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The Vampire Diaries S03E10 - The New Deal FULL REACTION.mp4 * Files * After Show Reactions * Onehub



My favorite part of this episode is, of course, the Delena kiss at the end. It was just perfect. They've been building to that moment all season, with Damon and Elena getting closer and closer to each other, and in the last episode when Damon asked her if she trusted him and she said "yes" without hesitation. And I love the fact that Damon told her why Stefan had screwed up their plan to kill Klaus before he kissed her. That's one thing I love about Damon, no matter how much he loves Elena and wants her to feel the same about him, he wants it honestly; if he has information that's favorable to Stefan and could therefore ruin his chances, he's still going to tell her because anything short of her choosing him with all the possible information just wouldn't be good enough. (Just like in the first couple of episodes of the season; in 3x01, he really believed they'd lost Stefan and he told her as much, but in 3x02, after Stefan saved Damon's life, Damon immediately told her that he'd been wrong and Stefan could still be saved.) But the best part of the kiss is the expression on Elena's face as Damon is walking away -- he clearly left her completely breathless. Other than that Delena scene, the stuff I love best in this episode are a few of the one liners. I mean, I love the whole story of this episode, but this episode has some fantastic one liners. Meredith: "Mr. Saltzman...what is your secret? Guardian angel or did you sell your soul to the devil?" Alaric: "Hm...a little of both." What a great way to describe Alaric's relationship with Damon! Alaric: "I guess I have Damon's blood to thank for the fact that I'm still walking." Jeremy: "He said to say you owe him a drink." LOL! I can totally picture Damon saying that. Jeremy: "I shot a hybrid in the back and chopped his head off with a meat cleaver. Typical Sunday, huh?" I don't really have an explanation, I just love that line!


Your Delena reaction was 🔥. That is all

Alexis Cardarella

I was waiting for you to react to this!! I also had to rewind that scene, like, maybe, 10 times.. #Delena ..Have you seen True Blood, and if not, what do you think about reacting to that??


It would be interesting to see someone react to that.


Enjoyable reaction as always. I liked how happy the kiss made you haha