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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S05E12 - Checkpoint FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Chris Peacock

I love Buffy's speech at the end. Also, now that Glory is confirmed a god it's safe it say ALL HAIL GLORIFICUS. OUR LORD(ESS) AND SAVIOR (savior from... boredom I guess. lol)!

Becky Howell

Just him saying ‘Glory isn’t a Demon, she’s a God’ is one of my favourite lines in Buffy history!

Michael Roach

The picture of Spike & Joyce watching "Passions" together is easily one of my favorite moments in Buffy history. I also love that one of the watchers did her thesis on Spike. So many great moments in this episode. Thank you for binging Buffy and Angel for us.

Chris Peacock

The Super Slayer they made in season 4 would still not be enough to beat Glory. Still would have been cool if they tried. lol


Travers: "Glory isn't a demon..." ASR: (jumping in with reactor intuition) "She's a slayer!" Travers: "...she's a God." ASR: ***brain rebooting*** You never let us down at the big moments. Worth waiting for.


The point of Buffy trusting Spike coming out of nowhere; when you watch it back it's actually built on small moments peppered throughout. My favorite is when the Queller is in the summers house and Spike throws Buffy a 🔪 to kill it. Then the shot of their hands as he helps her up. Like a connection was made that neither even stopped to think about. So with the rest of the gang at the magic shop, only Spike was left to protect Dawn, from Glory and from the council.

Paul Gibson

Anya: I thought English people were gentler? ASR: No erm thanks very much lol


I still remember when i first watched the scene where Glory surprises Buffy at her house. It was one of the most suspenseful scenes ever. Glory has kicked Buffy's arse twice now and because of that we know she's a serious player. Furthermore, every previous villain that Buffy has fought has had either fear or respect for her because she is the slayer, but Glory doesn't care as it is meaningless to her. It really sent chills down my spine. When Dawn walked in, I nearly choked because i was genuinely worried that Glory would see it and kill Buffy then and there (obviously not but thats how i felt during it). And that revelation at the end, OMG! This situation the scoobies are in just escalated quickly.


Also, Buffy's point about Spike being the only one who has a chance of stopping Glory is valid. I wouldn't say that Buffy trusts Spike because she thinks he is trustworthy. More like, Spike is the only person who could possible have a chance at doing something...so, she has no choice. She can trust Spike. Or she could try and hide her mom and dawn...but that's kind of risky (and leaving them with Spike is kind of hiding them as well).


I really like the "Glory is a slayer" theory. I kind of wish it had been true.

John Boehmer

Buffy's "Power" speech is so wonderful, but IMO, is only her 3rd best speech/monologue of the series. But really, anytime Buffy gets to just stand in a room and talk for a few minutes is always good because SMG is just that great.

Einar Sigurðsson

"She fights the war, you guys are just stupid" - Best way to describe the Slayer and Watchers Council relationship I have ever heard!

Einar Sigurðsson

You just had the same reaction as me when I first saw the end of this episode. Still gives me chills, even though I know

raymond julien

Purely as a side note, have you ever seen 'Passions'. Kind of soap opera/ supernatural/ thing that ran for a few years?

Bria Bey

Yes, Passions was my favorite soap. I love the references Spike makes towards Passions and Dawson's Creek.


I actually watched Passions. [hangs head]. I went thru a brief soap phase, and I happened to be watching Passions around the time that Timmy fell in the well.

Richard Lucas

It was a quasi mystical soap opera that ran every afternoon, like a cross between Dark Shadows, but not quite as supernatural. I had a friend who watched it and I remember him taking about a character called Zombie Charity. It ran from 1999 to 2008, which is actually a fairly short run for a soap opera. They often run for several decades!

Richard Lucas

She is great. But her speeches aren’t even the best one in the show, but I can’t say what in my opinion is yet.

Chris Peacock

... I can't believe I am just now thinking of this... won't say more here... Everyone will see soon what I just thought about... I know I'm coming off as crazy... Probably am.


I found this out recently... isn't Timmy a puppet thats sort of alive but not lol?


Holi. Timmy is a doll created by a witch. He comes to life only when he's out of other people's sight. The other characters wonder why Tabitha (the witch) is so attached to her doll. Something like that. I watched some Passions when it ran, but my memory of it is fuzzy wuzzy.

Dontrell Durant

Did something happen to the rest of season 5 episodes? For me it skips from this episode to season 6.

Dontrell Durant

It must be my phone. The tags aren't working for me either. I click them and it goes to a blank page. I'll try to figure it out.