LOL I love that Lorne calls people pastries! xx (Is is mostly or only Angel? damn, I need to listen more closely.) “Back in the day I’d always get box seats. Or just eat the people who had ‘em.” Lol . There a few fanfics of the Fanged Four going to the ballet. Most of them involving Spike being fidgety and hyper, and annoying Angelus who is majorly into the ballet and crying. :D Aw, all your ships sunk! I was trying to remember what happened at the end of this episode, to put a downer on Cangel, and thought maybe it was just awkwardness and misunderstanding - I forgot that this is when Groo turned up! Cordy seems mostly oblivious to Angel’s feelings - perhaps the curse is still so foremost in her mind that she doesn’t think Angel can ever pursue a relationship, so she’s in denial about her feelings as well as Angel’s. Poor Wesley. I like Gunn, and I think he and Fred are quite sweet in this episode. I didn’t see it coming originally though, was caught up in shipping Fredley, and thought things would go that way. I think Wes & Fred are a better match. Aw, I always feel for unrequited love. :’( I too love Summer Glau.