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Angel S03E05 - Fredless FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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I love love LOVE Amy Acker's acting in this episode. That scene in the bus station where Fred has to confront her trauma never fails to make me sob like a little baby.

Brendan O'Connor

Cordelia and Welsey making fun of Buffy and Angel is one of the funniest moments in this show


Beyond the episode titles at the end of last season, I think Fred really is supposed to be a modern Dorothy from Wizard of Oz. She was the southern farm girl who got whisked away to a magical land, only what if she never got to come back with the click of her shoes. She has the same innocent "oh gosh oh gee" thing going on.

Andrew Pulrang

Obviously they wanted us to go from being suspicious about Fred's parents to thinking THEY are adorable like Fred. But I don't think they quite succeeded. I'm pretty sure in the end we're supposed to like and trust them, but it still felt a little off to me. Fun episode though, and of course a great reaction.


Fred's dad did make a little comment about almost calling the police on them, but It was mostly in passing and kinda silly. After suspiciously saying, "Is it almost time to bring them in?" like 8 times in the episode, wrapping it up with, "Oh yeah we just meant the police." doesn't really feel earned.


I think there's a comic showing what happened in the meeting between Buffy and Angel, but I've never read it. My prediction is: lots of dramatic talking, touching, and probably a little making out before they both backed away. I'm with you though, I was so disappointed we didn't get to see or hear about any of it!


I love the idea of Fred being so afraid of her parents seeing how much she lost herself in the five years she was missing that she would rather run away than let them see her, but I think they could have done a better job pulling it off. But for the most part, I still love this episode because Fred is adorable and I love her!


They did the same thing in No Place Like Home, the scene when Dawn was offering Joyce a cup of tea. Cheap move because once the plot comes to a close, you look back at the supposed suspense and it doesn't make sense.

Paul Gibson

i agree peg that scene brings tears in the same way family does but forentirely different reasons


Last lines in this episode make me feel all bittersweet......


The "why" is that they were owned by different networks at the time, and the powers-that-were made it super difficult. Grrr.


This episode suggests Fred suffered from a dissociative disorder. When people suffer trauma, they can make themselves feel as though they are not themselves, thus they are able to alleviate some of the stress caused by the trauma. When Fred saw her parents again, she had to admit to herself that the carefree young woman who left Texas had become an anxious and blabbering trauma victim.

David Caine

When Fred's mom is talking to Cordy about Fred's dad loving the Aliens movies, and she says "except for that last one they made, I think he dozed off," they are making fun of Alien Resurrection, written by Joss Whedon. There might be a couple of other meta jokes like that throughout Angel and Buffy.

David Caine

Yep, when Lorne says Fred hasn't run far enough, and that she is not ready to face it, and that it's going to get ugly he means Fred has not faced the reality of what happened to her, because it was the only way she could cope.


“Oh Buffy. I love you so much I almost forgot to brood!” … Kiss Me! Bite Me!” - Shan : “That was oddly…correct.” LOL. I love Wes & Cordy’s dramatic re-enactment, and your reaction to it. :) The giant bugs are eeew! I love Fred’s mum being badass and mowing one down with the bus. Quick jump from learning demons exist into action. The first time I watched this I’m pretty sure that I was also going - ‘y’know, where are Cordy’s parents? We never even hear her ring them or mention them.’ Her dad might still be in prison for tax fraud, what about her mum though? The Buffyverse so far has mostly done absent parents or ‘bad’ parents ( if not downright abusive). Joyce was one of the few decent parents around, though far from perfect ( I often forget that by mid season 5 :’( ). Poor Wes at the end, all these hints or mentions of his shitty emotionally abusive parents. Hugs to Wes! So yeah, the fake out about Fred’s parent’s earlier in the episode, I feel was the writers going - ‘More bad parents - ha fooled you. Surprise !!!!! Fred actually has loving parents, who’d guess it. ’ And then the team are all sitting around when they’ve left in Awe and Envy, going wow, Fred has loving parents. What’s that like?’. Hugs to the team, xxx

Jarrod Wild

There was some serious bad blood between the WB and UPN after UPN outbid for and "stole" Buffy away from the WB. The networks were definitely not on speaking terms at this time. It's funny that not many years later they merged to form the CW.

Timotey Kuhn

That was your best theme song yet! :D

Frank Tremel

"And she dated Xander and he's the heart" In what world was Xandar the heart? He was the worst character on Buffy. Especially his prejudice towards Angel. I hate how he never got outed for lying to Buffy in the season 2 finale about Willow being able to resoul Angel even though he knew they could.