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Another good episode. It seems like its alot of set up for whats to come! Lets see where this goes! Ok i feel very stupid, i could have swore the walking dead was friday. Just ignore my dumbass 😂 I remember liking andrea as a kid but didnt realize how annoying she can be. Shes so stubborn. Im unclear on your stance of Lori. Do you like her, hate her or just think shes ok? Not my favorite character but i understand alot of her reasons for doing what she does. Youre doing so much better with zombies! A guy got his face eaten off and you till continued watching! Great job! Yeah lori sounded manipulative but honestly im glad bc she needs to get him taken care off. Hes off the walls and needs to leave or die, i dont care which. Im excited to see rick confront shane about all this.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. I suppose it was a pretty big deal that Rick shot Rumple's son ....Not just for the fact that now he's made a powerful enemy ...But yeah.. He was a human and so was his friend ....But I'm sure that this is the first of many non-walker related kills ....You do what you have to to survive 2. Aight nice job Lori.... And I'm not talking about fighting both of those walkers off although you did good THERE. ....Turns out you hopped in a car to go fetch Rick and you DIDN'T tell anyone you were going??? ....One step forward ...Two steps back 3. I feel like this scene wouldn't work out well for Rick, Glenn and Hershell in a real life situation ...They're all 3 basically sitting up against the door of the bar and Rick is yelling at the guys outside who are looking for their friends .....What is stopping these guys from firing their guns through the door?? ....This takes place in Murica ...Walls and doors are thin as FUCK. ....Rick, Glenn and Hershell would be super-dead if those guys decided to shoot a bit lower ...They wouldn't be able to shoot back in time 4. Oooookkey... And then they decide to shoot the window out of the door???? They legit JUST. said they thought someone was holding the door shut (Glenn) ....CLEARLY. they couldn't SEE. Glenn through the window ...That means only ONE. logical conclusion to be gathered here ...Aim low ....These guys are stupid 5. Aight I can hear the audio crackle when I use my headphones ...It's the episode ...Sadly the audio is a tiny bit messed up but the recording is fine .....IF. this keeps up then I'll get a new batch for the rest of Season 2 (I briefly checked 2x10 and didn't notice anything ...I downloaded every season of the entire TWDverse separately so any following season SHOULD. be ok ...But regardless the issue sounds minor since I could only hear it with headphones on and with the volume UP. 6. Welp.... If Lori wants confirmation that Shane can't be trusted like Dale said ....Shane just told her Rick was back at the farm .....So if Rick isn't back by the time they too arrive at the farm then she SHOULD. know Dale isn't just making shit up 7. Yeeeaaah... Daryl is lashing out cause he couldn't save Sophia ....It's ok mah dude ...You TRIED. ...Don't be so hard on yourself 8. Aaaaaand the truth is out ...Shane is lying son of a... And yeah you're right ...This isn't the first time he lied about Rick 9. Carl to Lori: "I wasn't scared" .....Oh really?? Cause I saw you earlier holding your mouth while you started crying when you found out your mommy went off by herself ...added later... Don't believe me Carl?? Check out the edit you little shit! Yeah that's right ...I replayed that scene just for you! (Cause nobody will comment about it.. C'mon.. Who are we kidding?) 10. Shane to Andrea: "I should've left with you when I had the chance" ...You: "You still can" ....YEAH! ...There's SEVERAL. cars there ...They can both fuck off and NOBODY. would miss them! (Except for some weird people in the comments on YouTube for SOME. reason) 11. Is that snakes in the background while Lori is telling Rick that Shane said Rick can't protect them? .....This scene almost comes off as some (and I cringe saying it) sort of Adam & Eve and the snake kinda thing .....The way Lori is whispering in Ricks ear about what Shane said .....It's veryyyyyy ...I dunno ...They definitely made the scene come off that way I think