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Okay i have two seperate things to say. 1st off we can hate Shane all we want but the truth is if Shane never did what he did opening that barn then they would of never found out Sofia was in that barn. Jon Bernthals acting in that scene was phenomenal...also just have to say with all this talk about you looking like Beth, you reacting today i just dont see it "that" much BUT if you look at your very very first reaction here on your Buffy season 1 episode 1, damn you and beth could of passed for twins lol


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Yeah Hershell telling Rick that his people needed to keep away from the barn was a bit of a throw-away line so you'd only notice it on a re-watch (or in my case the edit) ....It's understandable that you didn't pick up on it 2. You are VERY. correct there Froots ...Women are complicated as FUCK. ...I can say that from personal experience... Dealing with one on a daily basis is rough sometimes ...I've known her for almost 5 full years and while I have perfected my way of understanding her mumbling (and she mumbles quite frequently) ....The actions she takes and some of the things she says do still sometimes make me question her sanity or rather lack there-of ...But... I too am 2 fries short of a happy meal ....So it works and I'm proud to call that person my bestie (uncomfortable enough for you? ...good) 3. Glenn to the group: "Sooo... Ehmm.. Guys? ....The barn is full of walkers" ....JEEEEEBUS Glenn... Mah dude... Are you autistic??? There was ZERO. tact behind that reveal ....You didn't ease them into anything ...Just BAM! ...There's the info ..Deal with it ...added right after typing... Ok apparently I accidentally rewound the episode just a tiny bit cause the next time I hit play ...NOBODY. fucking cared??? ...They just kept eating for a few seconds before Glenn delivered his "shocking!" reveal again 4. Rick to Hershell: "We found the barn" .....Nice job detective ...I mean... I feel like it was pretty out in the open for everyone to see ...But hey.. Good job?? .....Joking aside ...I feel like the line should have been "We found out what's inside the barn" ...But maybe that's just me 5. Rick made a good point... Back in the pilot he saw a half cut off walker crawling around ....Hell.. Even last episode Maggie saw a walker still semi-functioning after Glenn cut his head off .....Hershell is more than likely kidding himself with the whole hope for a cure thing and there's PLENTY. of proof out there that says his family is beyond saving ....If he can't believe Rick or his group ....Why not go ask his own daughter? 6. Yeah I'm just gonna assume that either Rick, Lori and Shane already discussed things oooorrrrr they're taking time to think about things ....It's kinda weird that we're not following up on last weeks events and instead are focussing our attention on the barn ...added right after... Oh ok I guess Shane now knows about the pregnancy 7. The stick with the lasso on it was a pretty logical conclusion to make when it came to putting those walkers into the barn ....A lot more logical than capturing them with pokéballs Froots 8. Good job Dale... "Are you gonna shoot me? Like you shot Otis?" .....Shane didn't even deny it ....Old man has proof now ....Sadly I doubt anybody will believe him 9. I CAN'T disagree with Shane on wanting to do something about the walker situation and CAN'T blame him either for forcing Hershell out of his delusions ...While I agree that Shane SHOULD. have waited for Rick.. Since Rick is the leader ....But ....Yeah... I honestly CAN'T blame Shane ...Hershell needed to learn.. And stubborn people sometimes need a bit of an extra push ...Even if that sounds harsh and/or if it'll hurt ....I'm NOT. against using the hard way of making a stubborn person understand they are delusional 10. That said... He was too aggressive towards other people ..Namely Carol ..Yelling at her that her little girl was gone ....Could've done without that 11. Did you see that though?? Everyone started shooting the walkers ...Glenn however paused and went "Maggie?" .....Guy was asking permission before jumping in to stop the walkers... Cause he knew these were her family and friends before they died ...That was actually sorta sweet 12. One thing about this end scene is also interesting to see ....Rick's group has ZERO. issue taking out walkers ...But NOBODY. but Rick himself was brave enough to step up and put a bullet in Sophia ...Not even Shane with his big mouth ....That dude just stood there in shock after he claimed earlier that Rick wasn't built for this kinda world ...Turns out someone doesn't know their best friend all that well 13. Beeteedubs... Another thing worth pointing out ....The thumbnail for 2x07 has Sophia on it and it's NOT. obscured with the usual bunny png to hide a zombie ...That is a step forward Froots ...Proud of you