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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S06E08 - Tabula Rasa FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Oh, this is gonna be good... 😄


Can’t wait to see your expression when it comes to ‘randy giles’ 😂

Signe (Seena) Stewart

I haven't seen this yet but I can't wait. This is one of my favourites! 😁😁👌🏻 Papa Giles and his son! 😂

Brandon Wiesner

Feeling's mutual, Shan! I don't think Dawn was really so much mad at Tara but she was upset that she was leaving, because she loves the two of them. Oh and if you didn't pause it at this part of the credits, I wouldn't have known that David Franco plays vampire #3?! Pretty funny, how so many actors had small roles on Buffy back in the day.

Tammy L. Faulkner

"Oh my god... I feel like an idiot... I'm Zander." LOL!!!

s jaco

Randy Giles, why not just call me horny Giles or Desperate for a Shag Giles. This episode is so funny for a big part of it. But the ending is so sad.


Definitely one of my all-time favorite episodes. After all the various “good-byes” being shown during the final song, to end with the one huge “hello” between Buffy and Spike was a powerful moment. Loved Xander’s inappropriate laughter at getting his memory of the movie “King Ralph” back. And the little cultural call backs to things like “Creature Feature” (a popular TV matinee, geared for kids, that played old horror movies on Saturday afternoons here in the States). And if we had nothing else but the interaction between Giles and Spike, thinking they were father and son, it would have been worth the price of admission alone. Hilarious stuff there. Giles: “Older brother?” Spike: “Father. Oh how I must hate you.” LOL

Jarrod Wild

Michelle Branch was a fave of mine way back then. I had her album and she hadn't released Goodbye To You as a single yet when she was on Buffy, and I was so happy to hear her singing it live on the show. Saw her in concert when she toured with Sheryl Crow way back in 2002. Man I'm old.


I don't think Dawn is upset over the fact that Tara is leaving Willow nearly as much as she's upset over the fact that, to do that, Tara has to leave HER, too. She lost her mother, lost her sister for a few months and, since getting her back, Buffy's kind of been emotionally checked out, Giles is going back to England, I think Tara moving out is just a little too much for Dawn to handle. I think one of my favorite lines in Buffy ever is when "Joan" says "A vampire with a soul? Oh my god, how lame is that?"

Bria Bey

You remind me so much of myself with your rewinding and rewatching the spuffy kisses.


Note how Dawn calls Xander "Alex" when she throws him the stake. A nice touch.


Dawn is just freaking out. Her "adoptive parents" - who took care of her for several months after she was orphaned for the second time - are "divorcing." It would have been nice if Xander had been there to drive Tara to a new place. It is to bad for her to be there all alone with no one to wish her goodbye.


Buffy is at her lowest point right here. I don't know if it's a reason to be joyful about her giving in to Spike's advances at the time being. If not given these circumstances she'd never done that. But hey, I grant you this pleasure because I like you! This is one of my favorite episodes ever, partly because of Michelle Branch, and partly because of the somewhat breaking point the episode left off the audience and the scoobies. I love this song forever. It fits the plot so much, this should've been the official video back then...lol


This part of Willow's story is definitely the most frustrating. *sigh* I still disagree with Giles leaving, I think it was quite a shitty move. Poor Buffy :(

Bruce Trogdon

Nice catch of the actual 'loan shark'. Do you remember what that, and other things, were a call-back too? “Purge their minds of memories grim, of pains from recent slights and sins.” It seems that just being who they are is now grim and painful for all the characters. That's where they were emotionally when the spell happened and when they got their memories back at the end, things were even worse.

Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, I thought his whole reasoning to her was weak. I think they didn't really know how to handle it, since there was so much else going on in season 6. The writing was kind of a mess in points. The real reason anyway, is because Anthony Stewart Head at the time needed to spend less time on the show so he could be with his family.


I also think it has too many similarities to her parents' divorce with her. Once they separated, she rarely sees her father so she's probably thinking now that Tara ended things with Willow that Tara will want to stop being in her life, just like her father has. I really can't blame her for being upset, either.


