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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S05E15 - I Was Made To Love You FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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No.... this can't be the last one for the week... :)


Yeah was really hoping for ep16 this week as well


No please. The waiting is worse. 😢

Amanda Logsdon

Just think if you can get through the next one you can handle anything this show will throw at you.




oh no... I was expecting two episodes this week(((




no spoilers please...

Chris Peacock

So, for a comment that actually has something to do with this episode (lol), I think April is my favorite single episode character. Even though she wasn't real, I really felt for her. Her actress did a really good job showing emotion and being emotionless at the same time. Very well done.

Chaotic Cam

Aw, I was hoping we'd get THAT episode today, but I completely understand. D: At least we get Disharmony which I was expecting to wait next week for! :D


What spoiler? Did you see the end of this episode?


(Im dumb ignore my last original comment lol)! Well i forgot what happened in the last few seconds of this episode... silly me... sigh... BUT love the robot episode, and how buffy is so nice to robot April when she is shutting down. Love your excitement about the idea of a robot buffy too... the next episodes is (in my opinion) one of the most brilliantly shot episodes. So gutted no reaction to it this week but I understand by your final reaction why that is :( Looking forward to seeing your open and lovely reaction to it though :) xxx


So I caught up on your Buffy reactions Tuesday and couldn't remember what episodes were next so looked it up. I saw this episode title and was like oh no.... I had hoped you'd have the next episode too but I do understand. I will just catch up on Angel then ❤


If it helps you feel better, 5x16 is really good. One of my all time favorites. Top 10 if not Top 5.


This episode has so many ups and downs. Everyone is having fun and smiling a lot, and a robot motw is funny, plus Joyce twirling in her dress. Then Warren is the worst kind of monster and Giles goes all ripper on Spike ("get over it") and April shutting down on the swing set. Buffy makes a big character development decision about not needing a romantic relationship right now. (Your face when Ben was at the party was priceless. LOL 'Are they going to date?!') It's such a great episode all by itself, but the last scene blows it all to ashes. Also, You had the same reaction to Spike's robot request that Torchwood Boy did. Robot Buffy Vs Buffy.


This might be one of those times when you have to look after yourself. We love your reactions, but there are life issues that are a lot more important than a TV show or a YouTube channel. Buffy is certainly a show that delves into life issues in a way that can be triggering for people for many different reasons. <3


This episode turns out to be very important thematically for the series as a whole, didn't expect or see that the first or even the second time watching it. But watching it again it's sneaky important.


Did everyone watch this before the Angels?


I respect that you feel you're not ready for the fallout from this. But that's exactly how Buffy feels, she's not ready to deal. And that's the thing with loss, even if we know it's coming, we're never ready. I don't mean to push you, but I learnt a lot from the next episode, as painful as it is.


Easily top 5 for me, for the feels, the cinematography and all sorts... just like hush, and then that s6 episode i cant talk about yet lol.

Timotey Kuhn

To all of the fools who are whining & moaning about not enough episodes and such right now.... SHUT THE HELL UP and have some goddamn human decency.


Wasn't April originally supposed to be played by Brittney Spears? I remember reading that back in the day.


It would be hilarious to me if you decided to take a month off from buffy reactions right now….the peoples are getting restless lol


you call people you do not know, fools, tell them to shut up and talk about human decency?


This might legitimately be the hardest swing in tone from light to dark in any episode of genre TV.


on a more serious note, I get people being disappointed the next episode wasn't up I was disappointed but I don’t mind because of the reason it isn't up is the reason I love your reactions....your emotionally invested in the show and characters....sometimes that can be draining. I'd rather wait a week for a engaged reaction then watch you[or anyone] force themselves to watch something they don’t feel up for

Andrew Pulrang

We’re here for you Shan, and we understand. But honest to God, it’s one of the very best TV episodes ever made.

Bria Bey

I guess I'm alone in this but I wasn't extremely emotional about Buffy's mom's death. I was shocked yes, but I wasn't affected much emotionally by it.


