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This is not a full reaction. I did not keep the full versions of some of season 4 reactions.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S04E06 - Wild At Heart Reaction.mp4 - Onehub

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Miss Timi Fantastico

Sorry to hear you are having so much trouble. Just signed up for your patreon! I absolutely love how you do your full length videos. It’s nice to not have to have two screens to watch. I’m also a huge spike fan. I met the actor James marsters about a year ago at a con. He is still hot as ever. :)


What a fantastic eps. Love your reaction to Spike, every time he comes on it priceless. I always feel sorry for Williow in this eps. Yep, When they turn, it was so funny. Oz has killed someone before I think it was the Zeppo eps, not sure if that how you spell it or not. This was a heart breaking eps, special Williow, when she cries, she make me cry. Can't wait for the next Angel eps, it my fav, well one of them. I'll see you probably in a week time, hopefully everything will be good, Thanks for all your hard work.


This is such a painful episode for me, because I loved Oz, and Willow & Oz together so much. But no matter how much it hurts, it's still a really good episode. I love the way their fears from Fear, Itself are coming true -- Oz was afraid he wasn't in control of the werewolf part of himself, and one of Willow's fears was that Oz would leave her.

James W

I was thinking of the Zeppo too, but that guy that he ate was already undead so it didn't really count as "killing" him as such, more like "ending" him, if that makes sense :)


The fact anyone puts any blame on Oz is astounding to me. Willow's right what she and Xander did doesn't compare to Oz and Veruka. Willow was worse. People always give Willow a pass but it annoys me. It feeds into the sexist stereotype that men are usually the ones at fault for cheating, and when women do it somehow they are the victim or just going through stuff. Oz is a wolf, pure Id. Instinct over emotion. Willow was in complete control when she was cheating on Oz. Oz didn't have that control. Then the fact Willow thinks she has the right to make a spell to curse Oz shows how selfish of a character Willow is. Sorry, I just never liked Willow, people constantly crap on Xander for his mistakes but Willow gets a free pass because she's Willow and everyone loves her

Timotey Kuhn

Just met him at my local Comic Con yesterday. Utterly ridiculous that this guy is 55 years old and still looks like that.... ;)


I've met James a few times, he's a sweetie. Nine years ago I had afternoon tea with him and a handful of others, a whole hour where we got to chat and ask him questions. It was the prize in a raffle at a Hallowhedon Con in London ( others had to pay a lot of money!!). He was not doing too good at the time, had just injured his back on the set of Caprica ( falling piece of set I think).


I adore your reactions to Spike. I'm also a frickin huge Spike fan and they make me smile, I love how much you love him. This is a great one, "That's a bit of a jinx, aaaand bad guy. Bad Spike! ( breathlessly) ( Laugther) I'm so excited! Oh please don't hurt Spike!" The rest of the episode - just heartbreaking. Sending you hugs. Also, not great the way Willow immediately resorts to magic when in pain or anger. Looking forward to your reaction to The Initiative.


This episode is so good but also hard to watch. Hate to see Willow and Oz break up. Thanks for letting your emotions show in your reaction.


This was a well-done episode that I absolutely hate; this is the closest I've come to a re-watch since I first saw it. I just hated everything about it. The very end, when Oz realizes the magnitude of what happened, is heartbreaking.


Interesting tidbit, for a while now Oz has been wearing that brown sheepskin jacket because he is a literal wolf in sheep's clothing. Hooray for visual puns. While I like Willow, I really do, she infuriates me in this episode. She just seems rather selfish and self righteous. Starting off with how dismissive she is of her own infidelities. Yes, Oz screwed up and could have handled the whole Veruca situation better, but he also has a bunch of weird werewolf stuff going on the muddies things a bit. Willow, on the other hand, messed around with Xander who knows how many times during those five episodes they were cheating, and she did that of her own non impaired free will. And when they got caught Cordy literally almost died, but no, this time is worse because it's Willow's feelings that got hurt. And then the curse thing, yes she stopped herself, but the fact that she went there at all is problematic. Willow just doesn't handle her negative emotions well.