It's rare that you get two so absolutely top tier episodes right next to each other. Both OMWF and Tabula Rasa easily make my top 5. I always associate them together in my mind as the storylines flow so seamlessly between them. Comedy, drama, heartbreak, romance and music - everything that makes Buffy great is showcased and cast, writers and crew are at the peak of their powers. And OMG what about that bombshell ending? ASR singing in key and sounding fantastic. WTF lady?!


I randomly thought of this today, why did Spike program Buffy bot to know about the scoobies, i.e. Anya likes money, if his plan was to use her as a sex bot and have the scoobies never know of the bot's existence.


Of all the emotional scenes in the series, the last one of this episode ALWAYS makes me cry


well dont disregard that Spike left, and clearly Buffy went after him...

Andrew Pulrang

My favorite comic moment is Spike/Randy realizing he’s British by rattling off all the British slang that is apparently in his head ... shag, bollocks, tosser, etc.

Beauty Effulgent

I'm with you Shan, Goodbye to You holds a very special place in my heart too . When I was 12 years old Michelle Branch was my favorite musical artist in the world. I loved her from the very first time I saw her video for "Everywhere" on MTV. I played her album the Spirit Room every night before I went to bed. Coincidentally this was at this same time I watched Buffy for the first time, and when I got to this episode I thought my heart was going to explode when I saw my favorite singer on my favorite tv show. I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard my screams of excitement. And I probably flat-lined for a few seconds when the Spuffy kiss happened lol. Although this is not my favorite episode, the ending may be fav of the whole series. I still get goosebumps when I watch it.


“You’re not too old to put across my knee you know, sonny” ASR: “Please do that, I wanna see it!” - … there might be just a few fanfics out there…. not admitting to whether I’ve read them …. :D The whole Randy Giles and ‘mid life crisis father Giles’ cracks me up. I’m too late to be the one to quote my favourite line of the episode though. I love this episode so much! It's a very close runner up to OMWF as a favourite. Such a sad funny episode and such a funny sad episode. Gives such a rollercoaster of feelings, and although I complain about the Giles leaving plot, it is otherwise great writing. I love the Michelle Branch song, but for me always associated with he very sad scene of Giles leaving and heartbreak of Tara & Willow breaking up. It always makes me cry! Even though Tara should absolutely leave Willow at this point, it totally breaks my heart, I loved them as a couple. What it is - Willow is breaking my heart that she could do this, this invasive controlling abusive stuff, to the woman she loves - sob sob. So always a heartbreaky song for me, and had never listened to it outside of this context. Interesting for Shan to come to this scene already a big fan of the song. Great reaction Shan!

Bruce Trogdon

So Shan, do you think that Willow simply couldn't go one day before doing magic OR do you think she was planning on doing the memory spell from the beginning and just agreed with Tara to get her to calm down?


Oh yeah! Another thing I love and find funny in this episode - that Spike didn’t realise he’s a vamp! I also love Spike’s “Let’s give them these” and “ Fine, take your damn spikes!” But Spike not realising he’s a vamp is also really thought provoking. Without his memories, his baseline wasn’t to go all blood lusty, and was to assume that he’s one of the good guys “a vampire with a soul!”. Lol and hmmm. On a similar note - why do Giles and Spike have to ‘figure out’ that they’re British?? As though American is the default nationality when you lose you memory??? lol. Confusing concept, but hilarious scene & dialogue for them both. “Oh, listen to Mary Poppins. He’s got his crust all stiffened up with that nancy boy accent, [….] Bloody hell! Sodding, blimey, shagging , knickers, bollocks… Oh God, I’m English!” I always find hilarious taking the piss out of our brit slang, and amusing when Spike shows his age with use of words like knickers, or wager. god, I love this episode so much, Randy & Joan, Giles & Anya’s interactions, all the bunnies! - poor Anya! :D “ Bara bara himble gemination.” P.S. Not sure Shan if you caught this, as you were amused & commenting on Buffy & Dawn - “The only ones that have actually figured themselves out” :) When Buffy & Dawn hug here, Spike says to Giles: “You never showed me affection like that! …I’d wager.” Ok, ending now :)


Total agreement! Don't these 2 episodes flow so well - I almost think of them as a pair.


"Is this a psych test? Am I getting paid for this" XD My favourite Xander line in all the show (not much into Xander though)


The use of Goodbye to You at the end is one of the better uses of music as it pertains to the plot/emotional states of the characters in the entire series. But it is not the best IMO. That's coming up in a few episodes. I'll point it out when we get there.

