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Chris Peacock

Just so you know, Willow wanting to take drama is not a plot hole. It is to help show how she has come more out of her shell since both starting college and starting to date Tara.

Chris Peacock

Also, Angel is always a little bit weaker on Buffy then he is on his own show. They never state it, but it's obvious if you pay attention.

Nick Velasquez

Riley’s suspicions are easily explained. He’s an insecure asshat who knows buffy is out of his league. If she’s not paying him enough attention he gets all mopey and emo...because it has to be all about him. #nobodylikesyouriley

Craig Evans

I also felt that is was so stupid of Riley to suspect that Buffy slept with Angel. Even if he thought that Buffy would do that, why would she unleash Angelus? That's just so ridiculous.

Michael Roach

Once again, loved your reaction. I'm sensing a little hostility from you toward Riley in this episode, am I right? Lol. You're not wrong by the way.

Gregor Donaj

I think the only more or less good reason for Riley to think that Buffy slept with Angel is that when he saw him beating up his former comrades, he thought Angel was agaon evil. I guess this means that he has no idea how Angelus really is.

Gregor Donaj

I don't know if anyone has asked you that before... I get that you left one episode out (the one with the haunted house) it is definetly not a favorite one. But I would really like to know what was your reaction when we first saw Giles singing at the Espresso pump?


Happy happy! Joy joy! Can't comment. Busy watching.


As soon as you said, "Oh no! Not Forrest!", I immediately thought, "Run Forrest! Run!"


I actually kind of like Riley, but your dislike of him is pretty entertaining.


A few things. *I live for your theme song lyrics! *Your hate for Riley is so awesome. He is cute, but long term, I would slay him in an accident. Ugh. *The reason Riley thought Buffy cheated was because of his own insecurity. Men are giant babies. Going to watch your reaction to Primeval now :) Great reaction.


Tony Robbins is a life coach / motivational speaker. In '97, he switched focus to giving seminars to mid-level management for America's Fortune 500 companies, there's also related books. He is 6'7" and not a pretty man. But he doesn't have a built-in floppy drive.


Hahaha, I'm glad I'm not making that much of a fool of myself by creating lyrics!! I'm glad you're enjoying, BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE LITTLE EXTENSION I POSTED.


What is boils down to is Riley is really, really insecure and it's really, really annoying. Plus, there's just something creepy about him.

Brendan O'Connor

I had to watch the Angel vs Riley fight twice: first so I could rewatch Angel win, second so I could fully appreciate your reaction to it!

Brendan O'Connor

P.S. When you called Forest Riley's one true love I laughed so hard I wheezed! I saw your Foriley video, if you made a sequel, I personally am thinking "Bad Blood" by T Swift

Alexis Cardarella

No, I think mostly everyone thought: "how fucking stupid are you, Riley?" Not just in the him thinking Buffy cheated instance, but many this episode lol Did the writers just not like him? Sometimes I think some of the writers didn't like him, or they got lazy.

Paul Gibson

It hurts me to do this as he is my least favourite main cast member in the whedonverse but I have to defend Riley here. His entire world has changed. He has found out that people he saw almost as family have been lying to him for years so he is in the midst of some big trust issues. Then Xander fills in the blanks on Angels curse. He then walks into a situation where it looks like Angels gone bad. OK Riley jumps to conclusions but Angel makes no attempt to correct him(I like Angel beating him up). So he is in a pretty screwed up place, the conclusions he jumps too aren't great but they are not as unreasonable as people make out. If that had been a character that you liked in those circumstances you'd see it differently. I still hate Riley BTW but this episode I can forgive him for

Chris Peacock

How is Riley anyone's least favorite Whedonverse character? We still have spoiler to be introduced to. And I'm not talking about the one on Buffy. I'm talking about the one on Angel. Angel is my 2nd favorite show of all time and even I want to murder spoiler every time I see them. Riley is just kind of insecure and boring. Spoiler has an outright negative impact on events that happen. I really want to rag on spoiler more, but can't without going to far, so I'll stop now.

Timotey Kuhn

*Giles starts singing. I get out my lighter & start waving back and forth* ;)

Timotey Kuhn

That's quite the grin on your face from when Angel was beating on Riley... LOLSerama... :P ;)

Timotey Kuhn

Absolutely.....Would love to hear your full and unvarnished thoughts at the "My thoughts on...." for this past season about why you didn't care for Riley.

Fly on the Wall

When Riley arrived on the scene Angel was standing over the bodies of 4 of his former comrades. I know you don't like Riley and everything, but I mean it's easy to see what it looked like.

Fly on the Wall

Also, she has sex with Angel in episode 9 of Season 1 so it is not out of the question that she would sleep with him during a visit to LA. It's still stupid to jump to that conclusion, but if you thought Angel was bad and Xander says there's only one way that happens... you stupidly put two and two together. Buffy left out many details with her relationship with Angel and Xander was the one to fill him on them. Of course, the trust was thinned out a bit and not on Riley's side, Buffy was the one that wasn't forthcoming. I'm not really sure you did give Riley the benefit of the doubt. It's OK, you didn't have to. It seems to be the most common reaction and I'll never personally understand it, but we each like who like and don't who we don't. I know we all love vampires on these shows, but Riley will never commit half the crimes Angel or Spike have or will. Sometimes you just love them despite it all. So I get it.