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I am so very sorry for audio issues.

I think I fix them completely by the next episode.

I hope you don't mind for now!


The Vampire Diaries S03E05 - The Reckoning FULL REACTION.mp4 * Files * After Show Reactions * Onehub



Great reaction! I love that part where Katherine says that Damon's gonna get himself killed and the Damon she knew wouldn't have been that stupid, and Damon says he wouldn't have done it for her. Strangely, I love it more because they are both full of shit. The whole reason Damon's a vampire at all is because he got himself killed trying to rescue Katherine. Of course, the best part is at the end, when Damon rescues Elena, carries her out of the hospital, then offers to help her forget and promises to never leave her again **swoon** I love Delena so much!


haha i loved every time Elena's locket popped on screen you were so ecstatic you blinged-out your own locket you were wearing haha. Great reaction, i'm glad you are feeling better! It's so weird waking up every morning not having a message that you have a new video for us, it became my routine, i've missed it and missed you!

Nancy Nicolai

Two things first the sound issue was great on this video but for all the of the us watchers I do have a little tip(if you have Netflix or the DVD's) I just play whatever episode with whatever Aftershow (by the way I would love to know your name or an actual name to refer to you bc calling you "Aftershow" kinda makes my eyes roll back into head but that's my issue so no worries!👍💜)is reacting to and it's been working out pretty well but to be perfectly honest I do this whenever I can & don't forget to keep them synced up so it's cuts down on echos ,hope this helps it's just I'm older and can't hear or see as good as I used to & it blows but laughing ,syfy ,music ,these reactions help so thanx oh also why did Damon take Elena out of the hospital after she just had all that taken & not replaced bc he has no idea how much she lost she didn't need a whiskey she needed a blood transfusion for craps sake!!!💯😁🎶😎🔯✌🍸


this probably doesn't even matter now because you are near the end of originals now but yeah the first two seasons were one year and 3 and 4 were the next and then it's all different from there with time skips. Junior year is s1 and 2 and Senior year is 3 and 4. It's not like buffy or smallville that have 1 season per school year with lots of weeks or time between episodes.