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Welcome to May Movie Madness!

During the whole month of May, there will be ONE movie reaction EVERY single day.

“But Shannan, there’s 31 days this month…” 

Yes, and there will be 31 movies this month.

“What can we expect reaction wise?”

There are a lot of different franchises in store. I only picked one movie from most franchises or trilogies. There are action films, comedies, animated films and even some scary stuff. Hopefully there is something for everyone.

“Is there going to be a Star Wars movie as it’s May?”

Indeed there is. May the 4th will have one Star Wars film.

“What kind of order will the movies be in?”

Tony and I spent several hours trying to work out the best way to have these be released and decided to have some fun with it.

Every single movie is connected to each other by one actor. May 1st movie will have an actor in it that is in May 2nd’s movie. Then there is an actor from May 2nd that will be in May 3rd. We’re hoping that there might be some kind of game going on of people trying to work out what movie will be next.

“What time will these release?”

The movies will be scheduled to be posted at 9PM AEST. (My time, sorry work out your own time zones :P)

“What tier do I need to be at to see these movie reactions?”

The movies will be at the $10 movie tier.

Are you excited? Let me know.

And start speculating what movies you think might be part of this one month long event.

I'll give you a head start, the first film will be Men In Black.



I hope you also watch the rest of the scream franchise!!!

Brandon Wiesner

Wow, a movie a day. That will be a packed month. Looking forward to this!