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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/arj9v4j41mx1ze8a083xd/The-Walking-Dead-S03E14-Prey-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=xtnzvvbb1vpmfb05je7hsz6jt&st=l2gez40z&dl=0


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Patrick - Excelsior

Quickest answer to "how does baseball bat do that much damage" from last week's comments. These are decomposing dead bodies. some of these have been decaying for a year now. Skull bone is getting thinner and weaker. Especially in the Georgia heat. Those are some rotten zombies. As for the other question "Has Nash's one eye been closed the whole time?" ... ... I'm going to go with ... Yes. I don't think the plushie suddenly closed one eye. Because, if it did ...I would start hugging the zombies and be terrified of the Plushie. I mean, what if he closed his eye because you poked him in the eye with your finger while hugging him in fear. He might be a little upset about that. Don't Trust The One Eyed Plushie! Michonne poked The Gov in the eye, and now he wants to put her in the dentist chair. Not Good. As for taking his car, he likely took his keys with him when he went after her, so she couldn't steal it. A pen knife true the brain kills them, but cooking the brain until it melts (the human brain is about 60% fat which when burned melts into grease and becomes flammable) doesn't hurt them. Well either Andria is about to be tortured, or the Gov is going to give her a teeth cleaning. I mean, for all we know, he was a dental hygienist before the apocalypse.


>>> !!!FOR SHANNAN!!!<<< 1. People can give vague answers all they like (they shouldn't) ...But like I stated in my notes ...Without the proper technology to actually provide the proof ...Even IF. a character were to say they suspected it ...It would just be mere speculation and thus we'd STILL. be left wondering who the real father truly is ...And if it was an actor or showrunner who said it in an interview or whatever then that automatically falls in the "Didn't happen" category making it NOT. canon 2. Nah Froots ...As I said in my notes ...All you'd need is to take a good hard swing with a baseball bat in order to kill a walker ...You're saying people still have bones ...Yes ...Yes they do ...But the bones of a dead person become weaker since after death the bones become dehydrated and the collagen degrades thus reducing the toughness of said bones ...So it's much easier to bash in the head of a walker than it is to bash in the head of a person who is still alive 3. You about Andrea: "I can only take so much stupid from a character ...Where I believe ...Like I ...I wholeheartedly believe that she is either written just to be fucking stupid ...Or she's got an angle ..She HAS. to have an angle right?!" .....Froots ...Some people's lack of I.Q. will make you raise an eyebrow to higher levels at the sight of their stupidity ...They repeat actions so incredibly dumb that it will permanently make your eyebrow get stuck in place .....I think Andrea seems like a character that can make it happen ...DOES. she have an angle??? Man ...It'd be a GHUGE. plottwist in my opinion 4. You hold up the orange plushie: "Has he always been winking?" ......Eeeeehmm... NOPE. ...That's a new thing ....Run Froots... RUN!!!! 5. You after realising the plushie winks: "Y'know some people can't wink?" ...Yeah that reminds me of a meme you shared in voice a couple weeks ago ..."I heard you like bad girls ..Well I'm bad at everything ..Winks at you with both eyes" ....NO. idea why you brought that up at the time ...It was random as fuck I think while we were waiting for something to happen in-game ...So with this note consider me having returned the favour of providing some randomness ...Keep the randomness coming though ..I love it when you do 6. Aight ...In what little information we got we found out that the walkers Michonne was travelling around with were people she knew and hated ...I'd like to know more ...But I can wait ...IF. we even get an answer ...But even if we don't (and let's not ask people to answer either) ...It's still intriguing to find out there's a bit of history about these 2 walkers and their relation to Michonne 7. The Governor is seen putting up some chains.... You: "Is this a new thing between you and Andrea? ...I'm not kink shaming ..I'm just wondering" ...Me: "For a friend?" 8. Fiiiinaaallyy.. Milton has shown to have a conscience and tells Andrea the truth about The Governors plans ...Now ofcourse the question is ...DOES. Andrea also have a conscience? 9. Aight so in the span of a few minutes Andrea has pointed a gun at The Governor once again but wasn't able to ..This time she was stopped by Milton who all of a sudden believes we can't kill The Governor? ...They're really flip-flopping a lot here ...And now Andrea is planning on leaving again ...I feel like we've been here already a couple episodes ago 10. Weeeelll shit... You should've gone with Andrea, Milton! ...Your lack of a good poker face just made The Governor well aware that he can't trust you 11. Andrea.... Why the fuck are you running on the road??? If you want to remain hidden from anyone coming after you ...You MIGHT. ....I dunno.. Consider NOT. running somewhere they can EASILY spot you!?! ...Fucking dumbass 12. Ok this bish is driving me crazy ...She chose to go for a different approach ...She chose to go from running on the middle of the road to walking around in the WIDEST. OPEN. field she could possibly fucking find!!! ....Andrea ....You deserve to get caught 13. Aight ...One last shot Andrea ...It's getting pretty dark ...There's a BUNCH. of abandoned buildings you can hide in ...You got this!! ...Just hide somewhere in the dark and don't make a sound ...Wait as long as possible...Hours if you have to... And he'll give up and go back to Woodbury ...It's THAT. easy 14. The Governor gets out of his car and walks up to the building Andrea is in ....You: "Get in his car! ...Drive away" ...Froots ...Why would anyone be stupid enough to leave the keys in the ignition? ...IF. Andrea manages to do what you're proposing then holy shit did the writers of this episode fail miserably 15. You: "Man I'd find a really small crevasse and then just stay there ...There's no fucking way you'd find me ...She's making so much noise" ...YEAH! Just hide somewhere and stay silent! ..It's NOT. that difficult! 15. Ok seriously?? Andrea just managed to put a bunch of walkers in between her and the Governor in what was probably the smartest move she's ever made in the entire damn time she's been on the show ...And then she casually walks away?!?! ...Bish... You've given yourself some time... RUN!!!! 16. Ok SOMEONE. just set fire to all the walkers inside of that pit ...It's supposed to be a mystery and since we've just had a scene where Tyreese was calling them out for shit right next to this very pit it seems the obvious conclusion would be to say it's him ....But we're not that stupid ...Cause the obvious question to that red herring is ...Is Tyreese allowed to go outside of Woodbury on his own? ...The answer to that is probably no 17. The Governor catches Andrea JUST. before she gets to the prison ...You: "If Milton just had a better poker face" ....THAT. or if Andrea wasn't an absolute braindead idiot and knew HOW. to hide she'd be inside the prison half a day ago 18. You: "Look I don't want to victim blame..." ....Don't worry Froots ..I'm not above it as you can see from basically half the notes and I'll say it again ...Given the amount of stupidity shown in this episode (and the ones before) ...Andrea deserved to get caught 19. added while editing ...I'm sitting here editing this episode and the scene pops up where Milton shows Andrea the torture room and something Andrea says makes me laugh now realising what's coming next throughout this episode ...Andrea: "I have to kill him" ..Milton: "No, they'll kill you first" ..Andrea: "Only if they see me coming" .....BISH... If this episode has shown us ANYTHING ...EVERYONE. and their oma is gonna see AND hear you coming! ...Man I really wish I could have found a clip of some really clumsy ninja or something making ALL. kindsa noise ...Cause that would've been PERFECT. to insert into the edit right after she said that