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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S06E04 - Flooded FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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s jaco

I was so wtf when I saw Jonathan and Warren the first time in this episode. The Reunion between Giles and Buffy, so good. But Buffy really should charge for money here ^^.


"I'm very powerful. And maybe it's not such a good idea for you to piss me off" DAYUM Willow went OFF! Honestly, Giles was really disrespectful in how he talked to her, even if he believed what she did was wrong.


Considering that we as the audience know where Buffy was, and we know that Buffy didn't want to come back...maybe it isn't Giles who was disrespectful? I mean, we don't know if it is possible for Willow to use magic to ask Buffy what she wanted, but doing magic on people without their consent seems pretty evil to me. Taking Buffy out of heaven is the third or fourth major magical act that Willow has done on a souled human without asking, or even telling the person.


i was eating while watching this and nearly choked from laughing when you mentioned the idea of Buffy taking vampires wallets to support herself! 😆


You can get a loan with collateral in the US too, but I think in her case they owed more on the House than it was worth. Fort Knox is where the US keeps its gold.

Thomas Langerwerf

Unfortunately, like the clothes, the vampire wallets seem to turn to dust as well though


Fort Knox isnt a prison BTW its the location of the gold reserve in the US.


Willow wore a lot of purple clothes this episode, she may be feeling "Royal"

Andrew Pulrang

I can see how Giles’ reaction can be interpreted as disrespectful or overboard. However, I think it was effective in emphasizing that magic is serious business, not a hobby or a cool lifestyle. I also think the fact that he expressed real anger and disapproval is in a way a signal of the respect he had / has for Willow. He’s not coddling her, but telling her how he sees it, without sparing her feelings.


Shan, that was good question, and something I never thought of before. Tara and Willow moved into the house, and they (apparently) pay no rent. They eat the food, as well. And while Buffy was dead, Willow and Tara and Dawn apparently spent all of Joyce's money on rent/food/clothes... ....That's pretty messed up. I mean, Joyce left money for Buffy and Dawn, not for Tara and Willow to spend on stuff.


Willow used magic to save her best friend. When Giles was her age, he used magic to get high and have dangerous sex orgies with his buddies and get them killed. When his sex demon came back to haunt him, it was Willow's plan that saved them all. Glass houses.


My two favourite things about this reaction were ASR's disappointment with Willow's behaviour and her grandmotherly disapproval of burning money. We need more of Granny ASR's homespun wisdom (e.g. "Don't scar your eyes girl!") and sound financial advice.


If Will and Tara fixed the Buffy Bot, studied ressurection and paid their own food out of their own pockets, then they can hardly be blamed for using Joyce's life insurance to pay Joyce's medical bill, Dawn's food, clothes and school supplies and the mortgage. If someone should be paying, it is Giles, who recently got paid two years of his Watcher's stipend retroactively. He must be rolling in cash, none of which he seems to have shared with Buffy.


Bath is a real city in England.

Andrew Pulrang

I agree, it's a good point and a bit of a writing flaw. I think it's easy to overcome with a minimum of retconning. If most of the insurance money was taken up with hospital and funeral expenses, then Willow and Tara living there probably wasn't the main factor. Plus, in a sense they are taking care of Dawn, which has some kind of value. The main problem is I think Joss and the other writers want to introduce real-world money worries into the show, which is a good idea at this stage, but they kind of just asserted the problem without putting much work into the details.


She can easily beat up a newly made Vampire and take their wallet before staking them.


The Watcher's council should be paying Buffy for committing to her duty as a slayer and risking her life everyday.

Chaotic Cam

Great reaction! Didn't know if you'd notice it or not since you're good with faces, but this is a pretty small connection, but (no spoiler whatsoever) the actor for Andrew actually played another character, a one off vampire minion for Harmony in the episode "Real Me" which I think is funny.


Hmm...they probably would if she asked. I mean, when she told them to rehire Giles and pay him retroactively, they didn't even bat an eye. If she had added "and pay me the same amount from now on" I doubt they would have refused.


Who's that guy? It's Tuckers brother, of course!


Tara and Willow not paying rent makes me angry every time.


Hi Clara... I know it's minor, but even this is more than ASR would like. Would you mind deleting this before she sees?


I’m about to watch this and all I can think is “FULL!... COPPER!...RE-PIPE!!!” 😂 and also “hey, did you know the basement was flooded??” Lol


Willow and Tara not having jobs bugs me... i get that they moved in to take care of Dawn and i love that... BUT why were they not also working part time at the very least to bring money in? Grrrr! Also, i honestly like the spat between willow and giles... he is completely right to be angry and disappointed that willow did something so huge and at such great risk... of course he is happy to have buffy back but he never would have risked it... for good reasons... and i think the fact willow doesnt seem to fully understand or care about magick and consequences was pretty evident by her reaction and flippancy... lets not forget how dark that ressurection spell was, she lied and hid what the “special last ingredient” was from everybody and the kinds of things that would happen becauze she knew it was dark stuff - thats why she never told giles and spike the plan either; she knew they would stop her and get the others to understand the risks and stuff too


Mmm fashnik. Like mmmm cookies. No I think it’s muh fashnik. Like muh...........fashnik. I always crack up with that scene lol


that willow/gilles scene in the kitchen is fantastic


Name of third guy: Andrew. His brother was the guy who summoned devil dogs on the prom (that guy was unavailable, or he'd have been the third).

