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Spread Chapter 2: The Motion Comic just dropped! And damn it's sexy! It's a lot longer than the first one. You'll love it. I put a lot of work into it, and it's laid the foundation for future Motion Comics (HB, LTM, New Breed). Thank you for all your patience! Now, on to the next task! 

This month, because of the delay, I'll be releasing 2 episodes of Hell Beckons. Yay!

Also, we'll be getting another Motion Comic, likely The Last Christmas.

Some more pages from The Remote and finally Demon Daughter.

And at the end of the month I'll get to Rawly Rawls' 'A Spell Cast Poorly'.

I'm going to try and do a short Halloween special too if I have time... I'll do a poll in a minute to decide what that is.

Thank you all so so much! 😍 Let's get to work! 



Oh, motion comic of The Last Christmas !! You have my vote, man !! And even an upgrade of my patreon !! 💕💕💕


too much things & promises .... focus on HB in my opinion


HB would be nice. :)


"Hell Beckons will have a page-by-page release over the next few days " Hey Jack whats up, its a week later and we got nothing so far. :/


the same old stories: too much promisese and projects .... focus on HB, finish it and after start another project


My main mission is to make 12 episodes of HB a year. How I plan to do it and how I do it, changes. But I WILL do 12 a year. And I need other projects to stay fresh and keep to bills paid.


Any News about HB?


Any update on HB?


Been following you since the early days of Lovely Mutation, Spread is erotic genius, such a good blend of elements, I hope to see TG in the future.