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People often wonder if these replicators are somehow related to the ones that the Asgard dealt with for so long; however, the origin story of these replicators seems to differ from the one told to us on SG-1. In SG-1, the replicators started off as lego monsters that looked like spiders and were created by an Android named Reese. It was only when the lego monsters discovered and studied Reese's design did they learn to evolve and became human form replicators as a result. In this Atlantis episode however, I didn't see any spider-looking lego monster nor a mention of Reese when their origin story was being told. These replicators were directly created by the Ancients (in the Pegasus galaxy) in order to fight off the Wraith. HOWEVER, there remains one mystery that was never resolved on SG-1 that could link the two versions of the replicators: Who were the people that originally created Reese? We never got an answer to that question. We only know that the civilisation that created her were destroyed by the replicators. Given that we now know that the Ancients created these Pegasus replicators, it is also possible that the Ancients are the ones that created Reese all along. But who knows.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Using the gateroom set was probably a sneaky way to save on the budget since this episode uses some heavy VFX shots of a city going up into space and other stuff like that 2. I dunno if I agree with you about their reaction though ...Imagine stepping through the gate and ending up in a place that looks identical to the one you left from ....Their first thought WOULD. be if something went wrong and they just U-turned back to Atlantis ...Then they'd probably see the Asurans and perhaps the next thought would be Ancients? Here? Did we just time travel? ..Not uncommon in the Gateverse ...Although turning around and seeing that fuck off hallway ....That probably did the trick convincing them they weren't on Atlantis anymore 3. Mah dude really just said "Our destination is not much further" while walking through this long ass hallway ....We pan out for a shot of said hallway which is leading away from their city ....They've CLEARLY. only walked halfway to where-ever the fuck it is they're going ....Bish.. If this were me ....Call an Über ....I ain't walking that far 4. I wonder if your dad was excited to see Oberoth (the Asuran leader) ...He's an actor known for his role on MASH ....You might NOT. want to ask him though ...He might end up talking about the show and you'd get PTSD from when you heard the intro too many times 5. Kinda odd that the Asurans call the people from Atlantis "Lantians" ...We know by now that their race were called the Alterrans ....They keep giving them different names ....And I know ..I know ...They're from Atlantis ...So maybe it makes sense ...BUT... Even so ...Wouldn't their name be "Atlantians"?? The changing of the names is a bit ...Inconsistent ...But then again maybe it changed over millions of years 6. Yeeeeeeaaah... It'd be easy for the Asurans to GIVE. us a couple of ZPM's ...They make them! ...But then we'd all of a sudden have an OP. Ancient City Ship ...That's like loading into a game and having some admin come in who gives you all the cool stuff ...You'd miss part of the journey of figuring things out yourself (If that makes sense) 7. Ah ok... Convenient that Sheppards team was held in a cell VERY. close to the gateroom ...Kinda fucked they had to walk all that way to meet with the Asuran council but whatevs 8. I meaaaaaaan.. (yeah I know this is literally all in their head) ....But Weir just said something stupid "If they're able to come after us" ....Bish... You JUST. supposedly escaped from a world inhabited by "Ancients" ...People who POSSESS. the technology to make ZPM's AND. CLEARLY. have a City Ship .....I think we passed the point of doubt whether or not they're able to come after you ...I think the thing you SHOULD. be doubting is whether or not your ONE. ZPM would be enough to hold back a FULLY. POWERED. City Ship .....That'd be if the Asurans would even be interested in coming after us ....I feel they just consider us insignific.........Nope ..Here they come 9. You when Atlantis gets "attacked": "Why do I feel this is in their head?" ...HA! Quite literally Froots 10. I think McKay oversimplified the description of the Asurans to make the viewer understand what we're dealing with .....The Asurans aren't Replicators / Lego Monsters ....They didn't start off like little lego blocks as we're told later on in the episode ...And as far as we're aware they're also NOT. related to Cecile (from The Flash SG-1 episode) ....Their concept is very similar ...But the Asurans are on the same technological level as the Ancients (and thus even The Ori) themselves ....Hopefully this show kind of rehashing an old concept doesn't bother you that much cause not only would that be annoying but we might have just unlocked a new threat ...You asked when the show would bring in a enemy other than The Wraith ....This is it ...And given we're CAPABLE. of turning The Wraith into humans ...We kinda NEED. a new enemy ...Something that's ALSO. capable of BEING. a threat to us 11. Ok so McKay just said that in his mindprobe he got hideously and intimately violated ....And then Sheppard says to Asuran Guy after being told they're no longer being probed: "At least it was just our minds" ...McKay: "Oh don't make me sick" ....Exactly WHAT. happened to McKay!?!!? ......Actually ...I don't wanna know 12. Soooooooo... McKay found a way to take out their aggressive nature ...Which is ALL. they need to do ...But nah ...Let's stop them dead in their tracks while we're at it and give ourselves some time to blow up their city and escape?? ......Why not just STICK. to the original plan and turn the Asurans into good guys INSTEAD. of screwing them over?!?!? ....DAMMIT. we KEEP. making DUMBASS. decisions!! 13. Ok the Asuran ZPM hub either looks somewhat different or someone in the prop department decided to be lazy ....Cause we know from having seen the ZPM hub before that the ZPM's need to be inserted INTO the hub for them to function ...Yet all 3 of them are sticking out and are on full display ...That doesn't make sense ..Especially since they JUST. came out of hyperspace WHILE. everyone was frozen in place ...Nobody made those ZPM's come out ....And why would they?? They're in space! ...They NEED. those ZPM's INSIDE. the hub ...NOT. sticking out like that /nitpick 14. Also their dumbass plan is to overload a ZPM (which now turned into overloading 3 of them) ....Pretty fucking sure it's been stated before that blowing up a ZPM is insanely STUPID. and the explosion would be GHUGE! (Solar system GHUGE!) 15. Weird how Niam and his Asuran friends were freely able to talk with Sheppard about their plans to turn off their aggressiveness before and the others couldn't sense it ...Yet here he's being reset LIGHTYEARS. away from his homeworld 16. You: "We didn't really gain anything" ...I mean... We just made another enemy ...There's that ...But we do that kinda shit all the time in the Pegasus galaxy soooo... True I guess