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Marvels Agents Of SHIELD S02E06 - A Fractured House FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Make no assumptions about character motivations. This show is not like others. Even if a character's motivations seem clear, this show will throw you a curve ball.

Elisa Ingo

I agree with you. Grant had flashbacks of the well (and what really happened) when he was holding the berserker staff. Those memories weren't fabricated.

Christopher simeon

Ward is a very complex character. On one hand he seems to want to be a part of the team again but on the other hand can you really trust a person who lied to you from the beginning. Can he really be redeemed? What do you think?

Katherine Thoreson

At the beginning of the episode you wondered if Fitz still talks to the Jemma in his mind even though the real Jemma is there. One thing the Jemma in Fitz’s mind does is put her hand on his right shoulder, and Fitz will put his hand on hers....but since she’s not there it just looks like he’s holding on to his own shoulder. If you go back and watch those scenes you’ll see it happen a lot. At the beginning of this episode before the real Jemma walks into the lab for the first time we see Fitz already in there, and he’s kind of talking to himself....and holding his right shoulder.


We like Hunter...We like Bobby...We like Hunter v Bobby. We now like Gant over Christian. We always like May v anyone. Even mustache dude gets a nod. Oh...that's why it's called fractured house...our brains are melting!


Bobby and Hunter are great.


I learned many years ago... that politicians are simply professional liars.... so straight away, i figured Ward, despite my dislike of him... was telling a version of the truth, while the Senator was deflecting and warping it.