Could we please not talk about the details? Shan may not have seen the next episode yet.


hey shan incase u were thinking april the robot looked familiar in this episode, she played the girl that could control bees from the first season of smallville


Hope you're ok x

Jean Olenick

The next episode will hurt you, but it's arguably the best episode of the series. Take an extra week or so if you need it, take care of yourself. You will survive this, Shan. <3


It's that last "mommy" that gets me every time. Uhhhh


Don't read the comments until after you've watched the next episode is my advice.

Jean Olenick

I re-read it and you're right, so I edited it. Fingers crossed that she didn't see the first version.

Claire Eyles

I think because of the juxtaposition of this episode and episode 16 that people sometimes forget just how good IWMTLY really was/is. For me it's kind of like looking at Michelangelo's David and then suddenly realising that 'Hey, that Pieta statue he did is a bloody brilliant piece of sculpture as well'. The pacing of this episode alone is worthy of recognition. There's so many shifts in tonality that it could have felt too crammed in, and rushed almost, but the pacing of the episode just makes it work.


It’s like a bandaid, better to rip it off quick.


Sorry for asking so directly about this (I'm German; they are like that), but I don't recall that Shan said anything about her own mother in her two videos about herself. Or is there something to know?

Timotey Kuhn

You're right. She never did bring that subject up. It would be best that we don't bring it up any further than this either, since , based on her reaction, there's probably a decent chance that it is a very delicate matter for her for one reason or another. I could , and actually hope that I'm wrong, but let's just be like the song from the Beatles now & Let It Be.


Thanks a lot for your lovely reply! "I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be..." God bless!


No disrespect to Margot Robbie, but Shonda should have been Harley. That smile....38:14.

Einar Sigurðsson

I hope you are doing well ASR. Take whatever time you need :)


Tried over and over to type something worthwhile, but I think it's best that I just save all of my thoughts for next week.

Alexis Cardarella

You put off this next episode for as long as you need, if you’re completely serious about doing that. Shows aren’t easy to compartmentalize.. It can affect our mood regardless of it being fiction. Our brains perceive it as real life stuff in the moment, at least to an extent.. I feel like this should go without saying.. So, yeah, watch what you say, people. Definitely don’t whine about not having the next reaction to watch.. We’ve all seen this at least once. She’s watching it for the first fucking time..

Alexis Cardarella

We appreciate your reactions! Most of us anyhow! It’s a joy to watch you react to these series💓 It comes with the territory that you’re occasionally going to come across some highly emotionally impactful episodes... So, be sure to take care of yourself, that’s #1.. We should all be able to appreciate that.


Oh no! I just pledged to Patreon tonight for the first time especially to see ep 5x16 as it says the episodes are posted a week early. Nooooo hahaha. But I understand! :) Not whining, post whenever you're ready. to be honest, you can actually skip it. In my opinion it's one of the best episodes of Buffy and tv in general, but if u feel it's gonna be too difficult, you can actually skip to the next episode and get everything you need to know from the recap.

Beauty Effulgent

Awww Bless your heart! It's alright hun take whatever time you need. Just know that whenever you're ready to watch the next episode, you'll have hundreds of shoulders to lean on ❤️*big hugs* ❤️

Richard Lucas

Take the time you need. I had totally forgotten that ending. But don’t skip the episode please. It’s considered one of the 3 best Buffy episodes. And I think you’ll have a good moment early on.

Brandon Wiesner

I signed up for Patreon, because I knew that this and the next ep were coming up. The Body is heart-wrenching and a lot of people say that they can't watch it but it is a fantastically written and acted episode. I don't blame you for not wanting to get into it yet. You do have to be prepared, which is what the ending of this episode tries to do. I am eagerly anticipating your reaction, whenever you're ready.

Beauty Effulgent

While I think that the sentiment is very sweet, I wouldn't recommend skipping this episode. You're absolutely right that plot wise she really wouldn't miss much, but she would be missing out on some crucial character development for one particular character. Aside from that, true this is a painful episode to endure, but skipping it would be like skipping the Rains of Castamere episode of Game of Thrones. It's a huge part of what makes this show so iconic. And while I've heard many Buffy fans say that they would never watch this episode twice, I've never heard anyone say that they wish they had never seen it.


Wow I love Buffy because with every rewatch you pick up new parallels. The season really picks up steam from here on out.


The Body is probably the best episode of television ever produced.

s jaco

I agree it's right up there for me with an episode in season 6.