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Brandon Wiesner

The episode was better than the last couple but yeah, they are taking awhile for the buildup.

Patrick - Excelsior

Sorry, behind again. 2x3 The tattoo that were poorly removed on Pilgrim's body are all White Supremist and Nazi symbols. I like this episode, reminds me of the movie "Assault On Precinct 13" 2x4 I 100% agree, in the comics Russo is FAR more disfigured. Here he still looks fairly normal. I was disappointed in this. Good episode though, I like they didn't drag out Amy finding out who Frank is. Yes, she is a horrible Doctor. She saw him beat 2 police officers near to death id not dead. Then he shows up covered in blood not his, he is a danger to others. He needs to be detained. 2x5 Damn, Amy charged a fortune on Madani's credit card. Of course she could try to file a false charge claim, but since the stuff got sent to her home, it might look bad. Pilgrim is not a priest, he is a pastor. Priest must taking college courses in history and philosophy. They are trained in psychology and attend religious classes in seminary school. He must be approved by the church diocese. A pastor is just a person that a group of church goers pick to be in charge of that church. The same as a minister. Turk is back. Pilgrim whipping his own back with a whip or belt, or self-flagellation, is an old technique that monks and some holy men used to do to "cleanse" the spirit. Oh Great, Russo has a fanboy. This show does not portray disabled vets very nicely. They show them all but one as vicious killers. Another good episode, the fight in the gym was kewl. 2x6 Amy's plan of dressing as a young girl to get access to a perv's house was also used in an vigilante movie. I do find Pilgrim a little bit intimidating. He is very mobster like., cold and calculating. He seems more dangerous to me than Russo.