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Tier Updates???

  • Make the change: Have only 1x01 episodes at the $2 tier and move everything to $7. 44
  • Keep it the same: Any Patron selected content should stay at $2. 11
  • 2024-07-24
  • 55 votes
{'title': 'Tier Updates???', 'choices': [{'text': 'Make the change: Have only 1x01 episodes at the $2 tier and move everything to $7.', 'votes': 44}, {'text': 'Keep it the same: Any Patron selected content should stay at $2.', 'votes': 11}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 24, 10, 21, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 55}


Since I am going to be updating links, again.

Now's the time to ask you what you'd think about the tiers changing slightly.

I had the idea of making only pilots at the $2 tier and 1x02 of every show onwards would be at the $7 tier a while back.

I had mixed responses back then but I'd like to float the idea by you guys again to see how you feel about it now.

For example,

Currently, Person Of Interest 1x01 - 1x23 are available at the $2 tier as it was selected by a Patron.

Potential Idea: Person Of Interext 1x01 will stay at the $2 tier and 1x02-1x23 will be at the $7 tier.

There would be less things at the $2 tier, but things that were previously not at the $2 tier will be there as well, such as 1x01 of The Flash.

Shows like The Good Place where I reacted to two episodes per reaction, 1x01 and 1x02 would be at the $2 tier and the rest would be at $7.

Currently the $2 tier is becoming more valuable than any other tier due to the amount of content it gets from Patron selections and I don't earn a lot from it being $2.

I don't want to sound like I'm being greedy, the prices of living have gone up a lot recently and I need to find ways to accommodate that.

For example: my car insurance is $1,200 now so that's something I need to think about.

If you have any ideas, leave them in the comments :)

This is not me deciding, it's just an idea for now.

Please let me know why you voted for what you voted for.



The adjustment sounds fine if you think it's reasonable. I almost kind of wonder if you're under valuing it. I had been thinking about looking at what you're pilot their costs, because I assumed it was one of the more premium levels, what with you already reacting to so many things on a regular basis, and to fit something in on top of that, even for one or two episodes, to me sounds like a perk you wouldn't expect everyone to get. I clearly haven't looked closely at the tiers, as I'm poor and cheap, but like, the $5 tier or it might be $7, seems like that should be the entry point for your library of unedited and exclusive content, with maybe some very top exclusives. Rather than have too many tiers, $5 jump gets you the first three episodes of any hour long series, 5 or 6 of its a half hour. 6 seems like the obvious choice for a show half as long as the hour shows, but it's a lot of episodes; and for some shows that can be almost the full season, especially in this day. So a little discretionary.

Patrick - Excelsior

I think giving a the sampling for $2 is very generous. Most other reactors only give voting privileges at $2 and NO content. You are still offering a lot of stuff. As for those presently in that tier, you are giving greater variety even if less of each. But most of all, a girls gotta eat and feed the Smillow. Its justified for all you give and all you do.