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Hey! I use discord a lot in my life, and it was suggested to me that I create a server for Patrons like yourselves.

With the help of a fellow Patron (Dipper - thank you), they helped me work out the kinks of how to set a server up.

Now, I'm not saying it's a definite thing for you guys - just floating the idea out there for you guys.
What do you guys think about it?

Would you guys like a safe space where we can all talk about the channel etc? A place where it's so much easier to communicate, where it's easier to know what videos come out when etc.

Do you think if it's setup fully, that it should be just for Patrons? Or Public and have a Patron specific part? 

Let me know your thoughts on this subject :)


Liam Harrold

As someone who currently runs a discord fof a youtuber im totally for the idea and also willing to lend a hand if needed :D

Tammy L. Faulkner

Im knew to all this... What is DISCORD?


Don't know anything about Discord, so can't chime in on this.


Discord is a chat server, similar to Skype, except that it has a lot more flexibility and allows for a more public, open sort of discourse. One of the ways we were envisioning using it would be to create a chatroom channel where it's safe to talk about ASR's reactions and how they relate to spoilers in upcoming episodes without fear of her reading them and being spoiled.

Chris Peacock

While I don't personally like discord, I 100% agree with you setting one up. It would be great for just about everyone else, and ignoring it will not negatively impact me personally in any way.