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This was a pretty good episode. The pacing was much better than in previous episodes. It all flowed together nicely. We got some new information, and we helped someone. I think that UFO crash will come into play in the next couple of episodes. I didn't like how Michael said Maria would be better off dead, especially him doubling down on it this episode. I can understand that he might have felt vulnerable and isn't good at expressing his emotions, but it still felt off. He should have had a small exchange with Maria at the beginning, hilariously trying to apologize while failing miserably at it. I think they should have just told their parents in that Season 1 episode they wanted to tell them in because it’s way too late now, and they might have been helpful then. I don't like them finding out so late. I've been thinking... I wish the show had a more set vision of what they wanted to do. There are endless possibilities with this kind of show, and I don't feel like they are using it to its full potential. They could easily have 10-15 seasons of very unique stories and plot lines just with the basic premise of this show. (Not saying it needs that many, but three is just too short, in my opinion.) For example, I would love to see them start the show in high school. After a season, they could graduate and then move to a college campus. That could shake up the storytelling with a new location and give us new, interesting things to do with the setting. Then they could finish college in four seasons and move into adulthood after that, opening up a multitude of story possibilities. These are all very different stages of life that we could explore with these stories, and we could see them actually grow up. I don't think I've seen a show before that really explores multiple periods of someone's life. They are usually too scared to change anything about the show, so they just extend the story as long as possible. To me, this would make the show feel real, like I'm actually just watching someone's crazy life unfold. Since the show is about aliens, they could think of many different problems and storylines for these later stages of life. For example, what happens if Liz gets pregnant with Max's baby? We know what happens when two aliens have a baby but not when an alien and a human do. (I know they could technically do that storyline right now, but I was talking about a planned pregnancy.) Whoa, I'm sorry for rambling so much... I guess I just had a lot to say 😅. If this is too much, just tell me, and I can make sure to not write this much again. I'm gonna miss this show when it ends. It had many highs and lows, but it's still a really good show, in my opinion. At least we have Roswell, New Mexico next, which I'm also really excited for!


I agree with a lot of this. I always loved exactly where the story left off at the end of season 1 and there were so many interesting places they could take the story in season 2, but of course that's where they lost their way in cohesive storytelling in my opinion mostly because of The WB meddling with the writing and what they thought would draw ratings. The Evans parents definitely should have been told or figured out the secret in late season 1 or at some point in season 2.