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Weekly Update #2 // Break, Blocked Videos, Schedule etc.

So sorry for all the lateness. hopefully with a break I can get them all out on time for you. Link to my schedule: https://www.patreon.com/posts/this-weeks-woo-20559783



Gasp, am I the first to react to ASR reaction to the 'blocking people's' reaction to reactors in general? But it's so fascinating to see the reactions of people react to shows I've already reacted too; thus promoting and selling more of the show; or am I crazy?...………Ok, I'm crazy....ps Thank you.


If we grade on a curve, then you're near the top of the class for getting reaction videos past the blocks and onto youtube. So thanks for that. :) Buffy, Angel, & AoS are all at a place where pretty much all the episodes are great or better. i'd like you to post all the episodes of all the seasons today - if you can't to that, then I'll wait. Take care...


I understand, Shan. That does stink that WB are giving you such a tough time! Hate that Buffy's finale will get pushed back a week. That will be absolute torture. But I do get it. Take care and be encouraged.


Sliders (1995) pilot? Just neat. John Landis was an executive producer (American Werewolf in London, Blues Brothers (original & lame remake)), I like most of the stuff he's worked on.


For WB, that was the Series Finale. UPN picked it up for season 6 & 7. A world without 6 and 7 would be messed up. (Some might disagree.)


My suggestion is to take all of the mental health breaks you need so that you donto not get frustrated with the process. Your reactions will necessarily be colored by your stress and frustration, and nobody wants that.


Hmm...honestly, when you mentioned this idea a few days ago i assumed people would freak out. But, so far, it seems like I'm wrong. Which is great...


Completely understandable. Putting in a lot of effort and not getting your worth. Hoping this issue can be solved soon. Wishing you the best!

Claire Eyles

((hugs)) for you, and we appreciate your reactions whenever you are able to get them out. If that means we have to wait a bit while you take care of yourself then so be it (you're worth having patience for).


People dont freak out till there no video as they never read or watch these videos.

Brandon Wiesner

If WB are being dicks about their content on YT, then just uploading those shows to Patreon makes sense. You can keep the full reactions in the current tier and allow access to the edited videos for free. There are still plenty of shows to upload to YT and others you can start watching that aren't on WB, or CW as now they're called.


She posts Arrow, Flash, TVD & Supernatural. Those are sadly all CW. Buffy Seasons 6 and 7 are also CW/WB I think. Major problem, hope it can be solved. She built a fan base based on those shows so moving on to other shows isn't easy.


I believe the issue with that idea is that it is against YT rules to link to any outside site.

Brandon Wiesner

@Ahmad I don't think there are any Issues with Buffy or Angel, because although they aired on WB, they are owned by Fox and are not part of the current CW lineup. Plus, Buffy moved to UPN after season 5. @Talmet She doesn't have to link them in YT. She can just make an announcement that they're going to be on Patreon and that video will stay in YT so people will know.