Einar Sigurðsson

I think that Dawn's reaction is because after the death of Joyce, and then Buffy, Willow and Tara became her surrogate parents. And now, again, her parents have split and Buffy doesn't seem to care about anything, or even about Dawn (according to Dawn)


Tabula Rasa...means 'Clean Slate'...er, slate means precursor to the blackboard...white board...a blank pad!

Jarrod Wild

I think it's safe to say now without spoiling anything that Randy Giles was foreshadowed in Restless. There's the scene of Rupert and Spike on the swing set and Rupert talking to Spike like he's his son, and Spike is wearing the same tweed suit he wears in Tabula Rasa. :)


I really stopped liking Willow after this episode, it made me see everything I saw before in a different light. Willow has a soul, how on earth can she justify such a violation on Tara's mind? Its not just mindrape, its actual rape- because she had sex with Tara while Tara was under her spell. Its clear now that Willow has always been using spells to try to control people. Willow's resolution to stop doing magic for a month (not that she lasted a day) completely missed the point of her problem. Her main problem isn't that she is using too much magic, it is that she is using magic to control and abuse the people around her- its a power problem, not a temptation problem. Think of substance abusers. There are many types of substance abusers in the world, but not every substance abuser will drug their friends and family. Which means, for Willow, its not a substance abuse problem, its a Willow problem and one that she needs to recognize about herself.


She might even think that they resent her, which makes her defensive and sad. She knows that Buffy sacrificed herself to save her, and now Buffy is miserable and Dawn knows it.


I love Spike, but he stopped making sense to me as an evil vampire long ago. lol :) The best explanation I ever got to his sometimes gray actions (like taking care of Dawn after Buffy was dead!...) is that perhaps some of the essence or imprint of 'William the bloody awful poet' was so strong that he retained an ideal for romance and love, even if as a demon he no longer fully understood it.


Upon review of the scenes in question very closely, they don't appear to be exactly the same suit, but it's obvious it was meant to look the same. Also bowtie vs necktie and it's a different shirt. I guess that's just me being really nitpicky.

Jarrod Wild

After Willow successfully resurrected Buffy, she's been on a power trip. She thinks she can do anything without consequences. She selfishly wanted that thank you from Buffy, she threatened Giles, and then she mindraped and then *physically* raped Tara, and then she accidentally mindraped herself and all of her friends. She's lost it and if she even wants to consider the remote possibility of redemption, she's got a really long road to travel.

Callumbo Heath

All About Us is a bop (and this is also a favourite episode of mine)

Rachel Espiritu

I love how blatantly on the nose this show is. "In case you missed the BIG GIANT MUSICAL, here's a LITERAL SHARK to let you know what season 6 is jumping!!!"

Katherine Thoreson

Just because I don’t think anyone else has mentioned it at this point, tabula rasa means clean slate. Just a bit of fun to know facts. 😁


Yes Shan, you are smart! I don't know if I spotted the 'loan shark' thing. :D I only know of Michelle Branch because of this episode, and you knew her before watching it! EDIT - Ah, from Charmed! :D (I'm still watching the reaction video...)


I think I first encountered the phrase in the early 2000s in a Stephen King novel, but I didn't have access to the internet, so I couldn't find out what it actually meant. OK, I admit that I owned a dictionary at the time, but let's be reasonable, yeah? :D


James Marsters's English accent is awesome. I say that as an English person. If nobody knew he was American and he put on that accent, I doubt anybody would think it was out of place.


Like the song, the ending was bitter sweet. Their kiss in the last episode was Buffy wanting to feel again and Spike did that by saving her. This episode the kiss was more about feeling enormous loss and she was using him to distract her from that pain. I've never seen this song used in the other shows but it always reminds me of this episode because of how well it fits what happens in the show. The feeling of loss and the acceptance of that pain in order to move forward.


If you ever need an example of how original the writing was on this show, this episode is the perfect example. In the history of tv how many loan sharks trying to get money scenes have there been? Hundreds probably. How many can boast a line like "I just need more time.". "Time, Mr Spike, is what turns kittens into cats!"