Jarrod Wild

A couple things: the third guy after Jonathan and Warren was named Andrew, and he said he was Tucker's brother. Tucker was the guy who unleashed the hellhounds ("devil dogs") at prom. Also, behind the scenes, the WB was pretty ticked that UPN bought Buffy from them, so there was a lot of animosity between the two networks at the time. Who knew that just a few years later the two networks would merge to form the CW?

Nancy Nicolai

Giles was right to get upset at Willow like bc the way she went about bringing back Buffy and magics she had to access were dangerous also not least of all Willow did not dig Buffy up out of her coffin before starting the spell and Buffy had claw her way out WTF...she could have also set up a protection spell around the grave just in case I mean it is Sunnydale!😎✌🔮


Whatisname, that other one, yeah , what’s his name now? Fort Knox is the vault where the United States gold reserves are held, hence the saying ‘harder to break into than Fort Knox’. Yeah, Willow threatening Giles, wtf moment eh! That spell was so dark though - killing Bambi, snakes coming out of her mouth, deep gashes appearing on her arms. She knew that Giles would challenge her like this, and that he would have stopped it, hence her keeping it a secret from him all summer. Shan, I’ve never not got your sense of humour before - but I’m confused why you think Giles having a flat in Bath is funny?? Do Australians maybe not use the word flat? It means apartment. I can understand it being confusing seeing Jonathan with the other 2 geeks. Like - why does he want to do evil stuff? He didn’t expect there to be any plan to kill Buffy though - hey the plan is shrink rays! - and argues against it. [ Btw - the jet packs - that’s the little drawing you thought looked like an injured person - but it’s the FIRST time I’ve realised that, I always thought the same - not on the list!] For me it does follow on from Superstar though - he’s not learnt his lesson, and is still trying to be somebody, get some attention, through short cuts. It squicks me out SOOO much though that Jonathan eagerly writes up on the board the idea to rape Buffy through hypnotism. [ I felt the need to comment and not ignore Shan’s immediate seeing that for what it is cos people brush over and ignore these things so much, - but scared of typing this at the same time. I’m probably not gonna sleep actually. I always blank this bit of the scene out actually, and forget about it til next time.] He was the one to give Buffy her class protector award! He’s misguided but , kinda sweet - we liked Jonathan ( is there anyone who didn’t?). So it’s major gross to see him so oblivious to consent. The show really has it’s moments where it’s a bit dodgy about consent unfortunately, and doesn’t take it very seriously, rather than this being them making a comment on society. [Shan - you mentioned Go Fish’s weirdness on this in your Fool For Love re-watch!]. Um, that got heavy, I know a lot of people won’t like it and wish I’d keep quiet. Nope. This is an interesting episode, cos a lot is going on characterwise, but very minor monster plot/danger. I think it’s a top quality episode, even though it’s not a big memorable one that makes people’s top lists.


I have come across fanfics where Spike suggests this to Buffy. Shan - you think like Spike, lol ! I always find it hilarious how they are so: 'you can't charge people to save their lives!'. While Angel is doing exactly that, well when they can. It's aways felt such an obvious comparison to Angel's team, that I'm sure it's a deliberate joke by the writers.


Ok, I’ve just read through the comments and realise that I’m being a bit dense here, and that maybe Shan doesn’t know that Bath is a town in England. Silly me. Or maybe it’s both the word flat and Bath?


Whenever I'm talking to someone about BtVS and they say they don't like Dawn I always remind them of "mmmm, cookies." There is no way you can't like her after that.


Who has noticed when Anya 'huff's out' of the house, her footsteps make the same noise on the concrete as they do on the grass!? Demon thing? But funny.

Alexandra Wege

Three things: 1. Willow and Tara leeching off of Buffy sucks. 2. Jonathan has not learnt his lesson. 3. Buffy confides in Spike. AAAA! A lot of people don't like season 6 because it's way too real. I LOVE season 6 BECAUSE it's way too real. A lot of issues that have built up over the past 5 seasons culminate in this season.

Alexandra Wege

Exactly. To me, Dawn acts very much like a younger Buffy (think of season 1 Buffy) only without superpowers. Same humor, same way of talking.

Alexis Cardarella

The fact that Giles didn’t react to her threat, also bothered me... like, he should have been even more concerned at that point..


I can’t believe no one has commented on the most important moment of the episode yet: Andrew quoted the Fonz! LOL


Is there a easier) way to search for old episodes ?


In all seriousness, there are so, so many pop references in this show that I don’t know if Shan gets or not. They aren’t critical to anything, of course. But they are fun.


And it's also one of Harmony's minions from S05E02! I just noticed it's the same actor...