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Just James

My god that was a struggle to get through (not you Shan you were great as always) This felt like a stories going nowhere filler episode, grandma having phone sex give me a break and no one at a frat party playing Foo Fighters there is only so BS I can believe. Ps what music would you have playing at a party?


1. Ok Froots... I'm sensing you just let out some repressed memory or something ...I can assure you ...I have NEVER. called ANY. of my teachers "mum" instead of miss ....That's a you thing I suppose 2. What would I hide inside a turkey as a prank for thanksgiving you ask? ....I dunno... A chicken?? ....A couple of eggs? ...Some candy?? ...Something that has ZERO. business inside a turkey yet wouldn't fuck up the food and would leave my guests confused as FUCK. 3. Froots... Read more carefully ...You stay fucking up you doof ...Skipped note: ....Aaaaaand sadly Max wasn't able to "cure" Samuel of his autism ....But y'know what would be sadistically funny ....If now Samuel would have ANOTHER. issue to deal with ...Like ...I dunno... A brain tumor ...Or having to get a restraining order 4. Yeeeeaaah true... Maria.. Make up your mind.. Guy's can't read signals ok? ...So telling him you want space AND. inviting him to hang out ...That's giving mixed signals ...Why don't girls understand that? 5. Kyle... You're practicing buddhism ...And yet you're saying you're craving a woman while holding some condoms in your hands ....People who follow the buddhist teachings prefer celibacy given that sexual desires are discouraged as they're considered a cause of suffering ....Sorry mah dude... But if you wanna keep up that buddhist way of life ...No sex for Kyle 6. I dunno Froots... I can see both sides in this are right ...Is it shitty for Liz's dad to keep her around at the Crashdown to work on new-years eve? ...Probably ...I'm sure for a girl her age it might suck to miss out on spending time with friends ...BUT... Life isn't all fun and games ...People need to work to survive ...Liz's dad is running a business and Liz is living under her dad's roof meaning she has to abide by his rules ...If that means she has to miss some parties ..So be it ...I remember my dad dragging me along during the weekends to sell computer stuff at some market somewhere across the border ...Liz COULD. do what I did and just refuse to work ...It made my dad think twice about dragging me along ...Might work for Liz too 7. Really??? Kyle had this nice black sports car to drive around in and Isabel turned it into this ugly yellow looking shit cause she "didn't want to get caught"??? ....Yeah sure ...Cause a bright ass yellow car doesn't stand out like sore thumb 8. Oooooohh heeeeeeellll to the naawwww ....They did NOT. cast this OLD. BAT. and have her point out some old geezers at a table and have her claim they're her parents ....Bish.. She looks JUST. as old as them!! ...I've seen some casting mistakes before but THIS.... THIS!?!? .....This shit right here?!?! ....This shit!??! ...They fucked UP! 9. Yeeeeah what the fuck was that!? ....Kyle hits on some girls ...Their boyfriends come in and tell Kyle off and they take their girlfriends with them ....One of the girlfriends blows Kyle as kiss as she walks away?!?! .....Dude... Red flag! (opportunity missed) 10. Nope... I don't agree there Froots... You say that maybe it is a little bit Michael's fault that they're in this situation after Maria complained that she keeps getting roped into alien stuff... Disagreed ...It is ENTIRELY. on Maria that this is happening ...SHE. invited Michael after SHE. told him she wanted some space ...If she didn't want to end up in this situation then SHE. SHOULDN'T. have given him mixed signals by inviting him ...That's on her and HER. alone 11. Liz's Dad REAAAAALLLY. needs to make up his mind about Max ....I'm getting whiplash from all this bullshit ...Also we've got 8 episodes left ....Let's move on from this will they won't they crap already ...added later... Ok the dad's new years resolution is giving people 2nd chances ....Aight ...Let's hope that sticks 12. Ok... Not sure how the hell this tradition came to be ....Hey guys... Y'know what would be a cool idea?? ...What if we dressed up a cactus with some paper cutouts of some alien heads and then set that fucker on fire at midnight? ....GHWAT!?!? ...Whoever came up with this "new-years tradition" must've been really bored or really high ...Or both 13. Oh crap... Kyle... Mah dude... You CAN'T be falling in love with Isabel ...She's got a ring on that finger 14. You telling Liz off after Isabel, Jesse and Kyle come into the Crashdown the next morning and she doesn't wish them a happy new year: "The first thing you should be saying is Happy New-Year!" ......Why?? ...I dunno about you Froots ...But my rule... If you're not around during new years eve and I haven't wished you a happy new year either in person or through text... Then you're not important to me and I will most decidedly not be wishing you a happy new year the next day 15. Remember Froots ...This took place in 2002 ...Music preferences were different back then ...You've got an issue with the music being played at the frat party ...But you were bordering on turning 7 back then ...There's a big chance that type of music was considered normal ...Especially at a fraternity house filled with douchenozzles ....I suppose if it was a sorority house then they'd be playing the more popular stuff though