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Supernatural S03E16 - No Rest For The Wicked FULL REACTION.mp4 * Files * After Show Reactions * Onehub



so sad seeing sam cry and dean in hell now. i cant wait till you react to season 4, season 4 and 5 are my top favourtie seasons of all time of supernatural :D.


Not exactly the most uplifting season finale, but it was full of memorable stuff. And more creepy kids!


Well. You did it. You reached to point where many say this show really begins. Not me. I think it's a point where it changes. I'm sorry it was so hard for you to see how it ended. Believe me when I say you are not alone. I was a wreck. I hated Kripke and cussed and threw things at the tv. Dean's my boy! I was really contemplating about not even watching the season 4 premier. But I did. And I'm still watching. I hope you were able to recover and it didn't get you into too bad of a funk for too long. You are watching a lot of heavy stuff and it can get to you. So, hope you plopped in the Gag Reel and took some down time for fun! Now I'm really interested in hearing your opinions and if you ever contemplated this happening - and if so, what that might mean. Are you still interested in watching the show after this? Is it too much? What do you think will happen after this? And why does Sam's power only come on when it's the most dire situations? Now, here is a little gift to make you feel better. Enjoy! I think you'll like it. <a href="https://youtu.be/IEba6LPKnpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/IEba6LPKnpg</a>