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Rough previews! Hell Beckons will have a page-by-page release over the next few days until its release. And because it's coming late in the month, I'll be moving IMMEDIATELY onto episodes 26 at the very beginning of next month.




Hi Jack, Are those veins on Caitlin's forehead, or is that some kind of jewelry?


So, what happened this time? We're already in October and aside from the preview, nothing. So much for "page by page ... over the next few days". Dude, it really is better to under- rather than over-promise. I really like your artwork, but I'm here basically just for Hell Beckons and I don't feel as though I'm getting my money's worth. I've been sticking it out hoping the release schedule firms up, but patience is running thin.


Im definitely sorry. But that’s my way. I tell people what Im going for and attack attack attack. Its a big reason why I produce so much. Because I reach for a lot. Quality at high volume is my main goal. But I understand, I really do. Let me just say that you’ll be happy this week and this month in whole. ;)


Sure, I get it. But, from the other side, being told "all this great stuff is coming" and then having nothing released, puts a bad taste in donors' mouths. It happens quite often. Maybe you need to do a poll to find out what the audience wants most, make that product the priority each month (and stick with the schedule) and then have the rest be nice surprises when or if they show up. As a major fan of Hell Beckons, I'm willing to take my chances on losing out to some other product, if it could mean we would finally get a consistent release of something.


Thx DK, i agree with you. Helle Beckons is the main reason I follow Jack. And it seems to me that HB is being put aside more and more.


Same. I've been here off and on for a while just for HB and more and more pprojects have started. I like the desire for increased variety, but a bit less for more consistent goal setting would be awesome. I'd stay subbed full time if so. Tbh, I like Jack's work enough that I still want to commission something eventually, after HB and Demon Daughter reach completion.


I agree with both of you - same reason for me. And the "week(s)" often take up to three weeks in real time.


Somedays, when I've worked my ass off for the last "3 weeks", I wonder if people reason just how hard I work and how much content I make. It all works out in the end (for example 2 episodes of HB this month). 😃


Is that a jar she is holding or something else?


If promises aren’t kept this month I’m out. I love HB, but I’ve decided reliability and honest communication are more important to me than anything else. Too many other creators do this well to keep paying for stuff that isn’t delivered as promised.


Thanks for your thoughts and support! (Demon Daughter might be completed soon enough, but HB will likely go for awhile). ☺


I work 11 hours a day on all this and I never take vacations. Come on now. With how much I produce and keeping up with about 12 HB a year (in addition to ALL the rest, including Motion Comics, Audio Dramas)... I think I've earned something there. But.... if I don't keep pace this month (which won't happen) and you still don't think I've earned your support... I hear you and I truly wish you well. I'll always be here though, workin' away. 😉


I don’t see people asking for motion comics of already released content or audio clips. Maybe focus on the desired content like HB instead of dragging people around. Just a simple ask to follow through with anything you said would happen. Transparency goes along way and there really isn’t any. I cancelled, as waiting for excuses, delays or spoiler previews and content immediately before the end of the month is a slap in the face to supporters.


I hear ya. I’ll be here, working my butt off, making 12 episodes of HB a year, making crap loads of other content. And yes, I get tons of ongoing messages of people enquiring about all sort of projects, not just HB. I spend most of the day working, I reach out when I know something is up, and I do what I can to address the issue when the unexpected happens. I’m a hard working perfectionist. I’m more interested in completing quality content, rather than mince words. Do you realize how uncommon it is for a creator to release this much on their own? Most of them re TOO chatty and could create A LOT more if they hard a better work ethic. I feel like folks would complain less if release 6 episode of HB a year (instead of 12), releasing 1/2 an episode a month, and talked everyday about how hard I work. This will likely be the last time I address this for awhile, as I already feel like I have taken too much time away from… we’ll, HB. But, Im sorry to see you go. As alway, I’ll be here working away, and welcome you to return whenever you deem Im worth it again.