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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S05E08 - Shadow FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Yay Thursdays are best days! Binging on aftershow! :)

Chris Peacock

I always loved that Glory just paid for the things at the shop. lol


Just finished my Uni work and excited to watch your reactions :)

Chris Peacock

Riley just killed Willow's daughter!


I can see you were annoyed people spoiled Glory's name. Sorry that happened. x


I respect how you're not hating on Riley, I don't love or hate him but I agree that we should feel bad for him because it's a tough situation for everyone involved.

Katherine Thoreson

Yes, same here. So many people interpret Riley's actions as just being butt hurt because Buffy isn't paying attention to him....but it goes so much deeper than that....on both sides.


Great reaction... always liked this episode, it opened up a lot of things fir me when I watched it. Love the spike scene of course, but felt its a really emotionally charged episode. Poor buffy, you’re right, she really does shoulder everything herself. And riley is feeling a little pushed away I guess. Like he doesnt know how to connect to her or help her or something x


Great analysis at the end :)


I think ASR has mentioned this before, Buffy has never said she loves Riley...and yet, Riley has said he loves Buffy many many times. Being in a relationship, where one person says "I love you" and the other person doesn't respond, is not a good sign.


Snakes have lots of bones, and you can totally choke one. Of course, *that* one.... um... Okay, I forgot that there was good in this episode, because all I've remembered over the years was that awful, awful monster!


At least it's not Larconis from Band Candy!


I think Glory doesn’t conjure another snake-beast because she doesn't know it almost worked. She probably thinks it completely failed to do what it was supposed to do [maybe it went to the woods for a nice slither instead].....also she doesn’t seem the most patient or methodical person, if something doesn't work right away she doesn't have time for it.

Timotey Kuhn

WHAT???? AGAIN??? You've had another detail spoiled (Glory's name before it was revealed in this episode) ?? Oy goddamn vey!!! Are people here and on Youtube just ragingly stupid??? You would think after the talking to that ASR gave everyone back around episode 5 of this season that everyone would have clued in. But clearly people are mind bogglingly dense and can't keep their traps shut. This rage out is now coming from a pissed off , cold & clinical self interest now. Never mind everything else. I'm here because I am looking to see ASR's honest & unvarnished reaction to the amazing Whedonverse shows, among other things. And I am getting robbed of that experience because people can't shut the hell up about things that haven't yet been shown on the show. It's getting into a routine of "Oh that's what everyone was constantly talking about." , rather than our dear ASR giving us her best stuff because she has absolutely no idea what's happening & what's going to happen next. It is REALLY bloody simple , everyone. If it hasn't been revealed on an episode that ASR has already seen, then SHUT THE HELL UP about it !! I SINCERELY hope that this is the absolutely last time there is a "Oh that's what everyone was constantly yammering about " in a reaction episode and that the mod squad can effectively police all the blabbermouths who seem incapable of exercising discretion, because I, for one, am QUITE tired of this impeding what I came here for.

Fly on the Wall

I'm really enjoying your reactions to Riley this season. I said in season 4 you might not have subconsciously given him the benefit of the doubt you thought you had, but maybe I was wrong. I remember thinking exactly what you did when you made that comment about Riley feeling like a better fit without the Initiative story arc. I was never one to hate too hard on the season 4 story, but I know so many others that do and I can see why that taints their perception of Riley. He was so entangled in it. Which is why I get that Riley bugged you again in Out of My Mind. They really did just recycle his Goodbye, Iowa arc again. I often felt that writers were lost on what to with him and because of that the fans never got a chance to get on board with him. I honestly feel had the fans come around on him, he might have been fleshed out better in this season and things might have turned out differently for Riley by the time we get here. It really warms my heart that you're trying to see things from his POV here. You really can't put any real blame on Buffy fr how she processes her grief, but at the same time these issues persisted even before her mom got sick. Dawn inadvertently reaffirmed his earlier suspicion that Buffy didn't love him back. At least not in the same way she was with Angel. Leaving Riley to wonder why is it she doesn't let him in. Is Spike right? Does she crave the darkness? Is Wonder Bread not enough? Which has been is insecurity along. Can Buffy truly be satisfied with a man that's not her true equal? It's funny when it comes to characters like Riley, I tend to want to come to their defense even more than characters I like better since the fan base for him isn't as large as some of the others. As you mentioned earlier this season that this a fan favorite season this is also my favorite season. It saddens me you were already spoiled twice (I know I'm late to replying so I don't know if you've been spoiled again) on this season. It's such a great season to experience for the first time. I really hope your subscribers and Patrons have learned not to do that anymore and I really hope they haven't spoiled the bigger revelations that are still to come this season. It's such a magical year for the Scoobies. I hope you're enjoying Dawn thus far and the woman known as Glory. I remember needing to know exactly what this key opened and why Glory wanted it so badly. I have to say your theory on her being a slayer is quite fascinating. I wonder if there's ever been a fan fiction written with such a slayer concept in mind. It certainly makes you think what could be done with the slayer mythology. I look forward to seeing more of your reactions to Dawn and Buffy's relationship and seeing how Buffy handles taking care of her and her mom after this heartbreaking diagnosis. Even Spike was there for Buffy. This season is such a roller coaster of emotions. I'm ready for it all again.