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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8v7bp1rtwmxj1ai7ec0ov/Lois-Clark-The-New-Adventures-Of-Superman-S01E04-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=rp00vlobwvvooye1jw86k82ns&st=xprf75hd&dl=0


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Brandon Wiesner

I never watched this show. Honestly, after watching the reactions you did thus far, I can say that I wasn't really missing much. The only 2 casting choices I like are Perry and Lois. Oh and Lucy is hella cute. But other than that, the rest of the cast just doesn't seem to fit the characters. Also, the effects are really dated. Smallville and Superman & Lois really did spoil us. I know they recast Jimmy in season 2. Maybe the new actor was better but I doubt it made much of a difference, since he is a minor character. They also aren't really going for things that Superman fans would be hoping to see. It's like they said let's do a drama series but Superman is an afterthought. You have your typical office rivalry, will they won't they between Clark and Lois, with Cat trying to compete and a corporate businessman villain in Lex. Just too many tropes and not good ones when doing a series about a character that is so well known and beloved when it comes to the comic book world. Maybe later in the series, they delve more into the overall lore of Supes and introduce more known allies and villains but for now, they seem to be keeping it contained. It is only 4 episodes so far, so who knows.


It's no Smallville... but I watched this on TV when it first aired. I loved it then, and still love it now ... if not quite as much as I used to. I think this was a more family oriented version ... whereas Smallville was oriented to a slightly more mature crowd!

Patrick - Excelsior

This show followed the "feel' of Superman from the comics. Much more ACA, family friendly. While they did some changes, the always good vs always bad guy feel of the original comics is there. Smallville is really more of a Superboy story with a modern darker twist. One thing they changed from the comics is Perry White's obsession with Elvis Presley. He went from "Great Caesar's ghost!" to "Great shades of Elvis" lol. Even SUperman can't compete with the King.